Frankfurt Server Shootout Story — This might be the craziest story of the year. Yes, we know that’s saying a lot.
An alleged raid by US Army forces on a CIA server in Frankfurt, Germany was first brought up, Nov. 12, by Congressman Louie Gohmert (R-TX1) on Newsmax’s Chris Salcedo show. The raid allegedly occurred the weekend of Nov. 7. The servers contained data on the presidential election.
Attorney Sidney Powell cited hearing reports of the raid several times during the next week.
The first attempt at journalism concerning the alleged raid was by Adam Housley who tweeted on Nov. 21 that:
1/2 One of the claims by Powell I have looked into…the claim a location was raided in Germany with servers. I have 3 sources on this…all as solid as they come. Here is what I have found:
2/2 1.There is/was a clandestine location in Frankfurt run by CIA used to monitor/manipulate elections around globe. 2.That location did have servers & a front company as cover. 3.I cannot confirm the location was tied to U.S. elections. 4. One source says raided, 2 don’t know
On Friday, the story fully swan-dived into the rabbit hole when Air Force Lt. Gen. (ret) Thomas McInerney declared on that not just the server farm existed, and the raid happened but there was a shootout between the military special operations forces and the CIA agents defending the server resulting in U.S. soldiers killed.
You can see it at the link below. The comments start at about the 43 minute mark.
By the way, McInerney says “kraken” referred to by Ms. Powell is not a mythological beast but the 305th Military Intelligence Battalion which uses it as its nickname.
Word of Christ dwell William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 11-30-20
Pxm pjen db vnvxah bx cqjc fn vrpqc qjen axbnb rw Mnlnvkna.
Sjvnb V. Kjaarn
Answer to yesterday’s puzzle: Let the word of Christ dwell in you abundantly, in all wisdom: teaching and admonishing one another in psalms, hymns, and spiritual canticles, singing in grace in your hearts to God.
Colossians 3:16
Word of Christ dwell William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 11-30-20
We’ve got a chance to vacate/withdraw the recent certification of PA electors for Joe Biden, based on alleged fraud in the General Election.
Senator Doug Mastriano offered a resolution on Friday to that effect stating that the GOP-controlled state legislature “will make a bid to reclaim its power to appoint the state’s electors to the Electoral College.” Click HERE for more information.
The resolution must pass the Senate and House, by Monday, Nov 30, when this legislative session ends.
We need to support Senator Mastriano, and our President!
Call or email Senator Mastriano and GOP Assembly leaders listed below. Tell them “I strongly support Senator Mastriano’s resolution to withdraw certification of PA electors, given the extent of alleged fraud.”
Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit puzzle: When Black Friday comes
I’m gonna dig myself a hole
Gonna lay down in it ’til
I satisfy my soul
Donald Fagen
Black Friday comes William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 11-28-20
Massive Vote Fraud Established In Pennsylvania — It’s certain that there was massive fraud in the election and Donald Trump is the winner.
Wednesday, Nov. 25, the Pennsylvania Senate Majority Committee chaired by Senator Douglas V. Mastriano (R-33) held a hearing regarding the Trump campaign claims.
Gregory Stenstrom — who has expertise in forensic computer science, security and fraud and who was a poll watcher in Chester — revealed that in now-Democrat-controlled Delaware County, the chain of custody was shattered for more than 100,000 ballots; all the legally established procedures were ignored; and 47 USB cards containing vital data have disappeared.
“All chain of custody logs, records, yellow sheets, everything was gone,” he said. “All forensic evidence and all custody sheets are gone.”
The only fair solution is to throw out all of Delaware County presidential votes and hold new elections for the other offices.
Montco GOP Chairwoman Elizabeth Preate Havey testified starting at the 1:40:00 mark that county’s Democrat-controlled administration did not allow the Republicans meaningful view of the mail ballots at any time despite numerous requests. Further, the Republicans were initially told they “could not directly check the mail-in ballots”. The county agreed after push-back to allow two watchers in the counting room but they were never able to see the ballots up close, she said.
“There was no meaningful observation of the ballots,” she said. “And absolutely no check of the ballots by anyone other than the county staff — which is all run by the Democrats — as to whether or not these ballots met election code criteria.”
She said they could not check to see if voters voted twice or if voters were deceased.
“And with the removal of the signature . . . there was no way to protect against someone fraudulently voting for a registered voter,” she said.
She said this involved 200,000 ballots.
She said the Republicans were not provided with the county’s change in rules that allowed curing of the ballots. She said the county did not allow the GOP to have a representative present during the pre-canvass when it reviewed and contacted voters about defective ballots.
This type of pre-canvass was illegal, she said.
She said voters told her they received mail-in ballots even though they did nor request one.
She said at least 188 deceased people voted in Montgomery County.
Montco GOP Executive Director Julia Vahey followed Ms. Havey and said that she was one of the Republican observers that were finally allowed into the counting room.
