Barack Obama Wins Cy Young Award

Barack Obama Wins Cy Young Award — It’s been quite a year for the young man from Illinois (or Hawaii or Kenya or wherever).

Inaugurated as president of the United States on Jan. 20; feats in his first 12 days to garner him a Nobel Peace Prize nomination by the Feb. 1 deadline; beating 204 other worthy nominees to win the award — and its sweet 10 million Swedish kronor — on Oct. 9; and now to cap it off he has been named National League Cy Young Award winner for his performance in this year’s All Star game.

Take that those of you who say he throws like a girl.

The New York Times has asked that the awarding of the Heisman and Super Bowl MVP trophies be moved to December so he can win those as well this year.  Megadittos, I say!! Megadittos!

Tip of the hat to Bob McCarty.

Barack Obama Wins Cy Young Award

Steve Cordasco Rolling Stone Goldman Sachs

Steve Cordasco Rolling Stone Goldman Sachs — I heard  Steve Cordasco discussing on his Sunday morning show on WPHT 1210 AM articles by Matt Taibbi appearing in Rolling Stone magazine describing the disconcerting influence the bank holding company, Goldman Sachs Group Inc. has on our economy and our political system, including that — maybe especially  that — of the Obama administration..

One of the articles, Inside The Great American Bubble Machine, can be found here.

Steve Cordasco Rolling Stone Goldman Sachs

Why Won’t The Daily Times Use Her Name?

The Delaware County Daily Times won’t use the name of the woman who blind attorney John Peoples alleges took advantage of his handicap by overcharging his credit card when he used it to pay her for sex.

Why not? She’s Ginger Dayle. She’s right there in U.S. District Judge Edmund V. Ludwig’s decision dismissing People’s complaints against Discover Financial Services alleging the corporation didn’t live up to its agreement to protect him from fraud.

She’s on the the internet. All the world can see it.

Ms. Dayle, fyi,  says she is a fitness instructor and has counter-sued Peoples alleging him of making improper sexual advances.

Regardless, there doesn’t seem to be any dispute that Ms. Dayle in October and November of 2007 charged Peoples’ card 10 times for $1,100 and once for $1,600 which is pretty high for fitness instruction of whatever sort.

While Discover is off the hook, the suits between Peoples and Ms. Dayle were thrown out on a jurisdictional matter and can still proceed in state court.

Why Won't The Daily Times Use Her Name?

Why Won’t The Daily Times Use Her Name?

House Dems Vote For $1 Billion In New Taxes

The State House restarted the budget process last night by voting, 103-98, to resolve matters with $1 billion in new taxes. The vote was pretty much on party lines with Republican Dennis O’Brien joining the Democrats to vote for the taxes and Democrats John Pallone and Joe Petrarca joining the Republicans to vote nay.

Thanks to Government Bytes and Nathan Benefield for the tip.

Something to ponder: have things really been so bad without a budget? Maybe we will get lucky and they will never pass one. Status quo is better than new taxes.

Did you hear about the graffiti in Iran? Of course, you didn’t.

Anti-government graffiti is appearing in Iran. Did you see it in the old media?

The link shows messages scrawled  on a wall in University of Tehran social science department lambasting the ayatollahs for sending money to support terror movements in Gaza and Lebanon.

Joe’s Missing Too Many Votes Says Arlen

Sen. Arlen Specter (Former Republican) is saying the man who is running against him in Pennsylvania’s May 18 Democratic Primary is missing too many votes.

Congressman Joe Sestak (D-7) has missed 122 votes or nearly 17 percent of his total this year Arlen said in a news release. Arlen says he sent a letter to Joe in which he says “It’s okay to want to campaign full time for a promotion to the U.S.
Senate but it’s wrong to continue to do it on the taxpayer’s dime –
they deserve better, they deserve a full time Congressman. Serve or
quit – it’s that simple.”


In fairness to Joe, it’s not like he’s flying to party in Copenhagen while ducking phone calls from our generals in Afghanistan.

Arlen will be appearing at a campaign rally in Bucks County 5-7 p.m., this afternoon with Vice President Joe Biden and Congressman Pat Murphy, who has missed just 6 votes in the 111th Congress.

The goods news is that Arlen and Joe have both fallen behind Pat Toomey — a man not driven by ego — in the polls.

Thanks to GrassrootsPa. com for the tip

How Capitalism Has Harmed Michael Moore

Filmmaker Michael Moore has just released the movie “Capitalism: A Love Story” and conservatives are outraged.

The movie apparently rakes our economic system over the coals and the plutocrats point out that the multi-millionaire auteur has done quite will by it.

But has he? Has he really done well under our system?

If he lived in North Korea do you think he would he be anywhere near as obese?

FYI, Moore apparently used non-union stage hands to make the film.

Is Budget Deal Dead?

The Commonwealth Foundation is reporting that House Democratic leaders are saying they don’t have enough votes to pass the Pennsylvania budget.

If true, the deal is dead and things go back to square one.

Is Budget Deal Dead?

Reason 1001 Why Global Warming Is Bunk

An agreement was reached, yesterday, to remove four dams on the Klamath River on the California/Oregon boarder and restore a 300-mile migratory route for salmon.

So while we can count on China and Mexico supplying us with the lost food, what is going to replace the electricity? It will come from less insane states and be produced mostly be coal and natural gas plants which pump out greenhouse gases, especially the former.

So why aren’t those concerned about global warming screaming to save the dams? It’s because they really aren’t concerned about global warming.

IOW, it’s bunk.


Reason 1001 Why Global Warming Is Bunk

Americans Want Bills Online Before Vote

Americans Want Bills Online Before Vote — A new Rasmussen Reports national telephony survey shows that 83 percent of Americans think legislation should be posted online in final form and available for everyone to read before Congress votes on it sans emergencies. Six percent don’t and 10 percent aren’t sure.

So why doesn’t Congress?

Americans Want Bills Online Before Vote