Frankfurt Server Shootout Story — This might be the craziest story of the year. Yes, we know that’s saying a lot.
An alleged raid by US Army forces on a CIA server in Frankfurt, Germany was first brought up, Nov. 12, by Congressman Louie Gohmert (R-TX1) on Newsmax’s Chris Salcedo show. The raid allegedly occurred the weekend of Nov. 7. The servers contained data on the presidential election.
Attorney Sidney Powell cited hearing reports of the raid several times during the next week.
The first attempt at journalism concerning the alleged raid was by Adam Housley who tweeted on Nov. 21 that:
1/2 One of the claims by Powell I have looked into…the claim a location was raided in Germany with servers. I have 3 sources on this…all as solid as they come. Here is what I have found:
2/2 1.There is/was a clandestine location in Frankfurt run by CIA used to monitor/manipulate elections around globe. 2.That location did have servers & a front company as cover. 3.I cannot confirm the location was tied to U.S. elections. 4. One source says raided, 2 don’t know
On Friday, the story fully swan-dived into the rabbit hole when Air Force Lt. Gen. (ret) Thomas McInerney declared on that not just the server farm existed, and the raid happened but there was a shootout between the military special operations forces and the CIA agents defending the server resulting in U.S. soldiers killed.
You can see it at the link below. The comments start at about the 43 minute mark.
By the way, McInerney says “kraken” referred to by Ms. Powell is not a mythological beast but the 305th Military Intelligence Battalion which uses it as its nickname.
Frankfurt Server Shootout Story