Nation Of Africa Says Biden

Nation Of Africa Says Biden

Nation Of Africa Says Biden


One heart beat away but we don’t care.

Still it’s worth knowing what we are getting in the event Barack Obama is impeached as he deserves to be.

Vice President Joe Biden was a speaker at today’s, Aug. 5, U.S.-Africa Business Forum hosted by Bloomberg Philanthropies and the U.S. Department of Commerce.

The event was billed as the “first-ever U.S.-Africa Business Forum.” Here is what our Vice President said:

That’s right. He called the Continent of Africa,  the world’s second largest and second most populous; a place with  54 fully recognized sovereign states (“countries“), nine territories and two de facto independent states with limited or no recognition, a nation.

The bright side is that he did not suggest that they irrigate their crops with a sports drink.

 Hat tip Jerome Hudson at

Marino Vs Pelosi Update

Marino Vs Pelosi UpdateMarino Vs Pelosi Update: A rant by former Speaker Nancy Pelosi caused her to be removed from the floor of Congress it has been reported

As reported here on Aug. 3 remarks made by Congressman Tom Marino (R-Pa10) on Aug. 1 concerning the border bill being debated in the House sent former Minority Leader and former Speaker Nancy Pelosi into a hissy fit.

Well, we have an update courtesy of, Congresswoman Pelosi’s rant caused her to be forcibly removed from the floor of Congress by the sergeant at arms. It was likely unprecedented.

Marino Vs Pelosi Update

Witness Protection Program Has Heritage

Alex Mayyasi has a great article on the history of the Witness Protection Program at

Mayyasi describes the program a being one of three major factors — the RICO Act and the use of wiretapes being the others —  in beating the Mafia.

Mayyasi writes that U.S. Marshals have relocated 8,500 witnesses since the program formally began in 1971 and that no one who has stayed in the program has been killed.

He says family roots have sprung from the program.

“I know witnesses who had children, and now they’re grandparents,” he quotes one employee as saying. “I doubt their grandchildren have a clue about their grandparents’ past.”


Witness Protection Program Has Heritage


Witness Protection Program Has Heritage

August 2014 First In 823 Years

This month counts five Fridays, five Saturdays and five Sundays. It is the first time this happened since 1191 and won’t happen again until 2837.

At least according to the internet.

Regarding the Chinese good luck thing, well, August is really not part of China’s traditional calendar albeit the nation has adopted the Georgian calendar as its official one.

August 2014 First In 823 Years


August 2014 First In 823 Years

New York Times Graham Spanier Whitewash

The New York Times Magazine carried a paen, July 16, to disgraced former Penn State President Graham Spanier, by Micahel Sokolove.

Sokolove practically acquits him of the charges filed against him stemming from his handling of reports that one-time football coach and retired faculty member Jerry Sandusky was abusing children.

The charges were filed on Nov. 1, 2012 and are one count perjury,  two counts of endangering the welfare of children, two counts of criminal conspiracy, which are all third-degree felonies  punishable by up to seven years in prison and $15,000 fines; one count of obstructing the administration of law or other governmental function and one count of criminal conspiracy, both second-degree misdemeanors punishable by up to two years in prison and $5,000 fines; and one count of failure to report suspected child abuse, a summary offense punishable by up to 90 days in prison and a $300 fine.

“The case against Spanier is at best problematic, at worst fatally flawed,” Sokolove says.

Sokolove writes about how the 66-year-old Spanier’s father flew into a rage at everything and beat him and made him eat everything on his plate and sometimes sent him to bed without dinner.

Sokolove writes that Spanier grew Penn State “from a remote outpost of American higher education into a top-tier public university” and had some of “world’s most decorated architects” design the new buildings on his watch.

He writes that Sokolove “paid his own way through Iowa State.”

Regarding the e-mails that led to the charges, Sokolove says that Spanier says he has no memory of writing it but that using the word “vulnerable” as in “The only downside for us is if the message isn’t ‘heard’ and acted upon, and we then become vulnerable for not having reported it. But that can be assessed down the road” was a bad idea.

And he blames the late Joe Paterno, anyway.

Maybe Sokolove’s biggest journalistic failure was his omission of any reference to the John T. Neisworth matter in which Spanier was told by a young man in 2002 about how Neisworth, a respected Penn State special education professor who literally wrote the book on autism, molested him. Neisworth would make a six-figure cash settlement to the man.

The contact was made with Spanier two weeks after Spanier had been told about Sandusky.

The New York Times whitewash is almost enough to make one take David Icke seriously.


New York Times Graham Spanier Whitewash

New York Times Graham Spanier Whitewash



Produce Month In Pa

The Pennsylvania House way back on June 29  passed House Resolution 930,  designating August as Produce Month in Pennsylvania, reports State Rep. Jim Cox (R-129)

Residents are encouraged to take advantage of local produce options throughout the Commonwealth by using the Department of Agriculture’s PA Preferred program, says Cox..

