Psychopaths Spotted Via Speech

An article published Oct. 20 on  LiveScience.Com indicates that difficult-to-change speech patterns can unmask psychopaths.

Researchers deduced these patterns after interviewing  52 convicted murderers, 14 of whom were considered to be  psychopaths.

They  think it possible that  by using text-analysis software to search for these patterns on things like Craigslist postings, law enforcement will be able to solve serial killings .

The researchers say that the psychopaths used subordinating conjunctions such as “because” and “so that” more often than none-psychopaths; and that their speech was broken up far more than normal by ‘uhs’ and ‘ums’.

Just something to consider next time you watch a presidential address.

By the way, regarding the debate as to the difference between a psychopath and a sociopath, Kelly McAleer, Psy.D. claims that a psychopath acts according to an innate nature while a sociopath has been conditioned by his environment.

Sounds good to me but feel free to disagree.

Psychopaths Spotted Via Speech

 Psychopaths Spotted Via Speech

3 thoughts on “Psychopaths Spotted Via Speech”

  1. Um, I think the government,uh, is saying this, um, so that, uh, they have a reason, um, to spy on us, because Bush was, uh, it was his fault…

  2. I think you can find an equal distribution of both psychopaths and sociopaths in Zuccotti Park in the Wall Street financial district.
    It’s probably the psychopaths who are raping and stealing from the sociopaths.
    And both are befouling police cars and the entire park.

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