Corbett To Cave On Medicaid?

It has been confirmed that Gov. Corbett has requested a meeting with Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, and the obvious  subject is the acceptance of federal money that would make an estimated 600,000 low-wage Pennsylvanians eligible for Medicaid, the government health program for “poor” people

Corbett had initially rejected the money after it was pointed out to him that expanding the pond of Medicaid recipients without expanding the health care providers isn’t really going to help anyone. In fact, it will make health care harder to obtain for the people now getting it, along with those getting Medicare as there is  overlap in the doctors participating in both services.

Having a card saying you have a right to health care is not the same as having health care, after all.

Still the propaganda mills run by those who acquire wealth and power through managing government services grind on and the fears are the Corbett — not known for having a strong backbone — will cave.

The good news, one supposes, is that he hasn’t yet.

It should be obvious, by the way, that the fewer private options available the more wealth and power the government managers have. These people really don’t care about you.

Pa House Passes CHIP Extension

Pa House Passes CHIP Extension  — The House has approved a measure to extend the state’s Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) through 2015, reports State Rep. Jim Cox (R-129).

CHIP provides health insurance to uninsured children and teens not eligible for or enrolled in Medical Assistance. The program, established in 1992, is set to expire at the end of this year, without legislative action.

The federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, together with the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010, have extended federal funding for CHIP through 2015.

Free CHIP coverage is available to eligible children in households with incomes no greater than 200 percent of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL); low-cost CHIP coverage is available for those with incomes greater than 200 percent but no greater than 300 percent of the FPL; and families with incomes greater than 300 percent of the FPL have the opportunity to purchase coverage by paying the full rate negotiated by the state.

Currently, 188,317 children are enrolled in CHIP across the Commonwealth. Federal funds pay for approximately two-thirds of the total cost of the program.

House Bill 108 now heads to the Senate for consideration.


Pa House Passes CHIP Extension

Pa House Passes CHIP Extension

California Solves ObamaCare Doc Shortfall

A light has popped on in the head of California Democratic State Senator Ed Hernandez regarding Obamacare, and the long-predicted physician shortfall.

What good is it if they are going to have a health insurance card but no access to doctors?”he asks.

Wow. He’s like Sherlock Holmes or something. Hey Ed, welcome to the club.

Maybe we should be charitable. Better late than never and all that.

On the other hand, we do have to consider the solution Ed and his fellow Democrats are proposing.

They want to  allow nurse practitioners and physician assistants to set up independent practices and declare pharmacists to be  primary care providers.

OK Ed, I’ll type slow for you: What good is it if the people are going to have access to those untrained in curing their ills?

Democrats — a stupid party for stupid people (except for those at the very top who are laughing their way to soft lives).

Pennsylvania Encourages Organ Donations

Pennsylvania Encourages Organ Donations — The Pennsylvania House unanimously passed a measure last week to offer tax credits to employers who offer paid leave to workers who choose to donate an organ or bone marrow to someone in need, reports state Rep. Jim Cox (R-129). House Bill 46 would institute the tax credit as one step in removing obstacles that may deter living donors.

The tax credits offered under the bill would be equal to the amount paid out in wages while an employee donor undergoes a transplant procedure and recovery – up to five days. Currently, more than 8,000 Pennsylvanians are in need of an organ or bone marrow transplant.

The bill now heads to the Senate for consideration.

Pennsylvania Encourages Organ Donations

Obamacare Horrors Detailed To Delco Pats

Obamacare Horrors Detailed To Delco Pats — A near-capacity crowd that approached 300 heard that Obamacare will be much worse than even a Tea Partyer might suspect.  Those attending the event at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Newtown Square tonight, Aug. 1. were both optimistic and enthusiastic in stopping it.
Katy Abram of Americans for Prosperity told the attendees at Hands Off My Healthcare that six-and-a-half million Pennsylvanians that now pay an income tax can expect to pay $3,065 more next year because of it.
Dr. Richard Leshner who is chief of cardiology at St. Mary’s Medical Center said doctor-patient privacy will soon be a thing of the past under  The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
“Only two people are supposed to be in the room,” he said during a patient consultation. “That’s not the future”.
Chris Stigall, whose talk show airs 5:30-9 a.m. weekdays on 1210 AM, said he was given a article from an Irish newspaper from friend from Havertown named Brian that described how a young girl had used up her oxygen quota and couldn’t get new tanks. That, he said, was the future here.
Hands Off My Healthcare was hosted by Americans for Prosperity and The Delaware County Patriots.
“It’s not about healthcare,” said Leshner regarding the law. “It’s not about women’s right. It’s about control.”
He said the law creates a vertically integrated payment structure that will keep doctors from having a say in how the treat their patients. He noted that the law strongly encourages employers to dump their health care plans as it costs about $8,000 per year to cover an employee’s insurance while the penalty for not doing so is but $2,000.
He said expect rationing.
Mrs. Abram, who entered the public stage when she told then Sen. Arlen Specter that he “awakened a sleeping giant” during a town hall in the summer of 2009, described how the IRS and Department of Justice will have as much to do with administering Obamacare as the Department of Health and Human Services.
Mrs. Abram, however, also provided details on a way to slay the monster. She showed this video from the Cato Institute as to why states should reject health care exchanges forcing the federal government to foot the load. Feds don’t have the money to fund a national exchange. A state gets no benefit or flexibility for setting one up an exchange of its own as they are but portals into a national system.
 Seven states — Texas, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, Wisconsin, South Carolina and Idaho — had declared they won’t be setting up state ones.
Pennsylvania is a different story. Gov. Tom Corbett — never a Tea Party favorite — has accepted $34 million from Washington for a state exchange. Mrs. Abram played a video of comments made by Corbett shortly after the Supreme Court ruling declaring Obamacare constitutional which indicated that he would comply with the law.
Mrs. Abram said Pennsylvania could either adopt a health exchange through an executive order by the governor or via a bill passed by the legislature. She said she didn’t think Corbett would go out on a limb to issue an executive order. Americans for Prosperity will be circulating Health Care Freedom Pledges for state legislators to sign.
Mrs. Abram said that while supporters of a state health exchange included the usual suspects like unions and Planned Parenthood, they also included the Pennsylvania Chamber of Commerce.
She said that information about health exchanges can be found at
In other items from the night, Leshner said electronic record requirements cause doctors to see 20 percent fewer patients.
“The great lie is that electronic records help you,” he said.
He agreed with a questioner who asked if Obama was purposely trying to force Catholic hospitals out of business.
He said the reality is that President Obama’s plan is not designed to help the needy.
He said the consequences that we suffer are “the ramifications of his stupidity.”
One woman during the question session said that many workers don’t understand how soon they might lose their insurance benefits. She suggested that people start quizzing management about their plans and asking co-workers what they had heard.
The night’s introductions were made by Mary Ellen Jones of the Patriots.
Aaron Summers of the Republican Party’s Delaware Victory Center made a short presentation about the need for volunteers. The center in Suite 208 at the Springfield Shopping Center, 1001 Baltimore Pike, Springfield, is open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Obamacare Horrors Detailed To Delco Pats
WPHT host Chris Stigall takes a question from the audience for Katy Abram and Dr. Richard Leshner.
Obamacare Horrors Detailed To Delco Pats

