States Fixing Medicaid When President, Congress Won’t

By Thomas J. Smith

This piece first ran in Investor’s Business Daily.

The Affordable Care Act may not yet be fully implemented, but its negative effects and exorbitant price tag are already being felt in statehouses, hospitals, and homes across the country.

Yet in the face of the President’s and the Senate’s unwillingness to address the law’s many issues, some states—including my home state of Pennsylvania—are taking proactive steps to help protect taxpayers and families from the ACA’s burdensome costs by refusing to expand Medicaid programs that fail to serve the poor.

Fifteen states have so far announced their intention not to participate in the ACA’s Medicaid expansion program.

The President may not like this development, but it’s a decision that makes sense—both fiscally and morally.

Consider Medicaid’s current bill of health. Medicaid has a poor record of serving the people who need it the most. The program’s broken system of doctor reimbursements and its reams of red tape mean that many doctors have to choose between accepting Medicaid patients and staying in business. As a result, Medicaid recipients have fewer options, spend more time in the waiting room, and ultimately don’t get the care they need.

The 48-year old program is bleeding red ink. It is already the single largest item in most state budgets, accounting for roughly 23 percent of state spending on average. Pennsylvania alone expects to spend more than $9 billion in state funds on Medicaid over the next year.

The national numbers are even more enormous. Medicaid spending ballooned from $73.7 billion in 1990 to an estimated $450 billion last year. And the GAO predicts Medicaid costs will continue to grow faster than taxpayers’ ability to pay and consume a larger share of state and federal spending.

These numbers—already at mind-boggling levels—are expected to accelerate under the Affordable Care Act. Rather than rein in the runaway cost of Medicaid, the ACA urges states to expand the program using an unfortunate “carrot and stick” approach.

The “carrot” is that the federal government has promised to shoulder the additional costs at first, but its payments will trickle off after three years. The “stick” is 20 new federal taxes that residents will still pay for Medicaid expansion in other states, even if their state refuses to participate. It’s nothing more than financial extortion by another name.

Pennsylvania has seen through this ruse, as have 14 other states, with ten more still weighing the offer. Past experience has taught these governors that Washington politicians will renege on their promises—President Obama has already suggested cutting the federal matching rate. Even if the federal government keeps its end of the deal, states will be forced raise taxes to pay for a program they have little control over.

That’s why Governor Corbett should also be praised for requesting an “innovation waiver” for the program. Unlike the fake flexibility pursued by Arkansas, these waivers offer states wider latitude and have a good track record in the states where they exist.

With flexibility to fix Medicaid, states have saved money, improved patient care, and produced more satisfied participants. In the face of the ACA’s crippling uniformity, such waivers are the best means for states to improve the health care of their neediest citizens while balancing their budgets.

The ACA’s problems are obvious, whether you’re sitting in Washington, Harrisburg, or anywhere in between. That’s why leaders in statehouses across the country should do the right thing and follow Pennsylvania’s lead. Instead of waiting for dollars and dictates from D.C. to expand a broken program, our states can save our ailing health care system by fixing Medicaid themselves.

# # #

Thomas J. Smith was Pennsylvania’s 2012 Republican candidate for U.S. Senate and is a member of the Board of Directors for the Commonwealth Foundation for Public Policy Alternatives, ( Pennsylvania’s free-market think tank.

States Fixing Medicaid When President, Congress Won't

States Fixing Medicaid When President, Congress Won’t

Medical Device Tax $194 Million Per Month

Medical Device Tax $194 Million Per Month — Senator Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) says the medical device tax that took effect in January as part of Obamacare is expected to cost device manufacturers roughly $194 million per month putting 43,000 American jobs at risk.

He says that in Pennsylvania, the medical device tax will cost our economy $100 million a year, causing job losses and harming the ability of companies to expand and hire.

“I have heard from many manufacturers including Fujirebio Diagnostics based in Malvern, B. Braun located in the Lehigh Valley, and Cook Medical with a location in Vandergrift that this tax is already eliminating Pennsylvania jobs, undermining our economy, and driving up the cost of care for patients,” he said. “I continue to work to repeal the medical device tax that was created in the president’s health care law. We must eliminate a burdensome provision of this law which forces manufacturers of medical devices – ranging from cochlear implants to pacemakers to artificial joints – to pay a 2.3 percent tax on their sales.”


