Bematist William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 12-18-20

So Anthony, what’s a bematist? A bematist is a person highly trained to measure distance by counting his steps. The Ancient Greeks and Egyptians used them. Yes, they were accurate.

Bematist William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 12-18-20
A bematist is a person highly trained to measure distance by counting his steps. The Ancient Greeks and Egyptians used them. Yes, they were accurate.

Failures are finger posts William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 12-18-20

Failures are finger posts William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 12-18-20

Zabiivyuulzz pz aol lulynf vm mvvsz.
Ltpsf Shbypl

Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit puzzle: Failures are finger posts on the road to achievement.
C. S. Lewis

Failures are finger posts on the road to achievement. C. S. Lewis

Failures are finger posts William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 12-18-20