Establishment Wants Two Americas

Establishment Wants Two Americas — That the establishment wants two Americas is the only explanation. One would be poor, frightened and dependent, the other would be themselves and living safe and at leisure.

Christopher Orlet, who spent two years living in the inner city, wrote a wonderful yet painful to read article for The American Spectator about the culture of poverty. He says:

The culture of poverty is many things. Actually it is an accumulation of things. Having one of those things doesn’t necessarily mean you are part of that culture. One characteristic of the culture of poverty is the single-parent household. But there are many middle class and even upper class (though fewer) single-parent households that are doing just fine. That is because they have resources unavailable to the poor. Like savings. Lawyers. Reliable transportation.
But if you are a single parent with multiple children by multiple fathers, and a high school dropout, with a record, then chances are you are part of that culture. If you move to a new rental every six months, yanking your kids out of school after school, and if you do drugs in front of your children, and sell your food stamps for cash, then chances are you are part of that culture. If you are 20 years old, living with your grandmother, with no interest in ever getting a job, or getting married, or doing much of anything, chances are you are part of that culture. If you do not have a kitchen table, but you do have a big flat screen TV, and when the social worker comes to visit someone yells, “The social worker is here, go get the light bulb,” then chances are you are part of that culture.

See anybody trying to change it? Sure, but they are the Sarah Palins of the world and the Ted Cruz’s and the Rick Perrys and the Rush Limbaughs. The people who are actually care about these people are the ones the establishment attacks as uncaring. It’s the ones who don’t see skin color as an impediment to success and happiness but rather culture and mores who are attacked as racists.

Persons of any skin can end up living lives of permanent despair, it should be noted. Maybe that’s the intent. It should scare you.

Establishment Wants Two AmericasAnd who is this establishment anyway? Some guy who owns a car dealership or a pizza shop? An accountant who goes to work in a suit? The local lawyer or doctor?

Don’t be silly. The ones that set the agenda are the ones that control the old media, the entertainment industry and the educational system. They’re supported by those who run places like Goldman Sachs and Brown Brothers Harriman.

It wouldn’t be that hard to change the culture. Once upon a time the vast majority of black kids were born into two parent households.
But rather than being condemned, the ghetto is romanticized in music and film. “The dawg” with a lot of ladies is praised as is the single sassy mom who needs no man. The drug dealer is just a businessman. About the only taboo is to be a “snitch”.

The establishment tells white boys that all you need is tat to make you worthy of approval. White girls get to watch their one-time Disney heroes become sex jokes all while being encouraged to emulate them.

Without love, nobody cares. Without anybody caring there is none to challenge those who lust for power.
Those that do care have a fight on their hands. May God grant us strength.

Hat tip Ed Driscoll at

Establishment Wants Two Americas

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