Thoughts On Tonight’s Democratic Convention

So the Democrats have decided to boo God and move Obama’s acceptance speech from a large football stadium to an indoor arena. They cited possible rain. You know, the Republicans had not an iota of this drama and they had to deal with a hurricane. Was it rain that caused the move or was it empty chairs. 

Clint Eastwood is laughing, we suspect.
And for those who think Clinton is their savior — which we suspect is a feeling held by many in that hall as they boo God and such — let it be noted he is:
–The only 20th century president to have been impeached
–That he never got 50 percent of the vote
–That his greatest accomplishments were returning Congress to the GOP after a generation-plus and ending the sexual harassment witch-hunts that were becoming commonplace in the early 90s.

3 thoughts on “Thoughts On Tonight’s Democratic Convention”

  1. We enjoyed The empty chair bit, and it left us with a good feeling that we are about to get rid of an incompetent leader.
    But don’t get too cocky or overconfident.
    There are a lot of people who are on the government dole.
    Remember that with a government policy to rob Peter to give to Paul you can count on Paul’s vote.
    There are a lot of Paul’s living the good life at Peter’s expense.

  2. I suppose that greed and selfishness are part of human behavior. What I find amazing is that there is so much unselfishness in America.
    Hopefully Americans will stand up for what is right about America, because as Ronald Reagan said, “Freedom is never more that a generation away from extinction.”
    Let’s not let it happen.

  3. At the close of the Constitutional convention, a woman asked Benjamin Franklin what kind of government The new constituion was giving us.
    He relied, “A republic if you can keep it.

    At this moment, I think Ben would be having doubts if we can keep it.

    One more term of Obama, and a proud nation would lose its freedom.

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