Phil Berg Democrat Gave Birth To Birthers

Phil Berg Democrat Gave Birth To BirthersA movement claiming Barack Obama is ineligible to be president on the basis that he was not born in the United States is starting to percolate into the old media and its roots can be traced to a prominent suburban Philadelphia Democrat.

Birthers — a dismissive allusion to  ‘truthers’ who are those who believe that the Bush administration was behind the 9/11 terrorist attacks — cite the unwillingness of President Obama to release the “vault” birth certificate held in Hawaii that would indicate whether his claim as a natural-born citizen was attested to by medical personnel. They also allege that the President is unwilling to release records showing that he applied to Occidental College as a foreign student. They also cite claims by Obama’s Kenyan relatives that he was born in Kenya.

Birthers claim that the President has spent $1 million fighting the release of records that would clear all such questions.

The prime birther was Philip J. Berg of Montgomery County who filed suit in U.S. District Court in Philadelphia, Aug. 21, 2008 claiming that Obama was ineligible to be president. Berg is a Democrat who once chaired the Montgomery County Democratic Party and served as a state Deputy Attorney General for eight years.

The lawsuit was dismissed in October by U.S. District Judge R. Barclay Surrick —  a former Delaware County Common Pleas Court judge and the estranged brother of judicial reformer Bob Surrick.

Berg took the appeal straight to the Supreme Court which rejected it in December.

Berg has his own blog

It should be noted that Berg is an outspoken “truther” and was a Hillary Clinton supporter.

Phil Berg Democrat Gave Birth To Birthers

Sestak Won’t Seek 3rd Term

Congressman Joe Sestak (D-Pa7) has announced that he will not seek a third term. He is expected to announce that he will run against Sen. Arlen Specter in next spring’s Democratic Primary.

State Rep. Bryan Lentz, who represents the 161st District is expected to be among the  Dems seeking his seat. Former federal prosecutor Craig Williams, of Concord, who ran against Sestak in ’08, is among the Republicans being touted.

Governor X

Kristin Davis, the madam who supplied former New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer with hookers, has been saying that another prominent governor has used her service. Governor X

She referred to him as Governor X.

She was asked on the July 24th Opie and Anthony radio show who that might be. She apparently wrote a name on a piece of paper and passed it to her hosts, who then spent the next 10 minutes dropping hints.

Those hints included:

“What, did he pay her in coal and steel?”

“I guess he had a little filly on the side.”

“Did he used to be an Eagles scout?”

Can this explain why a certain someone is standing in the way of passing the state budget?

Governor X

Sestak Is Pro-Abortion

Congressman-Admiral Joe Sestak (D-Pa7) was among the 247 House members who voted down legislation, July 24, to not give federal tax money to Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider.

The legislation was House Amendment 389 offered by Congressman Mike Pence (R In6) and would have  prohibited the money in H.R.3293
— the bill that sets the  appropriations for the Departments of Labor,Health and Human Services, and Education, and related agencies for thefiscal year ending Sept. 30, 2010 — to be available to Planned Parenthood for any purpose under title X of the Public Health Services Act.

While the money cannot be directly used for abortion, it can pay for administrative cost and other things and is basically a subsidy for the abortion industry.

To support tax-subsidies for abortion is pro abortion regardless of the spin.

Planned Parenthood gets about a third of its income — $349.6 million in FY 2008 according to Wikipedia — from government grants and contracts albeit not all from the federal government.

For the amendment go to: and search for H.AMDT.389 via bill number.


Sestak Is Pro-Abortion

Skip Gates And The Rest Of The Story

Skip Gates And The Rest Of The StoryPresident Barack Obama took time from making his pitch for mandated medical rationing, July 22, to weigh in on the July 16 arrest of Henry Louis “Skip” Gates, Jr. who is — according to Wikipedia — “an American literary critic, educator, scholar, writer, editor, and public intellectual” who serves as the Alphonse Fletcher University Professor at Harvard University, where he is Director of the W. E. B. Du Bois Institute for African and African American Research.