Medical Device Tax $194 Million Per Month

Medical Device Tax  $194 Million Per Month

Congress ObamaCare Exemption Plotted

Congress ObamaCare Exemption Plotted — reported April 24 that congressional leaders in both parties are engaged in high-level, confidential talks about exempting lawmakers and Capitol Hill aides from the insurance exchanges they are mandated to join as part of President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul,

Seems that’s the sort of thing that happens when you pass a bill without reading it.

The hacks claim that not exempting themselves and their aides will result in a “brain drain”.


Ha ha


Hey, here’s an idea: exempt EVERYBODY from the insurance exchanges they are mandated to join as part of Obamacare.

Any hack voting to exempt himself without extending the same right to all should be voted from office and tarred and feathered.

Vice versa works to.

Obamacare must go. It must go because it hurts the poor, it hurts the needy, it hurts the suffering, it hurts the elderly and, especially, because it hurts the children who are already burdened with a $16.8 trillion national debt due to the actions of this generation.



Congress ObamaCare Exemption Plotted

Congress ObamaCare Exemption Plotted

Medicaid Non-Profiting Is Where The Big Bucks Are

Chuck Martini of Upper Providence has informed me that Peter Campanelli is pulling down $2,876,700 as CED of Institute for Community Living in Manhattan which provides Medicare-funded services for New Yorkers.  He also notes that Dennis Verzi, who is vice president of continuing care at Maryhaven Center of Hope on Long Island, which also provides Medicare-funded services for the Empire State, pulls down $1,003,980. And just a vice president mind you. Why Verzi makes more than his CEO Lewis Grossman who gets a measly $643,484.

If you can’t take $2,876,700 to the bank, here’s something you can — one-percenters who support government social programs because they claim to “care”, don’t. At least about others.

You can also bet your bippy this crowd supported Obama and his fellow Democrat thieves.

Medicaid Non-Profiting Is Where The Big Bucks Are

Medicaid Non-Profiting Is Where The Big Bucks Are

Washington Post Idiot Journalism

Washington Post Idiot Journalism — The consequence  of bad voting/bad journalism/bad education is happening as a Drudge link to a Washington Post article shows: Cancer clincs are turning away Medicare patients.

The Post is citing sequestration cuts — as expected from a Washington establishment propaganda publication — without mentioning the hundreds of billions Obamacare has siphoned  from Medicare or considering the consequences of the $17 trillion debt that the sequestration attempts to address no matter how feebly. Quick quiz: what happens to the the purchasing power of a dollar when it loses half its value?

Further, the Post fails to consider the looming shortfall of primary care physicians as per another Drudge link to an AARP site that advocates replacing them with nurse practitioners. Hear that cancer patients? Nothing to worry about.

Commentators are raking the Post and the establishment over the coals for their hand-waving insensitivity and their attempt to use the crisis to gain more power.

And this leads us to the comment of the day from a doctor using the handle Joelhassfan4:


is disturbing on so many levels, no wonder there are already over 5000
comments and growing exponentially as I write. As a doctor, this is
exhibit A of why Abomination Care, ie PPACA has to be redone at the very
least. Polticians are not clinicians they have no clue how to triage,
and boy, will they be punitive at the drop of a hat!

Frankly, I
have said this at so many sites and no one seems to show any interest
in the perspective, but, I think we are ruled, not represented mind you,
by a growing percentage of antisocial scum. Look up in the Wikepedia
definition of Antisocial Personality Disorder, and apply it just to the
leaders of both parties, and you will see they meet at least 3-4 of the
qualifying descriptors.

Yeah, real leadership, go after people who are terminally ill. What a freadin’ precedent, from the President on down.

Incumbent = incompetent, just move around some letters!!!


Washington Post Idiot Journalism

Health Info Seekers Saturate Web

Those seeking health information online has reached the saturation point reports, noting that 87 percent of US internet users used the web for health research last year.

