Seattle Anti-White Bigotry Must Be Punished

Seattle Anti-White Bigotry Must Be Punished — Seattle held a segregated training session for white employees demeaning them and saying they must work on “undoing your own whiteness”.

This was obviously in violation of the Civil Rights Act, and Constitution. May those responsible be sued to oblivion and may those victimized get rich from reparations for this oppression.

Among the characteristic they said white employees must abandon are perfectionism, individualism, intellectualization, comfort and objectivity.

Guess these bigots are anti-black too. Why do they think people with dark skin can’t be perfectionist, individualistic, intellectual, objective and enjoy comfort?

The great Rev. King said judge people by the content of their character not the color of their skin. These jackasses are spitting in Rev. King’s face just as did the racists he looked in the eye.

There is no such thing as “white people”. There is no such thing as “black people’. There is only people. All people can choose to be good. All people can choose to be evil.

People who have chosen to be sick and evil have taken control of government in Seattle and many other places. Those who can’t see this are blind.

Seattle Anti-White Bigotry Must Be Punished
Seattle Anti-White Bigotry Must Be Punished

Antifa Is Fascist

Antifa is fascist. The uncapitalized definition of fascism is tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control. The movement has attacked journalists, intimidated citizens and violently seeks to stop any dissenting viewpoints.

Antifa Is Fascist
This is how you do it

That can fairly be called fascist. Defenders will say but but but “Antifa means anti-fascists”. Sure. And the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is really a democratic people’s republic.

if one wants to nitpick and say nationalism is required for something to be fascist we will concede that antifa is internationalist and seeks a global government.

However, that is nitpicking. Where the rubber meets the road they are totalitarian bullies and can most certainly be called fascist.

The mostly white movement should have the same status in our society as the Ku Klux Klan. Their leaders should be arrested. Every person who commits an act of terror against a law-abiding citizen should be personally sued and their wages garnished until the damages are paid, with interest.

We need a society based on mercy, compassion, respect for dissent and universal justice. Any group using violence for a political end is evil. Fascism must be fought whatever it calls itself.

By the way, you know that one of the first things the Nazis did when they took over was to replace the traditional German state and local police forces with a national one? Just sayin’.

Antifa Is Fascist

Albert Pike Falls, Good Riddance

Albert Pike Falls, Good Riddance — Last night, (June 19) rioters in D.C. toppled the statue of Albert Pike. Their outrage was that he was a brigadier general in the Confederate Army who led Native Americans battling to keep their black slaves, and that’s how he was described in newscasts.

Albert Pike Falls, Good Riddance
It’s gone, gone gone

OK, not the part about how he led Indians fighting to keep their slaves — which is true — but that he was a Confederate general.

So how did a minor Confederate general get a statue in our nation’s capital? Pike’s real claim to fame was being the leader of Freemasonry in the 19th century. There are conspiracy theories attributed to him i.e. that he was a devil-worshipper who predicted three world wars to that would lead to a realm ruled by Satan.

This specific prophecy is easily debunked as Pike died in 1891 and the words he allegedly used included “fascists” and “Nazis” which didn’t exist until 1921 and 1930.

However, there is a more reasonable phrasing alleged to have been made in a letter Pike wrote to Guiseppe Mazzini in 1871:

We shall unleash the nihilists and the atheists and we shall provoke a great social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to all nations the effect of absolute atheism; the origins of savagery and of most bloody turmoil.

Then everywhere, the people will be forced to defend themselves against the world minority of the world revolutionaries and will exterminate those destroyers of civilization and the multitudes disillusioned with Christianity whose spirits will be from that moment without direction and leadership and anxious for an ideal, but without knowledge where to send its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer brought finally out into public view. A manifestation which will result from a general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and Atheism; both conquered and exterminated at the same time.

Say what you want but there does seem to be sort of a blueprint there for recent events.

The letter was claimed to be on file in the  British Museum Library by author and Canadian Naval Officer William Guy Carr albeit Carr later took it back. He said his source for the letter was Chilean Cardinal José María Caro Rodríguez.

There are claims about Pike and Freemasonry support of Luciferianism that can be attributed to 19th century French personality Léo Taxil, who would later admit it was all a hoax.

Still, there is no doubt that Pike hated Catholicism and wanted to change American culture to a non-Christian one.

The authoritative Catholic Encyclopedia quotes Pike as saying:

A man who has a higher conception of God than those about him and who denies that their conception is God, is very likely to be called an Atheist by men who are really far less believers in God than he


It is in the antique symbols and their occult meaning that the true secrets of Freemasonry consist. These must reveal its nature and true purposes.


The Papacy . . . has been for a thousand years the torturer and curse of Humanity, the most shameless imposture, in its pretence to spiritual power of all ages. 

So how did this guy get a statue in Washington D.C. ?

We strongly encourage Black Lives Matter to go after the Georgia Guidestones next.

Albert Pike Falls, Good Riddance

Fascists Attack Popular Penn Delco President

Fascists Attack Popular Penn Delco President — Leon Armour, who overwhelmingly won a four-year term on the Penn Delco School Board in November and was picked by his peers as board president, is under fire for Facebook comments.

Fascists Attack Popular Penn Delco President
Leon Armour, one of the good guys

A petition is being circulated to remove him. It’s part of the Cancel Culture. No, there is a better name for it. It’s the Karen Culture. Yeah, the Karen Culture. Pompous, merciless bullies who are certain they are so righteous they can destroy anybody who disses the beliefs they have become conditioned to parrot.

