Pa. Wind Turbines Destroying Environment

Bats, as scary as they are to some, are one of the more useful mammals in creation. The diets of those species common in Pennsylvania consist of mosquitoes and other insect pests including the ones that damage crops.

A colony of 100 brown bats can consume of a quarter-million insects in a single night. Science magazine has estimated the pest control service provided by bats can save farmers about $74 per acre.

Well, the unattractive wind turbines built at the hectoring of  the nature worshipers who’ve managed to convince most that they are the arbiters of all dogma scientific are turning out to be a bit of an environmental disaster.

The 420 wind turbines in use in Pennsylvania  killed 10,000 bats last year.

The plans call for 2,900 turbines to be placed in the state by 2030 so figure on 72,000 less bats per year by then and 180 million more bugs.

And a lot more expensive tomatoes.

Meanwhile, nuclear power, which is probably the most environmentally friendly energy source, is constantly vilified by the nature worshiping pseudo-scientists and fear mongers with the talent to make you forget about a 9 magnitude earthquake and a 30-foot tsunami if a nuclear power plant can be blamed for something.

If the citizens of this nation don’t learn to turn a deaf ear to them we are going to find ourselves walking five-miles to work as their gardeners and bean pickers while living in thatched roofed huts.

One thought on “Pa. Wind Turbines Destroying Environment”

  1. Hypocrisy is alive and well and living in the environmental movement! Don’t even mention the pollution involved in the manufacture of wind turbines (as well in those trendy little Prius’s so popular with the Greens).

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