Kyle Rittenhouse Side Unreported

Kyle Rittenhouse Side Unreported — There is much misreported as the establishment propaganda mockingbirds demonize Kyle Rittenhouse, the 17-year-old lifeguard who shot three killing two in self defense on Aug. 25 during the Kenosha, Wis. riots.

Kyle did not cross state lines to participate in some kind of militia activity. He worked in Kenosha as a lifeguard. He did not bring the rifle across state lines. He was asked by the owner to help protect what was left of a car dealership destroyed by the rioters. He did not do so on his own initiative.

Kyle had brought a first aid kit and was attempting to help injured rioters when he was set upon.

Kyle initially fled. He fired when it appeared he couldn’t escape and his life was in danger.

It’s more and more clear that he shot all in self defense, yet he is charged with numerous crimes including first degree murder.

And, of course, the two he killed had significant records of felonious violence. What are the odds that the only killed would be violent felons if it were a crowd of peaceful protestors seeking fairness and justice?

Here is the statement from his attorney Pierce Bainbridge:

Kyle Rittenhouse Side Unreported

What else is being under-reported is Jacob Blake, the martyr /s, whose shooting by police caused the turmoil.

Blake was wanted on felonious sexual assault. He, in July, had allegedly entered the home of a female acquaintance as she slept on her bed with her child. He penetrated her with his finger, sniffed it and accused her of being with other men, all with the child present leaving her humiliated and in tears. He then took her keys to steal her car and left. He returned on Aug. 23 and she called police. He resisted arrest and was shot.

Wear his name on your helmets all you corporate athletes so your dwindling number of fans can see where you stand.

Then say #MeToo.

Kyle Rittenhouse Side Unreported

Kyle Rittenhouse The Punisher Or Do Violent Perverts Really Protest For Racial Justice

Kyle Rittenhouse The Punisher Or Do Violent Perverts Really Protest For Racial Justice — The two killed by Kyle Rittenhouse during the Aug. 25 riots in Kenosha, Wis. had serious criminal records.

Joseph D Rosenbaum, was on the offender’s list for having sex with a minor.

Kyle Rittenhouse The Punisher Or Do Violent Perverts Really Protest For Racial Justice

Anthony M. Huber was convicted of numerous crimes related to violent domestic abuse, most recently in 2018.

The man Kyle wounded, Gaige Grosskreutz, was a member of the radical group People’s Revolution Movement. He was armed and pulled his gun before Kyle got him first.

There is solid evidence that Kyle, 17, was acting in self defense. The woke city leaders, however, chose to charge him with first degree murder.

Here are the big questions, though, that the establishment media is ignoring: Do white pedophiles and violent misogynists really care about black lives? What was the real reason they were out there? What are the odds that 100 percent of those killed by Kyle were violent criminals?

Kyle Rittenhouse The Punisher Or Do Violent Perverts Really Protest For Racial Justice

And most importantly: If he stood on a stand and shot the rioters at random how much would the percentage change?

These riots have squat to do with human rights or social progress.

Kyle Rittenhouse The Punisher Or Do Violent Perverts Really Protest For Racial Justice

Hillary Hired Ghislaine Nephew

Hillary Hired Ghislaine Nephew
Cackle while you can

Hillary Clinton, while secretary of state, hired in May 2009 Ghislaine Maxwell’s nephew, Alexander Djerassi, as special assistant to the Office of the Assistant Secretary of State, Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs. It appears to have been Djerassi’s first job out of college. The Bureau handles issues related to Iran, Israel, Saudi Arabia and other Islamic hot spots.

Djerassi was promoted to chief of staff for the office in May 2011.

He reportedly worked directly on the Obama Administration’s Arab Spring policy, which led to anti-American governments throughout the Mideast..

Hat tip Elaine Mickman

Hillary Hired Ghislaine Nephew

Biden Would Destroy Burbs

Biden Would Destroy Burbs — America’s suburbs would become unrecognizable if Joe Biden becomes president says The Federalist.

The Obama administration issued a regulation known as Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) in 2015. It claimed the rule would combat “housing segregation” in suburbs, despite the Fair Housing Act of 1968 outlawing such practice and despite the suburbs experiencing a natural and healthy integration.

AFFH would have required the municipalities of places like Delaware County to scrap zoning, build bigger water and sewer lines to support high-density living, expand schools and social services and add mass transit. It would have been a federal takeover of local government.

The Trump administration killed it.

If Biden wins, he — or his handlers — will bring it back on steroids.

Biden backs a proposal by Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J., that would withhold federal transportation grants unless communities sign on to AFFH. It would be almost impossible for many communities to decline this funding, and the feds would effectively usurp local government.

Life in Delco, Montco, Chesco and Bucks would change for the worse. Open space will disappear, taxes will rise and those the minorities who move to the burbs seek to escape, will be empowered to follow along.

Biden Would Destroy Burbs
We do know want this man or his enabler as president

Yes, crime will rise. No, it is not about skin color but character.

A far better solution would be to suburbanized the cities. Give the Philadelphia neighborhoods the power to set their own zoning and hire their own police and start volunteer fire departments. It sure would complicate life for the party bosses and their flunkies who get rich off centralized power.