Remember, the Supreme Court just ruled Karens can be males too.

In February 2018, Armour posted a photo of a rifle with the comment “I’m still monitoring it to see if it goes on a killing spree. So far it hasn’t moved.” Oh, the horror. The weapon never did go on a killing spree. It’s actually an excellent way to make a point and tell a truth.

He posted other, less inspired, comments involving illegal immigration, Islam and crime but just the same we are getting sick and tired of people having their lives ruined for moments of social media stupidity. Wonder how those passing the petition would fare with a Twitter exam. Frankly, only the most insipid and banal would likely pass.

Armour is only getting grief because he is the face of a board that is not a rubber stamp for the progressive God-is-dead types that run the teachers union.

The progressives are pushing to defund the police. What would be far better for a happy society would be to abolish school districts and take all that money we spend on education and give it directly to parents so they can choose their kids schools.

Fascists Attack Popular Penn Delco President

Most Violent Day In Chicago

Most Violent Day In Chicago — May 31 was the most violent day in Chicago in the last 60 years with 18 killed in 24 hours. Stores were looted as police were absent. You saw the headlines right? That was sarcasm. The traditional i.e. establishment globalist media is not about telling the truth or informing the public.

Who needs police around anyway? Actually, you probably don’t if you are killing someone or looting a store.

Most Violent Day In Chicago
Most Violent Day In Chicago

Hypocrite Buttigieg And Islam

Hypocrite Buttigieg And Islam — Pete Buttigieg, the bitter, angry, outspokenly homosexual mayor of South Bend, Ind., has attacked Christians who vote Republican because of Biblical imperatives such as protecting the weak and helpless, not killing, and refraining from destructive sex acts; and that the Democrat Party not merely dismiss these commands but is offended by the very idea of God.

At least God as how Christians know Him.

Buttigieg has been notably silent regarding the hate-filled statements of militant Islamist congresswomen Ilhan Omar (D-MN5) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI13).

Something to consider: Would Buttigieg prefer to be thrown off the building or have it fall on him?

Here’s an LOL to end it: Buttigieg has accused President Trump of “Islamophobia”.

Hypocrite Buttigieg And Islam
Hypocrite Buttigieg And Islam -- Pete Buttigieg, the bitter, angry, outspokenly homosexual mayor of South Bend, Ind., has attacked

AOC Congresswoman Casting Call

AOC Congresswoman Casting Call — Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez had been a waitress and barmaid before the residents of New York’s 14th District picked her to be a lawmaker after a well-financed campaign orchestrated by the Justice Democrats.

AOC Congresswoman Casting Call
AOC sharing a planet killing hamburger with America-hating Saikat Chakrabarti.

So what made these this bunch think she had what it took with regard to wisdom and knowledge and such?

They didn’t. They picked her because she was reasonably attractive and personable and would do as she was told.

It was literally a casting call.

Justice Democrats is the creature of Cenk Uygur, a Turkish immigrant who apparently dreams of turning this country into Turkey.

Or some kind of third world paradise anyway.

AOC’s chief of staff, Saikat Chakrabarti, is such a hater of America he wears a shirt featuring the image of Subhas Chandra Bose who was a supporter of the Nazis and just as brutal Japanese in World War II.

America is besieged by traitors from within.

If you have seen this video describing what we are facing please watch.

Hat tip Bunny.

AOC Congresswoman Casting Call

MAGA Mole AOC Blasted By Environmentalist

MAGA Mole AOC Blasted By Environmentalist— Patrick Moore, the noted environmentalist who is a former president and one of the early leaders of Greenpeace, has blasted the wonderful Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for her “Green New Deal”.

MAGA Mole AOC Blasted By Enviromentalist-
She’s our girl. She how she’s treating her minion to an over-priced hamburger?

“Pompous little twit,” he called the New York congresswoman.

You’re going to kill 8 billion people, he implied.

“Her kind bring ruination if allowed to be ‘in charge'”, he said.

Ahhh Patrick. Please leave our beautiful MAGA mole alone. She is single-handedly destroying the Democrat Party. Mata Hari is green with envy at her success.

MAGA Mole AOC Blasted By Environmentalist

Robert Hockett Unwillingness To Tell The Truth

Robert Hockett Unwillingness To Tell The Truth — Tucker Carlson of Fox News is one of the better interviewers and on Friday (Feb. 8), he sold pompous Cornell professor Robert Hockett enough rope to hang himself.

Hockett seems to be one of the puppet masters of new socialist darling Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY14) who is being marketed as AOC, an abbreviation of her name.

Robert Hockett Unwillingness To Tell The Truth
Click to enlarge and note the date.

Anyway, AOC released a bizarre manifesto on Feb. 5 calling for a Green New Deal in which she called for spending trillions to replace airplanes with trains, ban farting cows and provide “economic security to all who are unable or unwilling to work.”

Well Hockett sputtered she never said those thing and the phrase came from a “doctored document from someone other than us.”

It is truly amazing how easy it is for progressives to lie without shame.

The part about cow emissions. Click to enlarge.

Leaving aside the many contemporaneous reports of the phrase attributed to Ocasio-Cortez, there is an internet archive of it from her website. It can be found here.

Tucker’s interview can be seen below.

Robert Hockett Unwillingness To Tell The Truth