February 27 2014 Omnibit by William Lawrence Sr

February 27 2014 Omnibit by William Lawrence Sr

Dorothy Hayer says children and watches must not be constantly wound up. You must let them run, too.

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February 26 2014 Omnibit by William Lawrence Sr

February 26 2014 Omnibit by William Lawrence Sr

Woodrow Wilson, the only doctor of philosophy ever elected president, could not read until he was 11 years old.

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February 25 2014 Omnibit by William Lawrence Sr

February 25 2014 Omnibit by William Lawrence Sr.

Yes Robert James, Abraham Lincoln did say that General Ambrose E. Burnside, “Is the only man who can snatch defeat from certain victory.” Burnside was the chap who popularized sideburns.

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February 24 2014 Omnibit by William Lawrence Sr

February 24 2014 Omnibit Trivia by William Lawrence Sr.

If all the oil and gas wells drilled in the United States between 1970 and 1985 were laid end to end, they would reach to the moon and back more than twice.

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February 22 Omnibit by William Lawrence Sr

February 22 2014 Omnibit Trivia by William W. Lawrence Sr.

Q. What was the name of the Wright Brothers first airplane?
A. “The Bird of Prey”.

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Omnibit Trivia 2-18-14

Omnibit Trivia 2-18-14 by William W. Lawrence Sr.

Sinclair Lewis, the first American to win the Nobel Prize for literature, was once fired by an editor who called him an incompetent writer.

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Presidents Day Omnibit Trivia 2-17-14

Presidents Day Omnibit Trivia 2-17-14 by William W. Lawrence Sr.

The federal holiday celebrated on the third Monday in February is not officially called Presidents’ Day, but rather Washington’s Birthday.

There was an attempt in 1968 to officially name it Presidents’ Day, which died in committee.

Many states, however, choose to call their own celebration on this day “Presidents’ Day.”

Of course, his real birthday is Feb. 22.

Unless, you consider that the calendar which was in effect in the British Empire at the time of the his birth in 1731 was the Julian which would make in Feb. 11.

Britain switched to the Georgian Calendar in 1752 hence his birthday is considered to be Feb. 22.

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Presidents Day Omnibit Trivia 2-17-14