Initiative Would End Primaries And Make Fairer Elections — The Pennsylvania Ballot Access Coalition (PBAC) announced, today, Oct. 30, a new initiative that it says would finally fix and greatly simplify Pennsylvania’s complex laws controlling how candidates get onto the November general election ballot, as well as dramatically reducing the cost of administering elections, says PBAC. The new approach would reform Pennsylvania’s ballot access laws by following the constitutional mandate that “All elections shall be free and equal.”
Dubbed the “Political Party Equality Act,” its passage would establish uniform and reasonable ballot access requirements for all political parties as well as for candidates not affiliated with any party, says PBAC.
These measures include:
Eliminate taxpayer-funding of primary elections in Pennsylvania. All political parties would choose their own candidates according to their own party rules and at their own expense. The candidates so chosen would automatically appear on the November ballot.
Equalize the definition of a political party. Consolidate all types of political bodies currently defined in the Pennsylvania Election Code into a single category, “Political Party.” In order to be considered a qualified political party, two criteria would need to be met:
One twentieth of one percent (0.05%) of all voters must be registered to vote as a member of that party. Given current registrations, under the Act the list of official parties in Pennsylvania would only include the Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Green, and Constitution Parties.
Their party rules must be on file with the Department of State.
Simplify ballot access for independents. Candidates who are not affiliated with a qualified political party would need to collect the number of signatures as currently outlined by law in 25 CS 2872.1 rather than using the current complex formula. The window for collecting those signatures would not change, and all signatures would be validated by the county or state agency that receives them, not by private organizations or individuals.
“The Political Party Equality Act would benefit Pennsylvanians in many ways,” according to Ken Krawchuk, a Libertarian member of the Pennsylvania Ballot Access Coalition. “Ending taxpayer-funded primaries would save the taxpayers the enormous expense of administering elections at almost ten thousand local polling places year after year after year. We so-called ‘third parties’ have always paid for our own candidate selection process. It’s time to level the playing field by having the two old parties pay their own way too.”
Regarding independents, Krawchuk added, “Current law handicaps ballot access for independents enormously by requiring them to collect an unreasonable number of signatures. That handicap can be removed by replacing the existing requirement with the same requirements that have historically been in place for the two old parties. This would encourage new participants in the political process and provide voters with additional choices at the ballot box. And requiring the Department of State to validate signatures would eliminate the threat of a financially-ruinous court challenge, such as what happened to Libertarian Gary Johnson, Green Carl Romanelli, and independent Ralph Nader.”
Bob Small, a Green Party member agreed, “Every election, there’s a common complaint of a lack of candidate choice. Current ballot access law has the effect of keeping alternative party and independent candidates off the ballot. This can be fixed by using the same requirements that have always been in place for the Democrats and Republicans. This would help get fresh faces on the November ballot.”
“The PPE Act would combine the three contrived political party categories presently defined by the election code into one ‘qualified political party’ category,” emphasized Troy Bowman, a Constitution Party member.
“Under current legislation,” explained Chris Robinson, a Green Party member from Philadelphia, “small political parties must successfully compete in state-wide elections every two years. Otherwise, they are drummed out of the political process. The Political Party Equality Act will allow smaller parties to focus their energy on local and county elections, as long as their total membership falls within the required margin. Let’s make all politics into local politics again.” T
he Pennsylvania Ballot Access Coalition is an association of representatives from Pennsylvania’s largest political “third parties” and independent campaigns, including the Libertarian Party, the Green Party, the Constitution Party, the America First Party, the Reform Party, the Prohibition Party, the Socialist Party, the Unified Independent Party, the New American Independent Party, and the Ralph Nader campaign, among several others. Information about the Pennsylvania Ballot Access Coalition can be found at
Initiative Would End Primaries And Make Fairer Elections
Initiative Would End Primaries And Make Fairer Elections
Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: We all want progress, but if you’re on the wrong road, progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road; in that case, the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive.
C. S. Lewis
Is the most progressive William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 10-30-21
Rick Saccone, who is seeking the Republican nomination for Pennsylvania lieutenant governor in the 2022 election, will be appearing , 6 p.m., Nov. 17 at Kelly’s Restaurant, 3303 Lincoln Highway in Thorndale in Chester County. Food will be available and there will be a $12 cover charge. Capacity is 75. Contact Larry Denver or Carol Kulp to reserve a spot.
Divinity of Jesus Christ William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 10-28-21
Fn wnena anynwc xo qjerwp njcnw cxx urccun.
Cqxvjb Snoonabxw
Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: Well then, I will tell you. Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne and I myself have founded great empires; but upon what did these creations of our genius depend? Upon force. Jesus alone founded His empire upon love, and to this very day millions will die for Him. . . . Time, the great destroyer, is powerless to extinguish this sacred flame; time can neither exhaust its strength nor put a limit to its range. This is it, which strikes me most; I have often thought of it. This it is which proves to me quite convincingly the Divinity of Jesus Christ.
Napoleon Bonaparte
Facebook, the tech giant famous for censoring posts that promote political views opposite to its perspective, recently admitted that its users are aiding and abetting illegal immigration.
