Turkish Senator Dr Oz — Mehmet Oz, the surgeon and television personality who is seeking the Republican nomination for this year’s race to represent Pennsylvania in the United States Senate, has declared he’ll give up the security clearances that are provided to all U.S. Senators to keep his dual citizenship with Turkey.
That may not disqualify him for the job under the law but it should for all thinking people.
Granted we weren’t going to vote for him anyway, but if one still hits the button for him knowing full well one’s concerns — and the concerns of America — are not his primary loyalty, one is a damn fool.
The Pennsylvania primary election is May 17. For whom should one vote?
Trey Gowdy Speaker At Pennsylvania Leadership Conference — The 2022 Pennsylvania Leadership Conference to be held April 1-2, at the Penn Harris Hotel by Wyndham (formerly the Radisson Penn Harris) in Camp Hill will feature policy “conversations” including an Agenda for Pennsylvania, State of the Conservative Movement, Empowering Pennsylvania Parents, and The Future of Health Care.
Former Congressman Trey Gowdy, currently a Fox News contributor and host of Sunday Night in America with Trey Gowdy, will be the featured dinner speaker Friday evening at the conference, former Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin will be the kick-off speaker, John Gizzi of Newsmax will be the conference breakfast speaker, State Treasurer Stacy Garrity, Auditor General Tim DeFoor, nationally-syndicated radio host Rev. C.L. Bryant of FreedomWorks, Cliff Maloney from the Citizens Alliance of America, Scott Parkinson from the Club for Growth, Cleta Mitchell from the Conservative Partnership Institute, and James Broughel from the Mercatus Center at George Mason University will also address the conference. The event will include special forums spotlighting candidates for Governor of Pennsylvania and United State Senator from Pennsylvania.
Trey Gowdy
The Pennsylvania Leadership Conference is the premiere gathering of public policy conservatives each year in the Keystone State. It is the largest and longest-running of the state-based conservative conferences regularly attracting a long list of conservative elected officials, scholars, journalists, and activists for two days of speeches, panel presentations, workshops, and networking.
Here are details of the policy conversations:
Agenda for Pennsylvania
Matthew Brouillette, Commonwealth Partners Chamber of Entrepreneurs
Kerry Benninghoff, PA House Majority Leader
Scott Martin, State Senator
State of the Conservative Movement
John Gizzi, Newsmax
Paul Kengor, Grove City College
Empowering Pennsylvania Parents
Andrew Lewis, State Representative
Aaron Anderson, Logos Academy
The Future of Health Care
Lloyd Smucker, U.S. Representative
Henrik Rasmussen, Stand Together
Details of workshops and panel presentations along with the complete conference agenda is on-line at www.paleadershipconference.org.
A pre-conference Pennsylvania Election Integrity Summit sponsored by the Conservative Partnership Institute and the Election Integrity Network will be held on Thursday, March 31t at the Penn Harris Hotel. A separate registration for the summit is required and available at www.paleadershipconference.org.
Trey Gowdy Speaker At Pennsylvania Leadership Conference
Unjust and unwise jealousy William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 3-16-22
Puqbzapjl hufdolyl pz h aoylha av qbzapjl lclyfdolyl.
Thyapu Sbaoly Rpun, Qy.
Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: It will be found an unjust and unwise jealousy to deprive a man of his natural liberty upon the supposition he may abuse it.
George Washington
Unjust and unwise jealousy William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 3-16-22