The president said the Cambridge Police who made the arrest acted “stupidly” and implied they were motivated by racism

The rest of the story:

Skip Gates And The Rest Of The Story

Skip Gates And The Rest Of The Story

Springfield Woman Is Textbook Matter

Lynn McGrane of Springfield Pa. (Delaware County) is prominently featured in the marketing textbook “Brand/Story: Ralph, Vera, Johnny, Billy, and Other Adventures in Fashion Branding” by Drexel University Professor Joseph Hancock.

Lynn is general manager of the Bloomingdale’s at the King of Prussia Mall.

Sestak Explains Vote To Impoverish Children

I just got a response from Congressman Joe “I-Believe-The-World-Is-Burning-To-The-Ground” Sestak  explaining why he disregarded  my request and voted for the Impoverish American Children Act  that passed the House, June 26.

The bill sets limits on U.S. energy production ostensibly to fight global warming.

Sane people understand that it will dramatically raise the cost of everything from heat to food to transportation to clothing to Christmas toys and make our lives poorer. 

Especially the children.

Sestak’s response was basically a long data dump that said he believed the world is burning to the ground and that his experts were right and the experts cited by those that don’t share his view are wrong.

See the response here.

Since life is short and should be enjoyed let’s discount–except for maybe a snicker or grimace —Sestak’s experts that say economic disruption will be minimal, and get right to the world is burning to the ground part.

Now, we can have a fight of my experts vs your experts about this but we don’t  have to do that either.

Let’s just use common sense.

Say you really, really were convinced that CO2 emissions were going to cause a huge increase in temperature that would kill tens or hundreds of millions and drastically change life as we know it for the worse for those that survive.

Would you support this cap and trade garbage? 

Of course not.  It would be like trying to bail out the ocean with a tablespoon.

What you would do — assuming you were rational and of average intelligence — would demand that every CO2 emitting electrical generator be replaced within 18-months by a non-CO2 emitting nuclear or hydro-electric plants. It should go without saying that you would be screaming against the plans to remove the hydro-electric dams on the Klamath River on the California-Oregon border that provide electricity for 70,000 homes.

But Sestak’s not doing that. He’s actually defending the fact that the bill does not count electricity generated by nuclear power by renewable energy standard designed to encourage windmills.

You would also be fighting to make shipping and motor vehicular transportation more efficient by waiving affirmative action and Davis-Bacon requirements for road construction at the sites of traffic bottlenecks and making the West Coast longshoreman unions concede to reforms allowing for faster shipment turnarounds.

But Sestak isn’t doing that either.

What Sestak is doing is trying to lead us into Foxy Loxy’s den.

ObamaCare, Edward G. Robinson and Soylent Green

Buried on pages 425-431 of  the 1018 page ObamaCare health bill are mandates for end-of-life counseling. The wording is very reasonable but don’t kid yourself — the idea is that people dependent on government compensation are going to try sell you something and, given human nature, that something is going to be guided by their own convenience and not your or your loved ones’ benefit.

To get an idea as to what the convenience would be rent Soylent Green and imagine yourself as Edward G. Robinson on that last conveyor belt.

If you are more heroically inclined rent Logan’s Run and think of yourself as leading Jenny Agutter to freedom.

That those who provide service can’t be harmed financially if you fail to use it is the big problem with government programs that for some reason is not taught in our government-run schools, which, coincidentally I’m sure, are staffed by people who can’t be harmed financially if you don’t use the service.

The entire 1018-page bill can be found at

Hello Emma Maureen Guertin

Financial wizard extraordinaire Jerry Guertin and wife, Jennifer, are the proud parents of Emma Maureen who was born July 3 six hours before the 4th.

She weighed in at 7 pounds, 14 oz.
Jerry is a vice president and financial consultant at Citizens Investment Services. Among the Citizens Bank branches  from which he works is  the one on Woodland Avenue in Springfield, (Delaware County) Pa.