The state Department of Agriculture launched the PA Preferred program to identify and promote food and agricultural products grown, produced or processed in Pennsylvania, Cox said.

Cox said retailers carrying Pa Preferred Products can be found at this site.

Produce Month In Pa


Produce Month In Pa

Brutally Honest Border Patrol Agent

A trucker recorded this conversation with a brutally honest border patrol agent while coming back from Mexico as reported by

Border Patrol agent: How you doing, U.S. Border Patrol. How many people on board?

Travis Pope: Me.

Border Patrol agent: U.S. citizen?

Travis Pope: Yeah, but does it really matter?

Border patrol agent: Not anymore, unfortunately. Thank you.




Brutally Honest Border Patrol Agent

Brutally Honest Border Patrol Agent




Amnesty Supporters Better See Other Side

The lovely Christine Flowers, in yesterday’s, Aug. 3, Delaware County Daily Times had an article decrying the plight of the Latin American children flooding our border that included some bald criticisms of those angry and concerned about it.

Christine, an immigration lawyer who personally knows some of the refugees, had some points it must be recognized. Mercy is good. Compassion is good. Children should be protected. Many of these children who came across should be allowed to stay.

However, once those things are conceded, questions must be asked. Is  an open border with Mexico a good thing? Especially right now? Is she advocating one? Does she really believe our immigration and border laws are unnecessary and unjust?

If that is the case, she ought to have the guts to come right out and say it. If not, she better start suggesting some ways of enforcing them. For some strange reason, amnesty supporters never do. It’s a one-way street with them.

We don’t think the solution is all that complicated, namely we stop rewarding people for breaking the law. If we were to require E-Verify to be in every government agency and school, 90 percent of the problems would end.

Further why aren’t state and local law enforcement allowed to act upon the immigration laws when it makes sense for them to do so? People who ask this are called names but their arguments are not rebutted. Of course, it is pretty hard to rebut an argument that law enforcement officers enforce laws.

Finally we must demand reform in the corrupt kleptocracies that make up the nations that flood us with illegals. There is a reason why these people want to come here, after all. Once adequate reform is made,  their citizens will stop trying to cross our border and if the reform is adequate enough we might not even care if the border is open.

If amnesty supporters really want a nation built upon the principle of “out of many one” they better stop with the “my way or you’re a bigot” attitude.

Amnesty Supporters Better See Other Side

Amnesty Supporters Better See Other Side

Common Core Concerns Catholic Schools Too

The Cardinal Newman Society has released a report pointing out that Common Core concerns Catholic schools too.

It notes that Common Core is not mandatory for Catholic schools — albeit education activist Peg Luksik has pointed out that this may not always be the case.

The Newman Society also said that Common Core is not intended for Catholic education, Catholic schools already outperform public ones, that Common Core is ultimately about textbooks and curriculum, that it may actually hinder a child’s education and formation and violates the principle of subsidiary, which means that human events are best handled closest to the individuals affected by the decisions being made.

Read the whole article.

Hat tip Joanne Yurchak


Common Core Concerns Catholic Schools Too


Common Core Concerns Catholic Schools Too

Pa Congressman Hits Nerve On Pelosi

Tom Marino Pa Congressman Hits Nerve On PelosiCongressman Tom Marino


Congressman Tom Marino (R-Pa10) hit a nerve with Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (D-Ca12) during remarks supporting a border security bill, Friday, Aug. 1.

“You know something that I find quite interesting about the other side?” Marino said.  “Under the leadership of the former Speaker [Pelosi], and under the leadership of their former leader [Rep. Steny Hoyer], when in 2009 and 2010, they had the House, the Senate and the White House, and they knew this problem existed. They didn’t have the strength to go after it back then. But now are trying to make a political issue out of it now.”

This prompted Pelosi to say something from the floor.

Marino responded by saying “It’s true, madam leader, I did the research on it. You might want to try it. You might want to try it, madam leader. Do the research on it. Do the research. I did it. That’s one thing that you don’t do.”

After Marino sat down, Pelosi then was caught on C-SPAN cameras waddling across the aisle to apparently continue the fight.

Marino tweeted about it. “Rep. Pelosi called me an ‘insignificant person’ on the Floor of the House. I’ll ponder that for a while driving to Williamsport tonight. . . .of course I’ll be driving myself with no staff or security. And I’m just a country lawyer who worked in a bakery until he was 30.”

Pelosi is famous for her travel extravagance.

The bill passed in the House, by the way. However, as the Senate is not in session the necessary legislation is unlikely go to the President’s desk for him to veto as he promised.

Below is the entire incident courtesy of C-SPAN. Watch the heads of the stenographer and others turn starting at the 2:20 mark.


Pa Congressman Hits Nerve On Pelosi

Hat tip Right’s Right