Closed Hospitals To House Illegals In Delco? — A couple weeks ago we reported on a story going around that Gov. Josh Shapiro will close some Penn State satellite campuses to house illegals.
Chuckles Sports is now saying that Delaware County Pa.’s shuttered hospitals — Delaware County Memorial Hospital in Upper Darby and Springfield Hospital — will now be used to house illegals.
What does Delaware County Council say about this?
In other news, Pennsylvania Secretary of State Al Schmidt gave a warning to those concerned about election transparency and integrity.
“In recent years, we’ve seen bad-faith actors attempt to exploit these changes by spreading lies and baseless conspiracy theories, and attempting to delegitimize our safe, secure, and accurate elections,” Schmidt said in a statement Feb. 29. He noted that the Shapiro administration has created a task force to “combat this dangerous misinformation and continue providing all eligible voters with accurate, trusted election information.”
Hey Al, why not just let counties audit their voting machines as they see fit?
UPDATE: Just saw a letter from Delaware County Councilwoman Christine Reuther where she says Chuckles Sports is spreading a “paranoid fantasy” and that she has “literally no idea” as to what the concerned citizen is “talking about.”
She then pointed out that “the county does not control those properties.”
Hey Christine, maybe you should make a few phone calls and get an idea before you give a knee jerk response.
Our hope is that you are right and that it is a paranoid fantasy.
On the other hand, it was our hope you were going to come through after expressing what we thought was sincere sympathy to the moms suffering at the capricious hands of Children and Youth Services.
Our hope certainly didn’t pan out there, did it?
Closed Hospitals To House Illegals In Delco
Damn, what an article Bill. First you report on free rent lifestyles for illegal aliens in PA, followed by the loss of free speech, at least where election integrity is concerned. I’m almost speechless given this juxtaposition. I guess letting the illegals live rent free in hospitals will make it easier to give them free medical care. Of course, nothing is free, so this is all code that WE (the legal residents of PA and the USA) will be forced to foot the bill, one way or the other, through increased taxes, reduce services, more inflation and increased crime. As for being able to dispute “…our safe, secure, and accurate elections,” how does Mr. Schmidt plan to go about enforcing these edicts? Will there be a process by which those concerned about election integrity can get his permission to raise their concerns or will he simply have them arrested for trying? Or, perhaps, taking a lesson from NY’s pursuit of Trump, they will use civil lawfare to take out anyone who doesn’t believe his edict and has the gall to say so publicly – – or worse, to raise a legal claim. Yep, it’s 1984 in 2024 and we now live in the DSA (Dystopian States of America) and PA is leading the pack.
I don’t know whether to scream in anger or cry in despair. I grew up in Highland Park and walked to Upper Darby High School. The high school is right next to the closed Delaware County Hospital . That will certainly make it easy for the gangs to recruit. This is devastating.
“In recent years, we’ve seen bad-faith actors attempt to exploit these changes by spreading lies and baseless conspiracy theories, and attempting to delegitimize our safe, secure, and accurate elections,” Schmidt said in a statement Feb. 29. He noted that the Shapiro administration has created a task force to “combat this dangerous misinformation and continue providing all eligible voters with accurate, trusted election information.”
That’s typical. Instead of addressing the concerns, silence anyone who raises the topic.
So illegal aliens are going to be housed in Deleware County. Is anyone going to check or stay on top of if Biden and Shapiro are going (or more to the point-when they are going) to attempt to register these illegals to vote, and if indeed they do vote? That is surely coming with these Democrats-sooner or later, and most likely sooner.