Committee Ponders Cyber Harassment Bill

Cyber Harassment Bill — Members of the Pennsylvania House Judiciary Committee held a public hearing last week on legislation to make it a crime to use the Internet to harass a child, reports State Rep. Jim Cox (R-129).

House Bill 1163 would define cyber harassment of a minor as a crime in which a person uses any form of electronic communication with the intent to harass a child or post information on a social media network about a child such as: statements or opinions about the child’s sexuality or sexual activity; disparaging statements or opinions about the child’s physical characteristics, mental or physical health or condition; or threats about the use of unlawful harm.

The bill would classify cyber harassment of a child as a third-degree misdemeanor and would allow a case to be prosecuted in the location where the victim of the harassment resides.

Cyber Harassment Bill

Vote Democrat, Support Tyranny, Make War

Vote Democrat, Support Tyranny, Make War

Courtesy of  Aggie95 at

The Civil War was begun by Democrats angry at the election of the very first Republican president and afraid he would remove their right to own black men women and children who  fled the union ( the very first fleebaggers ).

WW I — Democrat president

WW II — Democrat president

Korean War — Democrat president

Vietnam  — first aid sent to the French by Harry Truman. Democrat John F. Kennedy committed troops on a significant scale and Democrat Lyndon Johnson  faked the Gulf of Tonkin incident to involve us in a full-scale war.

It was a Democrat (Truman) who became the first and only man to use nuclear weapons against humans — mostly civilians — twice

It  was a Democrat (FDR) who with Special Order 9066 imprisoned tens of thousands of American citizens based on race.

The very first Republican president freed the slaves. The very first Democrat president gave us the trail of tears

In all the Democrat wars we have about 1.2 million dead American
service men and women In all Republican wars less than 20,000.

Vote Democrat, Support Tyranny, Make WarWe will certainly grant that Aggie95 is  not trying to be fair  — albeit his claims are verifiable so we can’t accuse him of hyperbole — or take into account context, but this is certainly something to print out and put in your wallet for the next time some self-proclaimed caring “progressive” starts bringing up Republican sins. Or perhaps save to a text file for a Facebook discussion.

Vote Democrat, Support Tyranny, Make War

Why We’re Losing The War On Terror

Why we’re losing the war on terror.

By Chris Freind

In the 12 years since the 9/11 attacks, thousands of Americans have made the ultimate sacrifice, and trillions have been spent fighting overseas battles. But the hard truth is that the United States has thus far lost the foreign “War on Terror.”

What makes the sin mortal is that this was eminently preventable. But the failure to learn from history, combined with a lack of foresight and common sense, have allowed true victory to slip away. And in true bipartisan spirit, both parties have been equally incompetent.

Can America turn the tide? Of course, but since Washingtonians keep coming up with “new” ideas to solve our old Middle Eastern problems — code speak for recycled policy failures — it’s more likely that history will keep repeating itself, to the detriment of the West and the delight of radical fundamentalists.


Let’s review the most pronounced failures in post-9/11 foreign policy:

No Energy Independence: The most incomprehensible mistake after 9/11 was President Bush’s failure to understand what precipitated the attack, which left him unable to solve the problem. While he should have gone after bin Laden and the Taliban, the ultimate goal should have been withdrawing troops from the volatile Middle East — there because of America’s huge dependence on foreign oil — whose presence infuriated radical Muslims.

Doing so would obviously require America to once and for all become energy independent, easily accomplished by opening up America’s vast petroleum reserves, including the ANWR in Alaska, and lifting the offshore drilling moratorium imposed by the first President Bush. With an approval rating in the ’90s and substantial Republican majorities in Congress, winning the day on these crucial issues would have been a layup for George W. Bush, had he tried.

But he didn’t.

Iraq Quagmire: So Bush and Dick Cheney, both oilmen, instead chose to invade Iraq, a country that hadn’t attacked America, nor had any involvement in 9/11. Oil prices skyrocketed — bankrupting countless American companies and throwing the economy into chaos — while Big Oil made record profits. Thousands of American soldiers lost their lives, and hundreds of billions exited the Treasury, all for a war where “victory” was never defined.