The website attributes the surge to an aging population — baby boomers, who are more familiar with computer technology than the previous generation, are turning 65 at a rate of 8,000 per day — but also and more significantly to the increased cost of healthcare.

“Health insurance plans with high deductibles have led to a decline in patients visiting their physician and an increase in patients putting off medical treatments,” eMarketer notes.

The firm cites an NPR poll taken last year that showed that three out of four people who said they were sick said that the cost was a “very serious problem” and nearly half said they felt burdened by what they had to pay out of pocket for care.

Health Info Seekers Saturate Web

Health Info Seekers Saturate Web

Jake McClain Tweets ObamaCare Law

Jake McClain Tweets ObamaCare Law — Actor Jake McClain is attempting to tweet the 906-page Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act that is more and more endangering our lives and stripping out wealth.

Good luck with that Jake. Maybe Nancy Pelosi will actually read the bill via your tweets and comprehend the suffering she is causing.


Jake McClain Tweets ObamaCare Law

110 Million Venereal Infections In USA

110 Million Venereal Infections In USA — The Center for Disease Control has announced that there are 110 million venereal infections in the United States with 20 million new ones happening annually.

Now, many of these infections involve the same person so it is not the case that 110 million Americans have these infections. Still, out of a nation of 300 million that does mean that there are whole lot of people one wouldn’t want to date.


110 Million Venereal Infections In USA

Chief Justice Roberts Meet ObamaCare

Chief Justice Roberts Meet ObamaCare

“Our doctors have told us to be prepared for the worst because right now we can hardly find a doctor.”

Liberals on the Supreme Court and in Congress refused to heed this
warning as they brazenly imposed President Barack Obama’s Affordable
Care Act on the American people. Under a cloud of controversy, Obamacare
has now entered its third year.

In its 2012 decision on Obamacare, the U.S. Supreme Court based its ruling on a convoluted interpretation of law. In a 5-4 decision, Chief Justice John Roberts voted alongside liberal justices to clear the way for the implementation of Obamacare. Roberts’ overriding concern was if the individual mandate to force Americans to buy medical insurance should be labeled a tax or a fine. Human loss and suffering were inconsequential. The human toll could not be factored in based on legal constricts placed on the court.
Decisions are to be based on law and not emotion. Regardless and
predictably, the leftist jurists’ ideology of applying social justice, a
primary tenet of socialism, infused their decisions. Conservatives on
the bench voted against the individual mandate, which would force
Americans to purchase medical insurance under coercion whether by a tax
or fine, as unconstitutional.

Soon after its passage, Obamacare began claiming casualties.
Front-line victims became early warnings of the pain and suffering — the
desperation — to come. Few in seats of power took heed. Obama and
Congress had, after all, exempted themselves from the medical nightmare
they created along with a swath of their political cronies and
supporters. Supreme Court justices remain exempt as well. Question: Why
exempt themselves? What is it that they are afraid of?

Mid-2010, Americans were beginning to experience the creeping effects
of socialized medicine. During a radio interview, a caller who
identified himself as a life-long Democrat told me of the particular
form of hell that he and his young paraplegic wife were going through
due to Obamacare. The caller wanted to warn fellow Americans. His wife
was already being abandoned by her doctors who feared cuts in
reimbursements. Doctors pointed to mandated cuts in Medicare monies
being shifted to fund Obamacare. What follows is a limited transcript of
my on-air interview with the caller about his wife’s ordeal.

Husband/Caller: “Our doctors have told us
to be prepared for the worst because right now we can hardly find a
doctor. We’re not in a small town, and when we go to find a new doctor
for a new problem, a podiatrist or specialty doctor of any kind, we go
through many, many, many, many names before one finally decides to take
us. They tell us upfront that you are going to probably end-up being
billed the 20% because we [the doctors] know that we don’t get
reimbursed for that and they’ve changed their paperwork. You used to be
able to pick up the phone and call any doctor and they say come on in,
we take Medicare, we take QMB – now I spend two and three days trying to
find one doctor with other doctors helping me to find a doctor that
would accept the program. Through the Bush time, we thought GW was the
worst thing that had ever happened to America. But, we were able to keep
everything we had. Nothing was affected, our health plan was not
affected, the doctors were not affected, nothing happened to us badly.
Well, now since Obama has taken over we can no longer . . .” (Voice

