Groundhog Day Has Started Just something to wake up to this Groundhog Day Groundhog Day Has Started Share this:PrintFacebookTwitterTelegramMeWeWhatsAppPinterestLinkedInParlerGabRedditEmailMorePocketTumblrLike this:Like Loading... Related
The Grundsau saw his shadow, by the way, so, 6 more weeks of winter. Or, if you’re an Accu-Weather meteorologist, that means 8 to 12 more weeks. Get yourselves to a Grundsaulodsch tonight for the festivities! Loading... Reply
The Grundsau saw his shadow, by the way, so, 6 more weeks of winter. Or, if you’re an Accu-Weather meteorologist, that means 8 to 12 more weeks.
Get yourselves to a Grundsaulodsch tonight for the festivities!
It’s global warming.