Val DiGiorgio Quits Due To Sex Scandal — Told ya so told ya so told ya so told ya so Told ya so told ya so told ya so told ya so Told ya so told ya so told ya so told ya so Told ya so told ya so told ya so told ya so Told ya so told ya so told ya so told ya so
Val DiGiorgio, the Pennsylvania Republican boss who we are convinced has been some kind of saboteur since his days as Chester County GOP chairman, has been caught carrying on sexting relationship with Republican Philadelphia City Council candidate Irina Goldstein.
Yes, it reportedly involves an explicit picture of an excited Little Val.
How stupid can people be?
Val is married as we have noted before.
He resigned today his post as Pennsylvania GOP Chairman and submitted a letter saying “It is with regret, after much thought and consideration, that I am resigning as chairman of the Republican Party of Pennsylvania effective immediately.”
He said “A recent media report contains gross mischaracterizations of mutual consensual communications between myself and a former primary candidate. My resignation should in no way be confused with confirmation of these mischaracterization.”
A new chairman will be picked sometime this summer.
Lawrence Tabas, a well-admired and wise attorney with deep Republican roots, apparently also saw DiGiorgio for what he is and took him on in 2017 in the fight to lead the Pennsylvania Republicans. Tabas lost by just two votes despite intense pressure from party insiders to vote for DiGiorgio.
Tabas would make a great replacement.
Wonder how the gang at Stradley Ronon is taking this? How about Val’s good buddy and Dem star Josh Shapiro? You know he’s not happy.
The Republicans might survive now in this state.
Note the Republicans in Val’s Chesco bailiwick were told not to mention Donald Trump just last April.
Bill, Great quote: “How stupid can people be?” Real stupid, it seems, in the case of Mr. DiGiorgio. Sending sexts, including a photo of a certain body part, what could go wrong? Just check with Anthony Weiner. Oh, speaking of Anthony Weiner, I am hoping that Mr. DiGiorgio had a nom de guerre, à la Anthony Weiner’s Carlos Danger alias. This story will only get better, at least for the rest of us, not Mr. DiGiorgio.
So glad to hear that this RINO got his just dues, the swamp in Pennsylvania is cleaner now.
FINALLY!!! As a committeewoman I feel as though a huge weight has lifted. Hopefully stronger true conservatives will now be emboldened to come back. And those already in place will step forward for focused leadership.
Thank goodness the PA GOP Mob Boss is GONE!
This “man” is extremely unethical, arrogant, a bully and an intimidator, to say the least. He is a liar and “colludes” with the Attorney General, as well as other Democrats, it has been reported. Another pay-to-play “politician” gone.
Citizens for Liberty called for his resignation 301 times during the Pennsylvania primary gubernatorial race in 2018.
Good riddance. One swamp establishment creature gone… who’s next?!?
Just as Anthony Weiner translates to Carlos Danger, using the same algorithm translates Val DiGiorgio to Dario Adventure.
Love it. I tried and got Maximiliano Smash for Val. Either one is great. Hopefully, Val peruses this site and will see his options.
“Ding-dong, the wicked witch is dead.”
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My nickname “VD boy” was quite appropriate…have been warning ppl about this establishment elitist slimeball for 2 yrs now. NeverTrumper. When will ppl start listening and rise up? And HE was in a position to judge others and place them in situations of power and control—morelike manipulation. And Havey is doing the same thing in MontCo. They also are/were tight. Time to bring liberty and ethics back. VD boy tried to squander and kill off the grassroots populist conservative movement, not running candidates aligned with conservative values cause evidently he has no principles to speak of, now has deeply tarnished the PA GOP’s perception. As it should be. Just like here in MontCo—MCRC after 2 yrs of Donnelly. Everyone of us who has been intimidated, harassed, bullied and strong-armed by him or his supporters (that includes me stripped of my Committee position) is now vindicated.
Lawrence Tabas for GOP State Chair.
Valley boy got what was due, I never trusted him! His wife should look into all the other sexting, where’s there’s smoke there’s fire, long line of women he harassed and not all of them say no like this candidate did. This can’t be the only woman he attempted to send dick picks to nor slide his dick into. This type of immoral “family” man did not begin his indiscretion this late in life. One less swamp mess to clean up, at least for the public, his wife ain’t so lucky.
Feeling really sorry for the wife and especially for the children, although the present wife probably knew exactly what she signed up for.
I agree, she must know. There’s been “whispers” for years now that he’s stepping out on his marriage. There is no way the wife did not know. I’m surprised it took this long for the arrogant pompous dirt bag to be exposed. He never had the Republican party’s best interest at hand. More than obvious now he only used the Republican party to throw his sex parties right in front of his wife’s blind eyes. Poor children.
Thoroughly enjoyed reading all the state wide articles published on this matter. In his position, although I feel the candidate was initially more than willing to encourage him, he made poor judgment by sending inappropriate messages to a total stranger and he dishonored the party by not living by the moral standards he preached to us regular folk. I only wish the women he actually carried on affairs with would come forward so the man can face the real justice he deserves. Come out, come out wherever you are … thanks to Val himself admitting he uses specific apps to delete and cover his tracks before interacting with women we now know for certain there are a few of you.