Will Tom Corbett Be Primaried?

Bob Guzzardi passed on this link to a paswampfox.com article speculating that Gov. Tom Corbett may face a primary challenge in 2014. 

The article describes how Corbett is disliked by GOP party officials, campaign operatives, legislators and the grassroots Tea Party.
Some of it has to do with his strong-arming the GOP endorsement for former Joe Sestak and Barack Obama supporter Steve Welch in the senate primary that Welch lost overwhelmingly to Tom Smith.
Some of it has to do with his lack of accomplishment regarding spending reform and union rollbacks compared to other Republican governors like Chris Christie and Scott Walker. 
Why can teachers strike in this state? Why does Planned Parenthood get tax dollars?
Are you listening Sam Rohrer?
Granted Sam’s name was not mentioned as a potential challenger in the article as it appeared to limit consideration to sundry millionaires but Sam was certainly ahead of the curve on this.

2 thoughts on “Will Tom Corbett Be Primaried?”

  1. So you really don’t like Gov. Tom Corbett.
    Truth be told, I also voted for Sam Rorher in the primary, but –and there’s a big but– would you rather still have Fast Eddie sitting in the governor’s seat?
    Gov. Corbett was smothered with criticism from folks (many of whom I admire) but he kept to his pledge not to raise taxes.He really took a beating when he rejected pleas to impose a crippling tax on Marcellus Shale. It took a real man to stand up to the onslaught.But by sticking to his guns Corbett allowed Marcellus Shale to go beyond its baby steps and it’s success has been able to bring the price of natural gas down to where it is cheaper than coal or oil to heat households.
    It means hundreds of job to workers who will return to the jobs they lost at Sunoco’s Marcus Hook plant after they got the boot when the refineries closed.
    So maybe Tom Corbett is not as glamorous as Chris Christie or Scott Walker, but he’ll get my vote this time around.
    Listen Mitt Romney was not my first choice to be the GOP presidential candidate, but I’ll crawl a mile over broken glass to vote for him.
    That’s the same thinking as giving up on Corbett.

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