Is Adolph In Tea Party’s Sights?

Tea Party activist Bob Guzzardi who helped give state Senate Majority Leader Dominic Pileggi the grief he got this primary season has now turned his sights on Springfield’s own Bill Adolph  who represents the 165th District in the State House and chairs the House Appropriations Committee.
“Routinely, Appropriations Committee Chair Republican Bill Adolph and the Republican Controlled General Assembly forces the Pennsylvania taxpayer to subsidize Penn State, a $4 billion tax exempt nonprofit big business billionaire corporation each year,” Guzzardi says. “. . .As the subsidies increase, tuition has increased, salaries have increased the number of non-teaching administrators and staff have increased, student learning performance has not increased. What has government oversight accomplished? Students leave Penn State with loan burdens that stay with them for years.”
Guzzardi’s criticisms are detailed here.

2 thoughts on “Is Adolph In Tea Party’s Sights?”

  1. He is definitely a RINO and needs to be removed. Hopefully he will not be the only one on the agenda to be removed at the next election.

  2. I like both Pileggi and Adolph but both are examples of power begetting power. It happens every time. I am in favor of term limits.

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