Rudy Announces Lawsuit In Philly; Trump Not Quitting

Rudy Announces Lawsuit In Philly; Trump Not Quitting — Rudy Giuliani, the man who busted the Mafia in New York, announced at about 4:30 this afternoon in Philly that President Trump has filed lawsuit to stop the obvious vote fraud occurring in the city regarding the presidential election.

He said observers were prevented from seeing the actual ballots during themselves during counting to ascertain that they were legitimate.

“This went on for 20 hours,” he said. “While all of you thought there was some kind of legitimate count going on in Philadelphia, it was totally illegitimate.”

Not a single Republican could see the ballots, he said.

“Joe Biden could have voted 50 times,” Giuliani said. “Or 5,000 times.”

He noted Philadelphia has a reputation for voter fraud.

“You have a reputation for dead people voting,” he said. “We are going to look at just how many dead people voted here.”

He said, though, that what is happening now goes far beyond that and is happening elsewhere.

“We have exactly the same lawsuit in Wisconsin where exactly the same thing happened,” he said.

He said that in Wisconsin at about 3 o’clock in the morning about 120,000 ballots appeared.

“Whoo0, here come these ballots,” he said. “Well, we have no idea if they really are ballots. We have no idea if they are signed, if they are postmarked properly, if it isn’t just the same person who submitted 100,000 ballots. And they all got counted. This is the way the intend to win.”

He says he has been informed that are similar situations in Arizona, Nevada and Michigan.

“This whole new thing that has never happened before in our country, these mail-in ballots, which has been a cause of real concern for every because they can easily be fraudulent, well, one of the things that the law attaches to that is the right for both parties to observe the ballot, the way we do with absentee ballots,” he said.

Observers make sure the ballots are properly signed, postmarked, and addressed. They are often passed but they are also often challenged.

Giuliani said the observers never got a chance to look at a single one of this year’s mail-in ballots in Philly. He said about 100,000 ballots were sent through without being checked.

“That’s (120,000) ballots that should be taken out of the count,” he says. “. . I don’t know if it’s going on in any other place but it is going on with enough frequency in Wisconsin we brought suit and know we’ll have to look into three other places.

“What it says to me that this is a concerted effort of the crooks that run the Democrat Party.”

He said one-party rule for decades leads to corruption and one of the biggest forms of corruption is voter fraud because that’s how they keep their power.

“But we are not going to let them get away with it,” Giuliani said. “They are not going to steal this election. This election gets decided by the people.”

He said the Trump campaign is quite possibly considering a national lawsuit along with the ones in Philadelphia and Wisconsin and really expose the corruption in the Democrat Party.

“This is beyond anything I ever seen before,” he said. “This comes when you think you have so much power and you own the media that you can do anything you want. Well, sorry we are going to fight for the people. We are going to vindicate their right and the ultimate result is that President Trump has won Pennsylvania.

“I’ve never heard of a count where you are ahead by 400,000 with 80-plus percent counted and they don’t call it for you. They called California the moment the polls closed . .

“Do you think we are stupid? Do you think we are fools”

Watch it below:
Rudy Announces Lawsuit In Philly; Trump Not Quitting
Rudy Announces Lawsuit In Philly; Trump Not Quitting

Vote Fraud Concerns Would Be Less If Laws Followed

Vote Fraud Concerns Would Be Less If Laws Followed — As I write this the president election is too close to call and Joe Biden might even have the edge.

If Biden should be called the winner a huge swath of this nation will not accept it.

Biden supporters better ask themselves why.

I fear they won’t even try.

In Wisconsin, a solid Trump lead vanished at 3 a.m. when 100,000 votes were instantly tabulated in Milwaukee. Reportedly, all, that is ALL, were for Biden. What are the odds? Milwaukee was required by law to have reported everything at 1 a.m.

Vote Fraud Concerns Would Be Less If Laws Followed

You say there is probably a logical and reasonable explanation. I agree totally.

The same thing appears to have happened in Michigan except involving a dump of 200,000 votes — all for Joe.

Vote Fraud Concerns Would Be Less If Laws Followed

In our Pennsylvania, the State attorney general basically declared Biden the winner the day before the election. The established “journalists” could not bring themselves to call him out. Democrats on social media hand-waved off, if not out-and-out defended, the comments.

Executive branch directives overruled laws passed by the legislature regarding the mandate for signature on ballots and the hard deadline of receiving ballots. The decision was upheld by the courts. If you believe in democracy you know that it’s the legislature that makes laws. If you believe in commonsense, you know that if you can go to the Walmart or a liquor store you can get to a dropbox before its closed.

And then there is the reporting of it. Do a Google search for Wisconsin vote fraud filtered by 24 hours. This is what you get as of 10:45 a.m. this morning:

Vote Fraud Concerns Would Be Less If Laws Followed

Trump falsely asserts? A thinking person would think the President and his supporters have a point. I’m half-listening to Pennsylvania’s Kathy Boockvar make excuses about the big delay in Pennsylvania’s count. They sound reasonable until you remember for other things the Wolf administration has said and done, and the ballot dumps that happened in Wisconsin and Michigan.

Yes, there is going to be big problems in this country. The blame can be laid on our media and those who think rules only go one way.

Vote Fraud Concerns Would Be Less If Laws Followed

Apathy of a citizen William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 11-4-20

Apathy of a citizen William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 11-4-20

Mhyju temd jxu jxekwxji ev jxu cecudj. Jxeiu jxqj secu kdiekwxj veh qhu seccedbo jxu ceij lqbkqrbu.
Vhqdsyi Rqsed

Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit puzzle: The tyranny of a prince in an oligarchy is not so dangerous to the public welfare as the apathy of a citizen in a democracy.
Charles de Montesquieu

Apathy of a citizen William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 11-4-20

Apathy of a citizen William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 11-4-20