Throwing fuel on the fire, the promise of Iraqi oil revenue rebuilding Iraq was a bust, and American taxpayers forked over $60 billion for that reconstruction, while American infrastructure continued to deteriorate at home.

So how’s Iraq doing after the American “liberation?’ Almost 80 percent of its oil now flows to China, creating a powerful Baghdad-Beijing partnership. And sectarian violence is everywhere, with 3,000 Iraqis killed in just the last few months, including 1,000 in July, the deadliest month since 2008. That chaos has allowed Iraq to become a haven for America’s enemies, which it was not prior to invasion. As a comparison, when Saddam Hussein was in control, there were virtually no car bombs nor terror attacks in Iraq.

So if what we’re seeing now is “victory,” what the hell is defeat?

Afghanistan: While hitting the Taliban and hunting Osama bin Laden were appropriate, we have stayed in-country far too long with no clear objectives. Now, American troops can’t even operate alongside Afghan forces because “friendly Afghanis” have routinely opened fire on our troops. With friends like that, who needs enemies?

Enabling Iran: The same neo-conservatives who led us to invade Iraq are back at it, demanding a strike on Iran to stop it from developing nuclear weapons.

The irony would be comical if not so tragic.

Any guesses why Iran didn’t have a bona fide WMD program before America engaged in Iraqi regime change? Simple. Iran and Iraq were mortal enemies, and their ongoing mutual hatred kept both countries in check; neither developed WMD’s because they were wholly consumed with killing each other.

But ignorant American leaders broke that stalemate in the name of “democracy” when they took out Hussein, destroying the critical balance of power. By taking out Iran’s archenemy, the U.S. gave Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad all the time and resources he needed to develop WMDs. Brilliant.

Democracy For Radicals: A constant in Middle Eastern countries is that large majorities view America with extreme contempt. Common sense tells us that, in a democracy, these people will always vote for fundamentalist governments reflecting that vitriolic mindset. So why do we constantly push that concept?

Democracy simply doesn’t work in many countries, and would certainly be counter-productive to American interests if it took hold in the Middle East. Yet president after president pursues that unwise goal, usually through regime change. The fact that it hasn’t worked should be a sign to change course, but instead, we continue full-steam ahead.

Iraq, Libya, Egypt and even Afghanistan have proven to be disastrous “experiments,” yet obtuse leaders like John McCain now want leadership change in Syria, despite no idea who would assume power. At least when the U.S. orchestrated the Iranian coup in 1953, it knew it was installing the Shah as leader. Since Assad is fighting al-Qaeda-affiliated Syrians, the odds of seeing a leader who doesn’t despise America? Less than zero.


In less than two decades, the United States has invaded two Middle Eastern nations and bombed seven, with plans to strike an eighth and possibly a ninth (Iran). Trillions have been spent and thousands of lives lost, yet radical fundamentalism keeps rising while America’s credibility continues to diminish.

It is not too late to right the ship, but it will take immense political will. A good starting point would be to reflect on the tragedy of 12 years ago, and remember the forgotten message. Eliminate dependence on the Middle East by becoming energy independent, stop playing policeman to the world, and start taking care of the ones who matter most: our own.

The thousands who gave their lives that day, and those who fell defending their honor, deserve no less.

Pa Transportation Priorities Input Sought

Pa Transportation Priorities Input Sought — The Commonwealth is asking for citizens transportation advice and one suspects it’s part of a ploy to set up a gas tax and toll hikes.

Pa Transportation Priorities Input Sought -- The Commonwealth is asking for citizens transportation advice and one suspects it's part of a ploy to set up a gas tax and toll hikes.

One bit of Citizen Transporation Advice would be to get rid of toll roads a.k.a traffic snarls made on purpose

As part of the Commonwealth’s 12-year transportation program, state residents are invited to visit to offer their input on transportation priorities and to register for the program’s first-ever interactive online public meeting, reports state Rep. Jim Cox (R-129).