Biden Would Destroy Burbs

Nike Buys Slaves, You Don’t, Wake Up

Nike Buys Slaves, You Don’t, Wake Up — We reported this July 24 but we’ll reiterate. An investigation by Forbes has revealed that Nike literally buys slaves to make its products. This occurs in China and the slaves are Moslem Uighurs. Among the ways these slaves are advertised is from online postings proclaiming  The advantages of Xinjiang workers are: semi-military style management, can withstand hardship, no loss of personnel … Minimum order 100 workers! 

Does Nike brand its Uighur slaves with this? Just don’t it.

If you buy Nike products you support slavery. Before you read this maybe could plead ignorance but now, not so much.

Not everything made overseas is with slave labor, and there are things you have little choice in buying. Branded apparel is not one of them, though, especially when it comes from a brand that might be the biggest hypocrite in merchandising history.

It’s not hyperbole to say that if you buy Nike you support slavery.

Remember that next time someone talks about “white privilege”. Especially if it is from a guy who became an even bigger one-percenter when he figured out a new scam after he lost a step on the gridiron, or from a billionairess who got her wealth pandering and promoting perversion.

Really, how many slaves have you ever owned? Infinitely less than Nike.

Or John of God, for that matter.

Nike Buys Slaves, You Don’t, Wake Up

Samizdat Cure For Google Censorship

Samizdat Cure For Google Censorship — is a news website that reports unflattering things about Democrats and nice things about Donald Trump and his supporters.

Because of this it is disparaged as “right wing” and “conservative” but, unlike the Washington Post and NBC, it doesn’t make things up, and it corrects its mistakes.

It has been learned that Google has suppressed Breitbart’s search visibility by 99.7 percent since 2016, when it was a major source of accurate information about both Clinton and Trump. Note that this accurate reporting did not make Google happy.

Anyway, Google has pledged to pull out all stops to defeat Trump and all stops have been pulled.

So if you don’t want to live in a feudalistic society with wannabe queens and kings pushing you around what do you do?

Don’t be afraid, don’t be discouraged by what you hear in the media and vote Republican, in person, on Nov. 3. There are far more people who see the evil that has taken over the Democratic Party than one would think via the establishment mouthpieces.

The cure for Silicon Valley censorship is Samizdat. Samizdat is what dissidents in the Soviet Union and other nations under the communist boot did to spread the truth. Individuals reproduced censored and underground makeshift publications, often by hand, and passed the documents from reader to reader.

We can still use social media.

Join Parler and Gab but don’t quit Twitter or Facebook. Especially Facebook as that is by far the largest social media outlet. Spread honest information about Biden and Trump and issues of the day — yes, the Biden’s kid flew to China on Air Force 2 and came back with $1.5 billion; yes, federal agents may have been blinded by rioters in Portland; yes the rioters are organized; no, Antifa is not a myth; yes, crime is soaring in Democrat-run cities; yes, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s murderous nursing home policy is responsible for the deaths of thousands; yes, high ranking FBI agents violated all sorts of well-established protocols and civil rights safeguards to get warrants on President Trump’s staff members etc. etc.

Spread these links yourselves via email, Facebook, Twitter and any other mainstream social media network to which you belong. Make screenshots of stories you think the censors might filter. It is harder to censor screenshots. Always be honest. Don’t be like MSNBC.

Samizdat Cure For Google Censorship
Samizdat Cure For Google Censorship


Make HCQ OTC — A group of doctors held a press conference in front of the Capitol, yesterday, July 27, in which they blasted media reporting and government interference concerning the use of hydroxychloroquine for the treatment of Covid-19.

Video from the conference has been banned by Facebook, Google/YouTube, Twitter., however, has it for those curious about the other side.

Watch it here and feel free to share it.

Hydroxychloroquine is a long-used, well-understood drug that is arguably safer than aspirin. Many countries allow it sold over the counter and even freely distribute to its citizens.

It could be why nations we sneer at as “Third World” have much better case-fatality ratios than the U.S. and especially Western Europe.

We should end all barriers that inhibit doctors from prescribing HCQ .

Actually, why not just make it available over the counter? In these lockdowns, marijuana dispensaries were deemed “essential services” in those places that have them. If you can trust people with pot, you should be able to trust them with something that could save their lives.

Doctors can still prescribe HCQ for Covid-19 despite the FDA action withdrawing its emergency use allowance, but they face extreme and unnecessary hurdles.

Yes, the HCQ-using “Third World” places are doing better than the USA and Western Europe.

Cancel Colin Kaepernick And Nike And All Corporate Slave Masters

Cancel Colin Kaepernick And Nike And All Corporate Slave Masters — Hey Colin Kaepernick, you see how your partner is making its shoes? That’s right, Nike is literally using slaves in the People’s Republic of China.

Cancel Colin Kaepernick And Nike And All Corporate Slave Masters
Colin Kaepernick, hypocritical jackass

So are Adidas, Apple, Microsoft, Samsung, Gap, Tommy Hilfiger, BMW, General Motors, Jaguar, Mercedes Benz, Google, Huawei and dozens more uber-woke globalists corporations, according to an investigation by

The slaves are Moslem Uighurs provided to factories by a Chinese program called Xinjiang Aid. The factories advertise this labor to Nike et al with online postings proclaiming The advantages of Xinjiang workers are: semi-military style management, can withstand hardship, no loss of personnel … Minimum order 100 workers! 

Anybody up for burning down the Nike HQ? It’s in the Portland, Ore. environs.

Kaepernick is a hypocritical jackass.

Cancel Colin Kaepernick And Nike And All Corporate Slave Masters