Donald Trump Biblical Hero

Donald Trump Biblical Hero — addresses the concerns of those who think Donald Trump lacks the demeanor to be president in this article comparing him to Samson of the Bible.

Donald Trump Biblical Hero
Biblical Hero?

It makes a point that needs to be made. A leader does not have to be pure and saintly to be a deliverer.

We have the candidates we deserve — listen to our music or watch a movie if you doubt it.

One of them, though,  has loyalty to the corrupt, Godless rich that wants to rule and impoverish most of us. The other is opposed by them.

It really shouldn’t be a tough choice. To insist on purity now is an exercise in sanctimonious futility.

There is a type of person that demands perfection but is willing to accept the basest, vilest corruption as long as he can pat himself on the back and wear a halo.

Don’t be that person.

Donald Trump Biblical Hero

3 thoughts on “Donald Trump Biblical Hero”

  1. For me, the choice comes down to: Which candidate do you want nominating Supreme Court justices over the next four years?
    Forget everything else.
    Trump has said he would nominate a person like Scalia to replace Scalia.
    Whom would Hillary nominate? Her husband? Barak? Michelle? Angelina Jolie?

    1. I agree totally with your concern about the SCOTUS appointees. Some are concerned about Obama’s being a nominee. I’m not…he’s far too lazy to do the work required of a Supreme Court justice. My guess is that her top choice could be Loretta Lynch, who certainly has protected her at every step of the way.

  2. Nice article.Made me think if we were voting for the Chief Apostle, St Peter,would not”qualify”…remember he denied Christ not once but three times.Definitely an unreliable candidate!

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