Tesla Bill Angers Other Auto Makers

State Sen. John Rafferty (R-44) introduced SB 1409, June 9, that would change Pennsylvania’s Board of Vehicles Act of 1983 so that a  “manufacturer or distributor may own, operate or control a new vehicle dealership trading solely in electric vehicles”.

It contains a whole lot of other conditions so that it basically solely applies to Tesla Motors, the California maker of electric cars that use a franchise-free, web-based, direct sale model.

Existing law prohibits auto makers from selling directly to customers hence the need for franchises to act as middle-men.

Tesla certainly should be allowed to sell directly to customers.

Of course, so should Ford, Toyota, BMW etc.

If the law should be repealed entirely so that all auto-makers may sell directly to consumers via the internet what would happen to the poor franchise owners?

Weathers Dodge in Middletown, Delaware County, was closed in 2010 after 78 years as part of Obama’s plan for reorganizing Chrysler.  It became Weathers Motors where it sells used cars and provides superb service.

The former franchises that offer good deals on used cars and provide superb service will survive. The others? Would you shed tears for them?

Tesla Bill Angers Other Auto Makers


Tesla Bill Angers Other Auto Makers


School Bosses Make Big Bucks

School Bosses Make Big Bucks

Philadelphia School Bosses Make Big Bucks

The always excellent Commonwealth Foundation  published last month the first issue of Commonwealth Commentary, an old-fashioned, dead-tree newsletter.

Featured was an article by Maura Pennington describing how the Philly school bosses make big bucks despite the district being broke and crying for more money.

Ms. Pennington notes that Philadelphia School Superintendent William Hite pulls in $270,000 (not counting benefits) and his deputy makes $210,000.

Contrast that to the $175,000 salary pulled down by Gov. Tom Corbett.

Ms. Pennington reports that eight assistant superintendents make $145,000 each and the district’s budget director makes $128,724.

All told, 395 employees — about the size of a typical suburban graduating class — make over $100,000.

Again, not counting benefits.

The real reason that school vouchers and charter schools are opposed by these educational establishment is not because they are ineffective but because they will derail the gravy train.

The cost of a charter school is about 60 percent of that of a public school.

Hat tip Judy and Lynn

School Bosses Make Big Bucks