1923 was not the year to be born in the Soviet Union. Eighty percent of all males born that year died in World War II.
News, Entertainment, Enlightenment
1923 was not the year to be born in the Soviet Union. Eighty percent of all males born that year died in World War II.
Here is an e-mail that was sent to Rep. Pat Meehan about his vote.
Date: May 27, 2016 8:14:25 AM EDT
To: Caitlin Ganley
Subject: Yes to the Transgendered Bathroom Vote?
Dear Pat,
I can’t imagine what you are thinking! I thought I knew you better than I apparently do.
How in the world do you justify your vote to blur the lines of gender in public bathrooms? Do you see a Constitutional mandate, as your oath of office requires? Or, are you simply persuaded by this nonsensical notion-du jour that how one “identifies” his gender is the definitive way to establish that reality – rather than his physical attributes? In either case, it is an absurd and offensive failing.
Truth is objective – and eternal. It is not subjective, fluid or whimsical. But your vote says Truth is whatever Obama thinks.
Modern Progressives have been at war with Truth for 50 years. Your vote places you in their camp. This path leads to chaos. The Constitution says whatever they want it to. People who respect Life are “anti choice”. Men or women are whatever gender they claim to identify. Marriage has nothing to do with complementarity or procreation.
You are losing your intellect and your soul, if you believe such nonsense. You have clearly been in Washington for too long, Pat. You are not changing that cesspool. It is changing you.
I hope this is not a harbinger of what is to come. It is as bad as a vote you are ever likely to cast. It removes the reason why you should be in Washington instead of your left wing progressive opponent.
Very disappointed,