Honor Flight Trip Approaches

The first trip of 2014  for Honor Flight Philadelphia is June 21.  Participating will be 176 World War II veterans.

The return will be 6:15 p.m., at St. Kevin’s Church, 200 W. Sproul Road, Springfield Pa. 19064.

Volunteers are sought to welcome them back with cheers and flag waving.

Honor Flight provides an all-expense paid trip for veterans to Washington D.C. to visit their memorials. The veterans are treated to a banquet upon their return.


Honor Flight Trip Approaches

Honor Flight Trip Approaches

Bill Gates Money Common Core BSoD

Common Core is spreading through the nation like, well, a computer virus and The Washington Post explains how it happened.

The article  is a paean for the sickness. One would expect that, however, in an organ of the feudal establishment.

Common Core is the educational standard that is being imposed quickly and without much discussion. It contains a strong whiff of Orwellian indoctrination.

The reason why it spread so quickly and quietly as per the Post is money. Lots and lots of money, namely that of Bill Gates, whose significant technological accomplishments might be the Blue Screen of Death (BSoD) and, ironically, our malware epidemic.

If you should be wondering why the governor or state representative or state senator who sings hymns to conservatism and local governance is not fighting this garbage, now you know the trail to follow.

Bill Gates Money Common Core BSoD

Bill Gates Money Common Core BSoD


Barack Obama La Vida

Barack Obama La Vida

Barack Obama La Vida, pillars of salt, pillars of sand

Barack Obama is having a tough time of it.

His staggering incompetence is becoming apparent to even the hippest hipsters.

The most love-struck soccer mom is now beginning to understand that he is basically just an arrogant a-hole.

Even newspaper editors and television commentators are turning on him.

Yes, as in Chris Matthews.

Well, Barry. Today’s song is just for you.