Hilton Ends Porn Channels

The Hilton hotel chain has removed all porn channels from its hotels in 85 countries. Hilton Ends Porn Channels The Hilton hotel chain has removed all porn channels from its hotels in 85 countries.

Kudos to Hilton.

A campaign by National Center on Sexual Exploitation was what led to the decision but it appears it have been guided as much by a growth in understanding as it was by economic pressure.

Hilton  had in place a serious policy to prevent their hotels being used for sexual exploitation.

“They realized it didn’t make sense to be against that while promoting pornography, which is so closely connected to it,” said Pat Truman, who is the Center’s president and CEO. “Sex traffickers use pornography to sell prostitution. It’s all connected.”

Omni, Drury, Ritz-Carlton, Nordic Choice Hotels, and Marriott have also dropped the porn channels.

The Center’s target now is Cosmopolitan magazine which can be found at the checkout stands at many supermarkets, albeit no more at Walmart which now keeps it behind the counter.

Hilton Ends Porn Channels

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