Internet Now Full

Internet Now Full

There are fewer than 17 million IPv4 internet address remaining in North America,  the American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN) reported in April.

This means that officially the internet is full.

The IPv4 standard allows for 4.295 billion addresses worldwide. As 536 million of them are reserved, there is only about 3.7 billion usable.

There are 7 billion people in the world.

The web has reached its limit.

The solution is to advance to the IPv6 standard — IP means Internet Protocol and the “v” stands for version — which would provide 2 followed by 128 zeros worth of addresses.

The sticking point is that IPv4 and IPv6 are not compatible.

We feel it will all work out somehow.

If you think about it, it is kind of a good problem.

Internet Now Full

Internet now full and time is running out to fix the problem.




Welcome Lapin Group

Avrum D. Lapin has begun The Lapin Group, LLC.  based in Jenkintown, Pa..

The group will provide consulting services to U.S. and international non-profits

Lapin’s served 22 years as Senior Partner with The EHL Consulting Group.

“The environment is shifting and the skills and capacities that successful nonprofits need to master are changing rapidly,” said Lapin. “Our focus is on keeping our clients mission-driven and on maximizing outcomes, growing beyond only established relationships and history.”

Welcome Lapin Group

Welcome Lapin Group

First Flag Day Was In Pa

First Flag Day Was In PaFirst Flag Day Was In Pa

Flag Day commemorates the anniversary of the congressional adoption of the first stars and stripes flag design, which took place on June 14, 1777.

Although the national observance was not adopted by Congress until Aug. 3, 1949, Pennsylvania was the first state to adopt June 14 as Flag Day, with the original resolution adopted on May 7, 1937.

For the origins of Flag Day, click here.

For how to appropriately display the flag,  click here.

The Pennsylvania House, June 3, unanimously adopted House Resolution 879, which commemorates June 14 as Flag Day in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, says State Rep. Jim Cox (R-129)