William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 8-28-15

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 8-28-15 The toughest critter on earth is not the honey badger or the wolverine but something called the tardigrade. The tardigrade holds the record for surviving the highest temperature by a living thing at 151 C (303.8 F) and the lowest which is -273 C (-459.4 F) which is a touch above absolute zero.

The toughest critter on earth is not the honey badger or the wolverine but something called the tardigrade. The tardigrade holds the record for surviving the highest temperature by a living thing at 151 C (303.8 F) and the lowest which is -273 C (-459.4 F) which is a touch above absolute zero.

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 8-22-15

Life expectancy in 14th century William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 8-22-15

The life expectancy in 14th century Europe  reached less than 20 years old in some cities. It was the time of the Black Death and rather serious famines. It was when global warming ended and global cooling started.

Life expectancy in 14th century
Life expectancy in 14th century

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 8-20-15

Among the lesser-known works by the great composer Mozart was Leck mich im Arsch. The literal translation is "lick me in the ass" and is similar in meaning to the American "kiss my ass". It was directed at Goethe. Among the lesser-known works by the great composer Mozart was Leck mich im Arsch, or in English "lick me in the ass". In American, it would translate to "kiss my ass". It was directed at Goethe.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. He told Goethe to Leck mich im Arsch

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 8-20-15

Among the lesser-known works by the great composer Mozart was Leck mich im Arsch,  or in English  “lick me in the ass”.  In American, it would translate to  “kiss my ass”.  It was directed at Goethe.

Leck mich im Arsch

Here is how it sounds: