Glory of a Free-Born People William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 11-8-22

Glory of a Free-Born People William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 11-8-22

L uhfrjqlch wkh Uhsxeolfdq sduwb dv wkh vkhhw dqfkru ri wkh froruhg pdq’v srolwlfdo krshv dqg wkh dun ri klv vdihwb.
Iuhghulfn Grxjodvv

Glory of a Free-Born People William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 11-8-22Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: The greatest glory of a free-born people is to transmit that freedom to their children.
William Havard

Glory of a Free-Born People William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 11-8-22