Governor Wolf unveiled his 2015 – 2016 budget on March 3.
The governor is proposing to give the public school system an additional $1 Billion dollars in his budget.
I agree that our public school system needs to be a major focus.
Getting a good education is the foundation for success.
I am a firm believer that our public school system needs to “reinvent itself” to meet the needs to compete in a world economy and also to meet the needs of the ever- changing workforce required for manufacturing and the various skilled labor sectors.
Everyone knows that Pennsylvania has a pension crisis and it must be fixed immediately.
School teachers and administrators who will be retiring in the future are part of the pension system that has to be changed so that Pennsylvanians are not continuing to throw money at a problem that will continue to be a problem and will require more money in the future.
Governor Wolf is in the process of throwing money at the education problem.
Money will not solve the problem –Â the problem needs to be fixed first.
In the business world, this concept is called throwing money down a black hole with no results.
There are also plenty of solutions on the spending side that should be implemented which would free up money to actually impact our children’s education.
In addition to pension reform, eliminating prevailing wage mandates on all school district capital and maintenance projects, updating the funding formula would all alleviate some of the financial burden our school districts face.
Start correcting things (compensation and pensions at the top .. the governor, then the law-makers .. IMO, they are overcompensated.
The Delaware County Patriots will be hosting Senator Scott Wagner at the Newtown Square Knights of Columbus Hall on Rt. 252N on Monday, April 6th, 7 pm. Looking forward to hearing what this true Reformer has to say about what is happening (or not happening!) in Harrisburg.