William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 8-31-15

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 8-31-15  What is a turnspit dog? It was a specially bred canine that was placed in giant "hamster" wheels to rotate the aexle of a spit-roast on a fire. Every quality British kitchen in the 16th century had one. William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 8-31-15  What is a turnspit dog? It was a specially bred canine that was placed in giant "hamster" wheels to rotate the aexle of a spit-roast on a fire. Every quality British kitchen in the 16th century had one.
Ain’t gonna be a turnspit dog.

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 8-31-15

What is a turnspit dog? It was a specially bred canine that was placed in giant “hamster” wheels to rotate the axle of a spit-roast on a fire. Every quality British kitchen in the 16th century had one.

Remember Kayla Mueller

Remember Kayla Mueller
Remember Kayla Mueller

Philadelphia Inquirer columnist Trudy Rubin, yesterday, Aug. 30, became one of the few old media types expressing outrage over the fate of American Kayla Mueller.

Ms. Rubin even went so far as to call President Obama’s policies concerning ISIS inept and contradictory.

That’s certainly not writing you see every day by the establishment.

Miss Mueller was a human rights activist captured in August 2013 in Syria by ISIS. She was chained in a room and raped repeatedly over the next several months by ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi  largely because she was an American.

She was killed on Feb. 6 this year. She was 26. ISIS claims it was a Jordanian air strike that caused her death but that is far from an established fact.

During her captivity, Miss Mueller refused a chance to escape as it would endanger the Yazidi girls who were imprisoned — and being abused — along with her and to whom she had become kind of a mother figure. She had smuggled out a letter say she would never give in to her captors.

Let us remember Kayla Mueller. Let us remember Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi as well.

And for the record just about  any other president except Barack Obama would not be confused about what to do. OK, Hillary Clinton, as she would be listening to Huma Abedin, would also be confused.

Remember Kayla Mueller

Jorge Ramos Hair Portraits

Hugo Ybarra, a 34-year-old in San Antonio, Texas, is taking advantage of the dust up between Univision anchor Jorge Ramos and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump by painting portraits of Ramos on heads. Jorge Ramos Hair Portraits

Ramos interrupted  Trump who was responding to another reporter  at an Aug. 25 press conference at which point Trump, well, deported him. Trump let him back in 15 minutes later and answered his questions in detail.

Ramos’ daughter is involved with Hillary Clinton campaign.

Anyway, Ybarra, the son of Mexicans, has a reputation for hair portraits in which he puts the images of those such as Kim Kardashian and basketball star Tim Duncan on the heads of the residents of that fair city.

And now Jorge Ramos has reached that level of esteem.

He said that Ramos is now “Algunos hacen sonar la bocina de sus autos,” Ybarra said, or someone who makes car horns sound.

If you’ve missed the Trump-Ramos battle here is The Donald ejecting Jorge:

And here is part of the discussion after he returned:

Trump really can win this thing.

Jorge Ramos Hair Portraits

Hilton Ends Porn Channels

The Hilton hotel chain has removed all porn channels from its hotels in 85 countries. Hilton Ends Porn Channels The Hilton hotel chain has removed all porn channels from its hotels in 85 countries.

Kudos to Hilton.

A campaign by National Center on Sexual Exploitation was what led to the decision but it appears it have been guided as much by a growth in understanding as it was by economic pressure.

Hilton  had in place a serious policy to prevent their hotels being used for sexual exploitation.

“They realized it didn’t make sense to be against that while promoting pornography, which is so closely connected to it,” said Pat Truman, who is the Center’s president and CEO. “Sex traffickers use pornography to sell prostitution. It’s all connected.”

Omni, Drury, Ritz-Carlton, Nordic Choice Hotels, and Marriott have also dropped the porn channels.

The Center’s target now is Cosmopolitan magazine which can be found at the checkout stands at many supermarkets, albeit no more at Walmart which now keeps it behind the counter.

Hilton Ends Porn Channels

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 8-28-15

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 8-28-15 The toughest critter on earth is not the honey badger or the wolverine but something called the tardigrade. The tardigrade holds the record for surviving the highest temperature by a living thing at 151 C (303.8 F) and the lowest which is -273 C (-459.4 F) which is a touch above absolute zero.

The toughest critter on earth is not the honey badger or the wolverine but something called the tardigrade. The tardigrade holds the record for surviving the highest temperature by a living thing at 151 C (303.8 F) and the lowest which is -273 C (-459.4 F) which is a touch above absolute zero.

Pennsylvania Online Voting Registration

Pennsylvania Online Voting Registration Pennsylvania becomes the 23rd state to allow online voting.
The top of the form

Gov. Tom Wolf and Secretary of State Pedro Cortes unveiled Pennsylvania’s online voting registration system, yesterday, Aug. 28.

Pennsylvania becomes the 23rd state to allow online voting.

The new policy is an administrative act by Wolf as online voting failed to pass the state legislature in 2013.

Oct. 5 is the last day to register before the Nov. 3 election.

The registration site is register.votespa.com

If you use it, make sure you click the little box at the bottom that says “

Pennsylvania Online Voting Registration

Food City Veterans Commercial Greatest Ever

This one-minute commercial for Food City, a small Southern grocery store chain headquartered in Abingdon, Virginia is being called the greatest ever. Food City Veterans Commercial Greatest Ever -- This one-minute commercial for Food City, a small Southern grocery store chain headquartered in Bristol, Tennessee is being called the greatest ever.  It contains not one word of dialogue.  When you go south make sure you patronize Food City.

It contains not one word of dialogue.

When you go south make sure you patronize Food City.

Here it is with a hat tip to Bill Lovejoy.

Food City Veterans Commercial Greatest Ever

Valley Forge Prayer Event

Faith and Freedom Coalition and the Valley Forge Patriots are  sponsoring a pray for America event, 10 a.m. to noon, Sept. 12 at Valley Forge Park. Valley Forge Prayer Event

“We as a nation are in trouble, and believers from all faiths need to come together and humble ourselves before God,” say event organizers. ” Please, can’t you set set hours aside for the good of America? Invite all your church friends and leaders for this most important morning.”

The event will be held in the Artillery Park section on Inner Line Drive.

The organizers note there will be plenty of parking near the area and restrooms along with picnic space. They suggest one brings a lunch and make a day of it with family and friends, and to  bring chairs.

Hat tips Jamie Cox and Bob Guzzardi

Valley Forge Prayer Event