Tell them you want to the gas tax cut and removal of toll roads. Seriously. They certainly won’t be expecting that.

The program, which serves as a blueprint of prioritized transportation projects, is updated every two years through a cooperative effort among the State Transportation Commission, PennDOT and its 23 regional planning partners.

Through Oct. 7, the public can submit feedback at their convenience through the “Tell Us What You Think” survey on the website, through a printed survey obtained by emailing or by telephone at 1-855-896-4930.

Citizens may also register to take part in an online public meeting to be held from 6-7 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 26. During the webcast, Transportation Secretary Barry Schoch will give an update on state transportation issues and answer questions from registered participants. Questions may be submitted in advance to .

Pa Transportation Priorities Input Sought


Steve Bucci Provides Inside 9/11 Insight

 Steve Bucci Provides Inside 9/11 Insight

With Steve Bucci (second from right) are Delaware County Patriots Mary Ellen Jones, Chuck Martini and Lisa Esler.

The Delaware County Patriots drew a crowd of 100 to the Newtown Square Knights of Columbus Hall, Sept. 11, to hear a man who had a front row seat of the first 9/11.

Steve Bucci, a former Special Forces officer who now heads the Allison Center for Foreign Policy Studies at Heritage Foundation, became an assistant to then Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld in July 2001. His wife, a nurse practitioner, was looking for work and he suggested her for the clinic at the Pentagon. The day of her interview, she put on a nice dress, high heels and jewelry and rode in early with her husband. It was Sept. 11.

Bucci was breakfasting with congressmen with the television on when they saw the first plane hit the World Trade Center. They felt it was pilot error. They were then watching what they thought was a replay when it dawned on them that it was a second plane. Bucci said they quickly determined we were under attack and went to a secure site in the building to plan a response.  It was there he felt the building shake when the third plane struck. He looked for Rumsfeld and was told the Secretary went to the crash site.

“It was not a photo op,” Bucci said. Rumsfeld was manning stretchers to take away the wounded when he found him. He said he wasn’t worried about his wife getting hit by a strike as he knew where the plane crashed which was opposite from the clinic. He became concerned, though, when he realized his wife might also be assisting at the crash site. She was and in high heels and jewelry. It was a dangerous place. Bucci said the rescuers worked on an unstable floor to evacuate the wounded which they did before it collapsed 45 minutes after the attack

Bucci had much to say also about the second 9/11 one year ago in Benghazi, Libya. He noted that when he worked for Rumsfeld, the government would ramp up security on that date as it was obviously a symbolic target. That policy appeared to end when the Obama administration took over.

Bucci said our embassies are especially vulnerable. He noted that in 2012 a career State Department officer noticed the British, Red Cross and others abandoning Benghazi and requested additional security. He was repeatedly rebuffed.

When the attack came, Bucci described it as a “well planned, well executed military operation.” He noted the skillful use of mortars by the Islamic attackers which indicated significant training. He said the justification for the failure of our military to intervene — that the firefight would be over and that intervention was “dangerous” — was “crappy”. He also said the administration knew within hours that it was not a spontaneous protest over an internet video but a planned attack.

He said he believed the Obama administration ignored security and hid the terrorism because it was trying to maintain a narrative during the home-stretch of the election that it had made the world safe.

Regarding the ongoing crisis in Syria, Bucci expressed  sympathy for the rebels noting that Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad was a “horribly evil dictator.” He said that the Obama administration declined to act for two years resulting Assad’s killing of 100,000 of his citizens. He said, however, that intervention was a tricky thing as the best and most dedicated fighters of the rebels are led by a faction that is likely worse than Assad. He said many of those supporting Assad do so out of fear of the rebels rather than love for him.

He noted that there is a part of the rebellion that would be worthy of support but didn’t seem confident that would end up running things if the Assad were overthrown.

