Primary 2022 Is Coming And Politics1 Is A Good Tout Board
By Bob Small
To begin with, I no longer support any candidate who might win. In ’96 I voted for Bill Clinton who turned out to be everything he said he opposed. That learned me. I do wonder how John McCain might have been as President, but his running mate scared me, and many others. Now Obama’s VP scares many of us. Oh well.
Since then, in my previous volunteer work with Democracy Unplugged, I have sought to give space to the “fringe” voices who will never hold elective office but may have some ideas we might want to hear, along with other “issue” forums. For one example, see. Jan 30th, 2008 Democracy Unplugged Candidates Forum
My guide to locating these unheard voices has always been Politics.1, a website that lists almost all of the candidates running for the “larger” statewide offices.
Most recently, they cited Monaco’s pledge against Vladmir Putin as a reason for his imminent downfall, so they do have a sense of humor.
Pennsylvania’s Primary Election is May 17.
To follow the Congressional races, go to “Governor and Statewide races” and locate Pennsylvania in the US Map, then scroll down past governor, lieutenant governor and senator to congressional races. Tapping the name of a candidate will lead you to his/her Facebook or Twitter or website page.
Starting in CD 1, we have Henry Conoly, either a Green or a Libertarian, who actively opposes US involvement in Ukraine (see his whole Twitter feed)
CD 2 has Salem Snow who is a Kensington-based housing justice and medicare for all activist.
In CD 3 we had Daryl Brooks, a Republican frequent candidate and self-professed felon.
Skipping over to CD 5, which is Swarthmore’s own Mary Gay Scanlon, neither the Libertarian John Hayes or Proud Boys organizer Richard Schwetz have any websites, though Richard is all over the internet in Proud Boys mentions. John Hayes, Republican, is an anti-vaccine mandater, among other good qualities. However, I have to vote for my Swarthmore neighbor, or I will be shunned.