Graffiti Plagues Ardmore; Does Larry Holmes Care?

Graffiti Plagues Ardmore; Does Larry Holmes Care?— This fence that separates the SEPTA bus route from Chestnutwold Elementary School sure is looking a bit urban. This is in the 6th Ward in the Ardmore section of Haverford Township, Pa., which is represented by Commissioner Larry Holmes. So Larry what are you doing about this? Don’t you care? Does the Haverford Township School Board? By the way the SEPTA bus route is looking pretty poorly too. We see that former Montco Commissioner Ken Lawrence has been named chairman of SEPTA’s board.

— Sharon Devaney

Graffiti Plagues Ardmore; Does Larry Holmes Care?

Graffiti Plagues Ardmore; Does Larry Holmes Care?

Graffiti Plagues Ardmore; Does Larry Holmes Care?
Graffiti Plagues Ardmore; Does Larry Holmes Care?
And the poorly maintained SEPTA busway.
Photos by Sharon Devaney

Graffiti Plagues Ardmore; Does Larry Holmes Care?

2 thoughts on “Graffiti Plagues Ardmore; Does Larry Holmes Care?”

  1. That is some weak graffiti. Looks like the work of some six year old.
    Doesn’t the property behind this fence belong to some contractors?

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