Off The Internet — Trump Explains ObamaCare

Let me get this straight . . . 

We’re going to be “gifted” with a health care plan we are forced to purchase and

fined if we don’t, 

Which purportedly covers at least ten million more people, without adding a single new doctor, but provides for 16,000 new IRS agents, written by a committee whose chairman says he doesn’t understand it, passed by a Congress that didn’t read it but exempted themselves from it, and signed by a Dumbo President who smokes, with funding administered by a treasury chief who didn’t pay his taxes, for which we’ll be taxed for four years before any benefits take effect, by a government which has already bankrupted Social Security and Medicare, all to be overseen by a surgeon general who is obese, and financed by a country that’s broke!!!!!

‘What could possibly go wrong?’

Supreme Court Upholds Obamacare

So the Supreme Court by 5-4 vote has just upheld the individual mandate of Obamacare calling it a tax.

Granted the president and the Democrats who supported the law did not call it a tax when pushing it but the black robes just felt taking them at their word was not necessary.
So now they can look forward to answering new questions stemming from the 2,000-plus page law that no Democrat in Congress read before casting his or her vote.
I’m crawling over glass to vote for Mitt Romney this November and anyone else with an R next to his name.
Except maybe Bill Adolph who doesn’t seem all that hot in fighting this garbage.
By the way, it is being noted that it will likely be cheaper for corporations to pay the  $2,800 fine per employee than keep them on the company health plan. 
Stephen Breyer, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Elena Kagan, Sonia Sotomayor, joined Chief Justice John Roberts in upholding the mandate.
Justices Samuel Alito, Anthony Kennedy, Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas dissented. 

Delco Pats To Rally Against 0-Care

The Delaware County Patriots will be among those participating in the Americans for Prosperity rally, Tuesday, March 27, in front of the Supreme Court. Their bus will be leaving for Washington, D.C. from the Granite Run Mall at about 9 a.m. 
Cost is $10. AFP will provide snacks for the way down but you are advised to bring something for the way back.
To RSVP, either click here or call Mary Ellen at 610-572-3442. The checks are need by March 15.

ObamaCare designer premiums to soar

ObamaCare designer premiums to soar — In a classic reversal, ObamaCare’s chief program designer says that the premiums will soar.
Wasn’t it only last year that the main reason for paassage was lowering health care premiums, to make it more affordable.
Absolutely disgracegful!!
What do you expect from a government that couldn’t even run the Cash For Clunkers Program??

Obama Catholic Solution Clueless

Obama Catholic Solution Clueless — Below is a left wing newspaper’s take on  Obama “solution”,if you care to read it.

Having the Catholic hospital or college insurance company pick up the tab for the morning after pill or contraceptives is misguided.

1)most catholic affiliated institutions are self-funded with regard to insurance.
So a Catholic institution would have to find and negotiate a price with an independent  insurance provider to provide for this cost.Talk about asking the Church to act in this overtly hypocritical  manner is an affront!

2)Where there isn’t self insurance ,to think that an insurance company isn’t going to pass along these added costs,to its other subscribers, Catholic and non-catholic is duplicious.

3)The Secular Humanist talking point is to stress this as a”woman’s health issue” is bogus whith so many Planned Parenthood offices throughout the USA.

IMO:when you think of the “compromise”,it is is 100% politically driven.
Which is to say,if Obama wins the election,he will reverse his “compromise”
Don’t forget  Obama’s  attitude on health care.NO COMPROMISE!!!
Wake up America