The caller explained further, that in desperation, he took his wife
to a clinic. Clinic doctors informed him that they were not qualified to
treat his wife, nor could they admit patients to a hospital. Frantic,
he recruited the help of others in his continued search to find a
qualified doctor who would accept their Medicare/Qualified Medicare
Beneficiary program. Eventually, he said, a 74-year-old doctor, in
semi-retirement, finally agreed to treat his wife.

As a result of that call, I have investigated first-hand accounts and
concerns of those who provide medical care to our mentally and
physically disabled and to our seniors. Medical care providers expect
the human toll, from warehousing patients to loss of life, to be
extensive. Obamacare results in fewer doctors available to middle and
lower income patients. Corruption is embedded in Obama’s Affordable Care
Act as it fosters breeding grounds for less skilled and less ethical
doctors and clinics to run Obamacare mills based on quantity of patients
and not quality of care.

A recent interview I did with an emergency room doctor disclosed
traumatizing choices that doctors are already being forced to make. An
experienced emergency room doctor found himself trapped
between admitting two critically ill patients or adhering to newly
applied government regulations. His hospital’s funding was under new
government-imposed financial guidelines. Costs were to be lowered by
turning away short-term, repeat Medicare patients. The doctor explains
that he is now caught in a regulatory vice:

“As more and more are added to the
Obamacare rolls, there will be less and less access. People will get
sicker and yes, people will die because of it. I had a sick and sinking
feeling in the pit of my stomach today after both of these incidents.”

Facing the prospects of turning away dying patients or facing a
hospital reprimand for admitting them, this doctor chose patient care
over job security. The doctor expects to retire in a few years.

Former top aide to Obama, Jeffrey Crowley, helped design how
Obamacare is being implemented. Crowley openly admits that there are
serious flaws, saying, “We know it’s going to be messy.” “Messy?”  Is
that what President Obama, liberal Democrats and socialists on the
Supreme Court call the heartache, suffering and sorrow that is already
being faced by Americans and their families? Chief Justice Roberts and
his liberal jurists on the high court have torpedoed the American
economy along with the American health care system making the pain not
just medical, but financial. Workers nationwide complain that their
paychecks have been hit with the first-round of Obamacare taxes
resulting in less take-home pay. It is just the beginning.

The latest Rasmussen Reports survey reveals that a 54 percent
majority of Americans expect the U.S. healthcare system to get worse
over the next four years. Benjamin Domenech of Health Care News reports
that the latest Kaiser/Harvard survey found, “Obamacare’s Unpopularity
Grows in New Poll.” The survey reports that the disapproval of Obamacare
“was mostly driven by an increase in opposition from the politically
significant independent voters — the survey found 57% of independents
opposed the law, up from 41 percent last month.” The
House of Representatives currently has the authority to defund the
administrative arm of the Affordable Care Act and effectively nullify
Obamacare. Having been given that authority by the American people, the
latest polls indicate that they should use it — and then expand sales of
personal medical insurance into the free-market to be sold at
competitive rates across state lines.

Sharon Sebastian’s work can be found at  AmericanDailyHerald.Com

Chief Justice Roberts Meet ObamaCare

Red-Run Health Care Leaves 40K Dead In U.K.

Red-Run Health Care Leaves 40K Dead In U.K. — Britain’s National Health Service is responsible for 40,000 preventable deaths under the administration of Sir David Nicholson, a former communist activist, reports Richard Fernandez of

The deaths were mostly elderly persons with one hospital being responsible for 1,200 of them.

Get ready America, this is coming here.

BTW, it has been revealed that Nicholson spent over 15 million pounds in taxpayer  money to gag and prosecute those trying to blow the whistle on the horrific practices.

Red-Run Health Care Leaves 40K Dead In U.K.
40,000 unnecessary deaths in British Health care system.

Red-Run Health Care Leaves 40K Dead In U.K.