William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 6-30-16

What's the LD50 test? It was how toxicity was ranked until people came to believe that it was cruel to animals.
They wouldn’t have used this on dogs, right? Right??

What’s the LD50 test? It stands for “lethel dose 50 percent.”  It was how toxicity was ranked until people came to believe that it was cruel to animals.

It’s based on how much venom is needed to kill 50 percent of a test population of animals.

LD50 –William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 6-30-16

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 6-28-16

The shortest escalator in the world is the puchicalator in Kawasaki, Japan. It's five steps. And they are descending steps. You can also call it the most useless escalator in the world.The shortest escalator in the world is the puchicalator in Kawasaki, Japan. It’s five steps. And they are descending steps. You can also call it the most useless escalator in the world.

Shortest escalator William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 6-28-16

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 6-27-16

The last use of the death penalty in Germany occurred on June 26, 1981. It was done with a handgun fixed with a silencer. It occurred in the then Soviet satellite of East Germany.

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 6-27-16