Sestak Says Dems Not Transparent; Votes Anyway

Congressman Joe “Clueless” Sestak told the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review that the Democrats in Washington are a “real disappointment”

“We aren’t transparent, not just to the public but at times to the members,” Sestak said.

And this makes one wonder why Sestak still votes for this stuff — whether it be on socialized health care, public funding of abortions or draconian energy restrictions.

In fact, he might be the most reliable vote Nancy Pelosi has.

And Joe, you are a Democrat in Washington.

Arlen’s Got The Money, I Got The Times

With the closing of embassies in the Middle East, with the airline security system apparently dependent on ad hoc Dutch militia action, and with the unemployment rate at over 10 percent, today’s Delaware County Daily Times devoted a half-page to how Congressman Joe “Arlen’s Got The Money Honey But I Got The Times” Sestak intends to introduce a bill to improve food-recall notices for schools.


And it’s not as though he’s even introduced the bill. He just said that he intends to.

And newspapers wonder why readers have left.

Hey Joe, think big next time. Tell the Times you intend to introduce a bill to give everyone in Pa. 7 a flying horse to commute to work. They’ll not only print it they’ll praise you for it in an editorial.

29 Percent Of Pa. DEMOCRATS Oppose Obama Health Care Plan

The latest Rasmussen poll of Democratic primary voters show that 29 percent of them oppose President Obama’s healt care plan with 16 percent of them strongly opposed to it.

Rasmussen also has Sen. Arlen Specter leading Congressman Joe Sestak 48 percent to 35 percent.

Barney Frank Expected To Endorse Sestak

Congressman Barney Frank (D-MA) is expected to endorse  Joe “In The Navy” Sestak, Monday, in his bid to unseat fellow Democrat Arlen Specter as senator from Pennsylvania, according to The Hill.

Sestak is not seeking re-election to his 7th District congressional seat.

The latest polls have Specter up by at least 4 points in the race which will be decided May 18. The winner will face Republican Pat Toomey.

Specter Disses McNabb

Delaware County Daily Times columnist Gil Spencer, today, noted that Sen. Arlen Specter (D-Pa.) in editorial meeting opined that Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Donovan McNabb “doesn’t have a killer instinct” which is why “he’s always been a failure.”

Guess that means you think he’s overrated, Senator.

If you had ever hoped to be involved in the ownership of an NFL franchise, you can forget it.

Joe “We Don’t Like Children Anyhow” Sestak Votes For Socialized Medicine

Not only was Congressman Joe “Grandma Doesn’t Need That Pacemaker, And We Don’t Like Children Anyhow” Sestak (D-7Pa.) among the 220 votes last night for socializing American medicine, he was also among the 194 opposing the Stupak Amendment that would have kept the public tax-supported plan from covering abortions. Approval of the Stupak Amendment was required for the socialism to proceed.

I guess we know where Joe’s priorities lie — socialism is good but abortion is better.

Sestak has abandoned seeking re-election to his House seat in the hope of replacing Arlen Specter in the Senate.

According to Betsy McCaughey of the Wall Street Journal, the 1,990 pages of HR 3962 includes a requirement to enroll in a qualified plan with coverage eventually determined by the Secretary of Health and Human Services; proof of being in a qualified plan during the filing of taxes; that businesses cover their employees and pay 72.5% of the cost; and cut future Medicare funding by $500 billion.

I have seen the future, brother:  It is murder.

If you are up for reading the bill it can be found here.

The abomination must still be passed by the Senate.

Joe’s Missing Too Many Votes Says Arlen

Sen. Arlen Specter (Former Republican) is saying the man who is running against him in Pennsylvania’s May 18 Democratic Primary is missing too many votes.

Congressman Joe Sestak (D-7) has missed 122 votes or nearly 17 percent of his total this year Arlen said in a news release. Arlen says he sent a letter to Joe in which he says “It’s okay to want to campaign full time for a promotion to the U.S.
Senate but it’s wrong to continue to do it on the taxpayer’s dime –
they deserve better, they deserve a full time Congressman. Serve or
quit – it’s that simple.”


In fairness to Joe, it’s not like he’s flying to party in Copenhagen while ducking phone calls from our generals in Afghanistan.

Arlen will be appearing at a campaign rally in Bucks County 5-7 p.m., this afternoon with Vice President Joe Biden and Congressman Pat Murphy, who has missed just 6 votes in the 111th Congress.

The goods news is that Arlen and Joe have both fallen behind Pat Toomey — a man not driven by ego — in the polls.

Thanks to GrassrootsPa. com for the tip

Joe Sestak Misses Making History

The House of Representatives, yesterday, for the first time in its 220-year history voted to formally rebuke a member for speaking out while the president was giving an address. The target of the action of course was Joe Wilson (R-SC) who shouted out “you lie” while President Obama was claiming his health care plan would not cover illegal aliens during last week’s address.

Ironically, Wilson cry occurred about the time Obama was accusing Sarah Palin of telling lies about the plan. More ironically, the presidents plan appears to have covered illegals albeit that has changed to some degree since Wilson’s outburst.

The 240-179 vote was largely along party lines with seven Republicans voting aye and 12 Democrats voting nay.

Among the 10 not taking part in this moment in history was our own Jilted Joe Sestak (D).

Here’s the roll call.

Tears On Joe Sestak’s Pillow

Gov Ed Rendell and President Barack Obama are scheduled to be downtown 4 p.m., tomorrow for a fundraiser for Sen. Arlen Specter.

Joe Sestak is reported to be crying in his room.

Tea Party activists are expected to gather at 12th & Arch to remind them that it is the country that they should be putting first.

Sestak And His Running Dog Lackeys

The Delaware County Daily Time’s parent company was just reorganized out of bankruptcy, a state in which the Philadelphia Inquirer owners remain.

And there is a reason for their troubles and why both newspaper companies will eventually fail. Neither practices journalism.

The main headline in today’s Inky remarked on number of health care plan supporters attending the “town hall” held by Congressman Joe Sestak (D-Pa.7). I didn’t see a word in the story pointing out that where the “town hall” was held — Broad Street Ministry, 315 S. Broad St., Philadelphia —  is a very Democratic and union friendly area well outside his suburban district,  nor did it remark on what the admission policy was. The Daily Times also declined to address those salient and obvious points.

If those who ran newspapers had the epiphany that most people don’t want to pay for propaganda the products might have a chance. If such an experience hasn’t happened despite the experience of disappeared profit and bankruptcy court, I don’t expect it to.