He said Putin is no friend of the United States and took pleasure in making Obama look foolish.

Bucci patiently answered questions from the audience ranging from 9/11 conspiracy theories — which he treated respectfully — to the state of Homeland Security, which he said is much improved over what it was in 2001. He noted that one of the biggest dangers we face is political correctness and the fear of tying Islamic extremism to terrorism. He cited Obama’s unwillingness to call the Fort Hood murders an act of terrorism as an example.

He said that Hezbollah and Al-Qaeda both have made contacts with Mexican drug lords and others in Latin America.

Bucci continued to answer questions after the event ended.


Steve Bucci Provides Inside 9/11 Insight

Crosscheck Program Addresses Duplicate Voter Registration

Crosscheck Program Addresses Duplicate Voter Registration

Kudos to Gov. Corbett and beware left-leaning college students.

Crosscheck Program Addresses Duplicate Voter RegistrationPennsylvania has joined a consortium to identify those who may be registered to vote in more than one state, reports state Rep. Jim Cox (R-129).

Several years ago, a handful of Midwestern states created the Interstate Voter Registration Crosscheck Program to cross-check voter registration databases. There are 25 states now participating.

The Commonwealth will provide data for the program in January. It should have a list of potential duplicate registrations early next year.

Before the program, there was no useful method to identify duplicate registrations among states.

For information about voting in Pennsylvania visit here.

Program Addresses Duplicate Voter Registration

Real Liberty Medal Honorees Announced

Real Liberty Medal Honorees Announced
Remember when Jeb Bush presented her the Liberty Medal in Philadelphia?

Real Liberty Medal Honorees — In response to tonight’s presentation by prominent Republican Jeb Bush of Philadelphia’s Liberty Medal to prominent Democrat Hillary Clinton at the Constitution Center, the Independence Hall Foundation has announced that the names of those who will be getting its Defender of Liberty Medal this afternoon on Independence Mall.

They are Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods, Glen Doherty, and Ambassador Christopher Stevens who were murdered  in a planned terrorist attack in Benghazi one year ago tomorrow, Sept. 11.

Mrs. Clinton, then Secretary of State,  initially blamed an an amateurish video placed on the internet for inspiring the attack, and managed to get its creator thrown in prison. She excoriated any and all who suggested it was planned terrorism despite it occurring on the anniversary of 9/11.

It became eventually became apparent that it was a premeditated attack  by Islamic supremacists.

Mrs. Clinton also dissuaded security measures from being instituted in Benghazi before the attacks that likely would have prevented them. Even more damning, attempts to provide military assistance to the embattled Americans were ordered cancelled by the Obama administration.

Yet, Mrs. Clinton will be honored by the establishment and rehabilitated.

Real Liberty Medal Honorees

America Must Avoid Syrian Entanglement

If the United States were a body part, it wouldn’t be a brain, but a nose. The world’s biggest, always being stuck where it doesn’t belong.

Right now, it’s in Syria. And if America rains down bombs there, its nose will be broken yet again. How many times will we get punched before learning how to better pick our fights? As the saying goes, “You can’t always pick your friends (apparently, we have none regarding an attack on Syria), but you can always pick your nose.”

The incompetence, unconscionableness and insanity are mindboggling. Let’s review:

■ Incompetence: First, President Obama shoots off his mouth about attacking Syria. Not only doesn’t he do it, but then announces he’ll wait for Congressional approval, even though as commander in chief, he could act alone. As Congress debates endlessly — all while America proclaims to the world what and where it will strike — Syria has all the time it needs to harden targets, shift assets and move human shields to strategic areas.

Questions: If Congress nixes the idea, will the president bomb anyway? And why did he not secretly meet with key Congressional leaders first, gain their approval and strike without warning? Any third-grader playing Capture The Flag knows that the element of surprise is always — always — a strategic and tactical advantage. But the New American Way is to go public with absolutely everything, even war plans, discretion be damned. We have even stated our intention to limit the bombing to 60 days. Well, that’s a relief.

