Omnibit 7-6-2013

World champion Jamaican sprinter Yohan Blake eats 16 bananas a day. Yohan Blake eats 16 bananas a day

Michael Arnstein, the reigning champion of the Javelina Jundred ultramarathon, eats an all fruit diet. It costs him $200 a day.

Arnstein should talk to Blake. It would save him some money.

Hat tip Outside Magazine.

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 7-6-2013 Yohan Blake eats 16 bananas a day

Omnibit Of The Day

Thomas Jefferson was the author of the Declaration of Independence and he was picked for the job by John Adams.

Adams died in Quincy, Mass. on the document’s 50th anniversary. When told it was the Fourth, he replied  “It is a great day. It is a good day.”

A short time later he passed. His last words were reportedly  “Thomas Jefferson survives.”

Jefferson, however, had died several hours earlier in Virginia.

Omnibit Of The Day

No, Christopher Anthony, don’t bother to ask your green grocer for a fruit from the jackfruit tree. The sweet fruit weights over 100 pounds — making it the world’s largest tree fruit. They are popular in India and Sir Lanka.

–William W. Lawrence Sr.

Blessed Virgin Mary Born May 1, 22 BC

Blessed Virgin Mary Born May 1, 22 BC — Reader Tom C writes that a friend who was a Biblical scholar once told him that the Blessed Virgin Mary was born on May 1, 22 BC and died on May 13, 42 AD at the age of 64 most likely in  Ephesus which is now part of Turkey.

He says she would have been  16 years old at the birth of Jesus.


Blessed Virgin Mary Born May 1, 22 BC

Omnibit Of The Day

The diamond engagement ring tradition was started by Archduke Maximillian of Austria in 1477 when he slipped a diamond ring on the third finger of Mary of Burgundy’s left hand. Over 80 percent of first-time brides now receive a diamond engagement ring.