“I was corralled into a small, narrow holding area which was blocked off by tables and Plexiglas barriers in the corner of the room,” she said. “I only had visibility to the space were ballots were flattened and scanned. This was a huge area and the closest scanner was approximately 6-feet away and the farthest approximately 25-yards away.”
She had no access or view of the room where the ballots were sorted, outside envelopes were inspected or were the outside and secrecy envelopes were opened. She said the space was divided from the scanning room by a large white wall.
It was a separate room although the county election board insisted it was all one.
“During our walk-through of the canvass facility, Sunday, Nov. 1, we argued that it was a separate room and were told by the County chief operating officer (Lee Soltysiak) that we would be able to view this space by security camera footage.”
She said the footage was streamed to a conference room on the other end of the building that was a four-minute walk away. She said the footage was of extremely poor quality and one could only see pixelated images of workers moving around the room and there was no ‘meaningful visibility’ of the ballots.”
She still lacks the information to tell voters that their vote was counted.
Col. Phil Waldron, a retired Army electronics/information warfare specialist, had maybe the most damning testimony starting at about the 1:09:00 mark.
He says his team has been working on voter machine manipulation since August but has joined with another team that has been involved with the matter since 2018 election after “after significant anomalies were observed in the Texas senate race between Democrat Beto O’Rourke and incumbent Republican Ted Cruz; and the Kentucky governor’s race between Democrat Andy Beshear and incumbent Republican Matt Bevin. Cruz won his race but it was surprisingly close, while Beshear upset Bevin.
He said “many, many more” small teams of IT security people are investigating voting machine manipulation and finding it real.
“The voting systems in the U.S. and in Pennsylvania were built to be manipulated,” he said. “They’ve been used in elections around the world and stolen elections around the world in Venezuela, Italy, Argentina, Singapore, Bolivia (which is) closest two weeks ago.”
He said the systems are connected to the internet and to servers outside the United States.
He said there is no transparency as to how the voter information is processed or stored. He said the voting record is able to modified or delated by operators, administrators and outside threats. Operators can assign votes for write-in vote ballots, blank ballots or error ballots in large numbers that can be directed a particular candidate at the operators or supervisors discretion.
Waldron brought up the theft of USB drives from a Philadelphia election warehouse which we reported here.
He said he his experts think that possibly 1.2 million Pennsylvania votes were altered or fraudulent. He said only a detailed forensic analysis of the machines and software would truly show how many citizens had their civil rights violated.
Waldron described spike anomalies.
“These are events that where a numerical amount of votes are processed in a time period that’s not . . . mechanically possible under normal circumstances.”
There is a manufacturer’s specified rate of speed as to the number of ballots that can be imaged and processed, he noted.
On Election Day there was a spike of about 337,000 votes added in “one big batch” in Pennsylvania in 90 minutes.
“That’s an anomaly in the reporting. Normally, you would expect to see a smooth curve going up not any big spikes . . . That big spike that occurs there is a prime indicator of fraudulent voting,” he said.
There were several other spikes through the night. Taken together they represented about 577,000 votes for Biden and about 3,200 for Trump.
Waldron and Rudy Giuliani made a claim that does not hold up in that 1.8 million absentee ballots were requested but 2.5 million returned. It’s conclusive that far more than 2.5 million absentee ballots were requested.
Waldron’s error may be due to bad labeling on the Department of State’s website.
Another troubling tidbit comes from State Rep. Don Moul (R-91). Moul said (2:28:55) he tried to get a requirement that mail-in ballots be barcoded but was told by Gov. Wolf that such a provision would be subject to automatic veto if it should hit his desk. Why should Wolf object to such a provision? Why don’t the self-proclaimed “watchdogs” in the old media ask?
Another bombshell came from Sen. Mario M. Scavello (R-40) who said at the 2:35:29 mark the legislature did not vote for the new machines but was done at the mandate of the governor.
Bunny Welsh Martyr To Trump Hate — Put this in the why we hate the media category. Former Chester County Sheriff Carolyn “Bunny” Welsh is making national news for the theft charge levied against her.
The charge is politically motivated. Bunny was a big booster of Donald Trump and has been in several photographs seated or standing next to the great man. The charge was levied by the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s office headed by partisan hack and shameless corporatist Josh Shapiro.
So what exactly was this vile thing Bunny did? This valuable bauble she took to allow her to luxuriate in ill-gotten splendor?
Bunny as sheriff created and ran the Chester County K-9 unit. It was mostly funded through non-government sources. The allegation of theft is based on the claim she had deputies help with some of the fundraising while on duty and that one of the deputies used K-9 money for a vet bill for a family pet.
That this is a media scandal shows the twisted — and yeah, evil — philosophy that guides the establishment mouthpieces. That she has been vengefully charged with a crime shows that those who hate the president — and his supporters — are tyrants in waiting.