Carpenter vs joiner — William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 10-25-18

Carpenter vs joiner? Yes Anthony, there is a difference. A carpenter uses metal like nails and screws to fasten wood whereas the joiner traditionally never uses metal but relies on glue or dowels.

Carpenter vs joiner — William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 10-25-18

Carpenter vs joiner -- William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 10-25-18

 Marxist literature William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 10-25-18

 Marxist literature William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 10-25-18

Znk coiqkj ktbe gtj ngzk; oz oy znkox cge ul gjsoxotm.
Boizux Namu 

 Marxist literature William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 10-25-18 Sing ye to the Lord a new canticle: sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing ye to the Lord and bless his name: shew forth his salvation from day to day. PsalmsAnswer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: When I was a worker I busied myself with socialist or, if you like, marxist literature.
Adolf Hitler


Check out the Dom Giordano Show on WPHT 1210 AM

Julep William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 10-24-18

What exactly is julep as in mint julep? It’s what the French of old called sweet medicinal syrup. They got it from the Arabs who got it from the Persians. Gul in Persian means rose and ab related to water. Gulab was rosewater.

Julep William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 10-24-18

Julep William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 10-24-18

Nationalist Plus Socialist Equals Nazi

Nationalist Plus Socialist Equals Nazi — Children, remember: Nationalist is only Nazi when you add Socialist.

Also remember, the old media tell lies.

Hey did you know that Abraham Lincoln supported high tariffs? He signed bills that led to placing our tariffs at 38 percent and 48 percent. This tariff scheduled remained in effect until 1913 during which time America became the greatest economic power in history.

(And we didn’t have an income tax.)

Nationalist Plus Socialist Equals Nazi
Nationalist Plus Socialist Equals Nazi
No, no podemos con el socialismo





True education William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 10-24-18

True education William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 10-24-18

Bmjs N bfx f btwpjw N gzxnji rdxjqk bnym xthnfqnxy tw, nk dtz qnpj, rfwcnxy qnyjwfyzwj.
Fitqk Mnyqjw

True education William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 10-24-18 Sing ye to the Lord a new canticle: sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing ye to the Lord and bless his name: shew forth his salvation from day to day. PsalmsAnswer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education.
Martin Luther King, Jr.


Check out the Dom Giordano Show on WPHT 1210 AM

Uranium Glaze William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 10-23-18

Uranium glaze was the thing in the 1920s and 1930s. It gave tiles a bright, shine. It is thought that 25 percent of homes built between 1920 and 1940 came with radioactive tiles in the bathrooms and kitchens. You have an old house? Get a Geiger counter and check it out.

Uranium Glaze William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 10-23-18

Uranium Glaze William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 10-23-18



Russian Hacking Explained By Ex-Spook

Russian Hacking Explained By Ex-Spook  — Former senior United States intelligence officer Jack Thomas Tomarchio will address the  Russian hacking in the 2016  election, Nov. 1 at Manor College. The event is 5-6:30 p.m., in the college’s Library Lecture Space, 700 Fox Chase Road, Jenkintown, Pa. 19046.

It’s free and open to the public.

Tomarchio will address how the US intelligence community found a Russian connection and  why the Russians would want to influence a US Presidential election. He will examine what the future holds for US-Russian relations and Russia’s relations with NATO, Europe, and the world.

He will also discuss the cyber attacks brought against Ukraine and its electrical grid system.

Hat tip Curt Weldon

Russian Hacking Explained By Ex-Spook
Russian Hacking Explained By Ex-Spook

Every donkey William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 10-23-18

Every donkey William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 10-23-18

Xli jyrgxmsr sj ihygexmsr mw xs xiegl sri xs xlmro mrxirwmzipc erh xs xlmro gvmxmgeppc. Mrxippmkirgi tpyw glevegxiv – xlex mw xli ksep sj xvyi ihygexmsr.
Qevxmr Pyxliv Omrk, Nv.

Every donkey William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 10-23-18 Sing ye to the Lord a new canticle: sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing ye to the Lord and bless his name: shew forth his salvation from day to day. PsalmsAnswer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: Every donkey thinks itself worthy of standing with the king’s horses.
John Quigg


Check out Kim Kennedy’s It’s A New Day on WFYL 1180 AM

Khashoggi Alwaleed Bin Talal And Saudi Influence

Khashoggi Alwaleed Bin Talal And Saudi Influence
Alwaleed Bin Talal and Jamal Kashoggi

Khashoggi Alwaleed Bin Talal And Saudi Influence — A Facebook friend sent us this link concerning the late Jamal Kashoggi and his connection to Saudi plutocrat Alwaleed Bin Talal.

Alwaleed was among the world’s richest and most influential people until his arrest Nov. 4, 2017 by the Saudi government. He owned significant shares in banks like Citicorp; American tech companies including 5 percent of Twitter; media including Newscorp (Fox News), where he was the second largest shareholder; and real estate such as the Four Seasons Company.

The link says that Alwaleed got Barack Obama into Harvard. This claim can be traced to a March 2008 interview  with African-American entrepreneur and politico, Percy Sutton,on New York City’s local TV show “Inside City Hall.” It has never been significantly disputed.

Khashoggi, whose uncle was infamous arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi and whose cousin was Dodi al-Fayed who died in that car crash with Princess Diana, was quite close to Alwaleed. He and Alwaleed spent five years planning the Al-Arab News Channel in Bahrain which was eventually shut down either to bad management or bad politics.

Khashoggi was also a strident defender of the Islamic-supremacist Muslim Brotherhood so beloved by Obama, and was a friend of Osama bin Laden.

We can’t accept assassination as anything acceptable but we find it difficult shedding tears for this guy. Something really stank in this country for eight years and he seems to have been part of it.

FWIW, Four Seasons manages the 35th through 39th floors at the Mandalay Bay Hotel in Las Vegas where Stephen Paddock on Oct. 1, 2017 shot  471 persons, killing 58, at the Route 91 Harvest country music festival which was taking place 490 yards away. Police said Paddock used bump-stock equipped rifles to fire “over 1,100 rounds” of .223 (or maybe 5.56) caliber ammunition during the 11 minute rampage, including many in the hotel and at police vehicles, and six rounds using a .308 caliber rifle at jet fuel tanks at McCarren International Airport which was about 600 yards away.

Paddock did his shooting from the 32nd floor. The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department released its final report  on Aug. 3  and names Paddock as the lone shooter.  It can be found here. 

We remain amazed that bump-stocks can be so effective. Perhaps the military should adopt them.

Khashoggi Alwaleed Bin Talal And Saudi Influence

Khashoggi Alwaleed Bin Talal And Saudi Influence