America’s worldwide loss of credibility is staggering, no matter what the final outcome on an attack.

■ Unconscionable: John McCain must go. Period. He’s a disgrace not just to the Senate and his party, but much more importantly, the people of the United States. During the extremely important hearings as to whether America will go to war in Syria (and yes, bombing a sovereign nation is war), McCain, Mr. Warmonger himself, was playing poker on his iPhone.

Hey, John, if you want to play games of chance, great. Do it on your own time. But when you are gambling with Americans’ lives by sending them into battle, and likely some to their deaths (as there will always be some boots on the ground, despite claims to the contrary), playing games — and then joking about it by tweeting, “Worst of all, I lost!” — is absolutely unconscionable. There are no higher stakes than playing with people’s lives, but that seems lost on McCain, who should know better, having been held for years as a POW in Vietnam.

This author is the last one to overreact on controversial situations, but if the Senate were smart, it would immediately remove him from that committee. And if the GOP has any brains, it would lead that charge. John McCain’s ineptness is legendary, but not punishable. His callousness and calculated misjudgment is. Kick him off, now.

■ Insanity: Talk about history repeating itself.

We are poised to bomb yet another Muslim country, which, if possible, will inflame anti-American passions even more.

But to what end?

What is the objective? Indefinable. And the strategy? Well, since there is no clear objective, there can’t be a winning strategy. That should be the first thing to consider before letting bombs fly. Instead, our modus operandi is to put it last.

Is Syria at war with America? No. Did they harm us in any way? No. Have they orchestrated terror attacks against us? No. Yet the same cannot be said about our “allies,” like Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, whose governments have often funded and even tacitly supported attacks on Americans and our interests. But we want to attack Syria anyway, even though the Assad government is fighting some of the same fundamentalists America has been engaging since 9/11. Brilliant.

And is our intention just to take out targets or engage in regime change, like McCain wants to do?

Has it dawned on anyone in Washington to look at the Libyan debacle? We took out a sovereign leader who kept radical fundamentalism in check, in favor of rebels who had comprised one of the largest foreign forces fighting Americans in Iraq. Now, Libya is unstable (bet the ranch that Benghazi wouldn’t have occurred under Gaddafi) and 10,000 surface-to-air missiles are missing.

And now we are doing the same in Syria in the name of “freedom and democracy.”

Really? Do we really want to take our chances with a democratically elected Syrian government? Do that and you’ll be praying for an Assad return. A look at Egypt is all the proof you need to take that to the bank.

Here’s an idea: Become energy independent. If we were, Syria, Egypt, Libya and all the Middle East oil barons wouldn’t mean squat to us. American blood and treasure wouldn’t be expended, and our economic and national security would be exponentially bolstered.

That message has become a broken record, but if we followed it, we wouldn’t be in for another broken nose.

Act 14 Gives Victims Voice Concerning Parole

Act 14 Gives Victims Voice Concerning Parole — A new law that gives victims of crime in Pennsylvania a voice in the parole process of inmates has recently taken effect, reports state Rep. Jim Cox (R-129).

Act 14 Gives Victims Voice Concerning ParoleAct 14 of 2013 makes it clear that a crime victim or representative for the victim may appear personally before the Pennsylvania Board of Probation and Parole and provide testimony related to an inmate’s application for parole. Victims or their representatives also may choose to appear through video conference rather than by telephone if the board has that capability.

In addition, the law also will protect victims against potential retaliation by criminals by keeping the testimony confidential.

Act 14 Gives Victims Voice Concerning Parole

Wynnewood Institute Features Civilization

Wynnewood Institute Features Civilization — Niall Ferguson’s Civilization will be the subject of a free lecture by Professor Thomas Patrick Burke, 7:30 p.m., Sept. 12 at the Wynnewood Institute, 104 Haverford Road, Wynnewood, Pa, 19106.

Register at

Hat tip Teri Adams of Independence Hall Tea Party Association.