Responding to a letter sent by Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich, Facebook acknowledged it allows online users to share information that advises how to immigrate illegally and, alternatively, how to hire human traffickers to smuggle aliens into the U.S., and then apply for asylum. Shocked by Facebook’s candid confession to helping aliens to criminally beat the system, Brnovich wrote a letter to U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland demanding that the Justice Department open a full investigation into Facebook to find a way to “stop its active encouragement and facilitation of illegal entry.”
Brnovich’s indignant letter continued: “Facebook’s policy of allowing posts promoting human smuggling and illegal entry into the U.S. to regularly reach its billions of users seriously undermines the rule of law. The company is a direct facilitator, and thus exacerbates, the catastrophe occurring at Arizona’s southern border.”
The odds that Garland will investigate Facebook are zero. Because Facebook has shown a blatant willingness to barefacedly break immigration laws, CEO Mark Zuckerberg, et al consider themselves above the law, and know that the feds won’t lift a finger to interfere with their agenda, no matter how brazen.
For example, in mid-October, DOJ caught the social media titan reserving jobs for and then hiring foreign-born H-1B visa workers. In December 2020, the Immigrant and Employee Rights Section (IER) in DOJ’s Civil Rights Division filed a complaint against Facebook with the Office of the Chief Administrative Hearing Officer. DOJ alleged that Facebook refused to recruit – and therefore could not hire – skilled U.S. tech workers. The investigation began in 2017 when then-President Donald Trump’s “Buy American and Hire American” Executive Order, mandating that American worker protections be prioritized, was in effect.
In its complaint, IER asserted that for positions it reserved for those temporary visa holders, no advertisement appeared on Facebook’s careers website, no online applications were accepted, and candidates had to physically submit snail mail applications – not email – to the company, an unusual procedure for a major corporation that rose to fame and fortune through the Internet.
But, in what the Center for Immigration Studies’ Andrew Arthur, a former Counsel on the House Judiciary Committee and a retired immigration judge, identified as “the crux” of the DOJ’s case, IER alleged that “even when U.S. workers do apply, Facebook will not consider them for the advertised positions,” but rather the company “fills these positions exclusively with temporary visa holders.” The DOJ concluded: “Simply put, Facebook reserves these positions for temporary visa holders.”
Facebook’s deliberate subversion of the H-1B’s original intent – to complement the domestic labor force when no other American employee can be found – denied qualified U.S. tech workers coveted white-collar jobs. Facebook deprived an estimated 2,600 U.S. workers a fair shot at professional jobs that, DOJ said in its filing, averaged an annual salary of $156,000.
Instead, Facebook hired workers who obtained H-1B and other overseas visas in 2018 and 2019. Despite Facebook’s egregious and illegal offense, it settled the DOJ lawsuit for a token, slap on the wrist $14 million. Kristen Clarke, the DOJ’s Civil Rights Division’s head, concluded: “Facebook is not above the law.”
Clarke’s claims aside, to Facebook, whose 2020 earnings were $21.2 billion and whose available cash, cash equivalents and marketable securities were $61.95 billion as of December 31, 2020, $14 million is pocket change, a sum likely dismissed by the company’s chief executives as the cost of doing business.
Although the DOJ exposed Facebook’s bag of dirty, anti-American worker tricks, the H-1B program will continue without meaningful reform, at least during the current administration. Zuckerberg, his lobbying arm, and other tech giants like Google, Twitter and Amazon are huge donors to the Democratic Party. In politics, nothing is truer than the old phrase, “Money talks.”
Joe Guzzardi is a Progressives for Immigration Reform analyst who has written about immigration for more than 30 years. Contact him at
Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: The power of the periodical press is second only to that of the people.
Alexis de Tocqueville
Power of the periodical press William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 10-27-21
The Braves, once Milwaukee’s pride and joy, who earlier called Boston home, and are now Atlanta’s National League champions, will take on the Houston Astros starting 8 tonight, Oct. 26, in the 2021 World Series.
The Braves have a rich history that’s largely lost in baseball’s sands of time. In his book “Boston Braves,” author Richard A. Johnson reminded readers that the Beaneaters pulled off one of baseball’s greatest upsets when, in 1914, they surprised Connie Mack’s heavily favored and powerful Philadelphia A’s in a four-game sweep. In all, the Braves’ New England version captured 10 National League pennants, and put 38 players in the Cooperstown Hall of Fame, among them Babe Ruth, Rogers Hornsby, Casey Stengel, Eddie Mathews and Warren Spahn.
A near-miss for Cooperstown induction is Milwaukee’s Selva Lewis Burdette, a 203-game winner who dominated for the Braves in his team’s thrilling 1957 World Series triumph over the mighty New York Yankees. Burdette was commonly known in baseball circles by his hometown nickname, “Nitro Lew,” his West Virginia birthplace. In the seven-game 1957 series, Burdette hurled three complete game victories, including, on two-days’ rest, the 5-0 finale. Between the eight-game span between October 3 and 10, Burdette pitched 27 innings and allowed only two runs. In his three games, Burdette held slugging Yankees’ future Hall of Famers Mickey Mantle and Yogi Berra to a harmless single between them and, for the series, posted a 0.67 ERA.
Burdette became the first pitcher to hurl three complete games, and two shutouts since 1905 when the New York Giants’ Christy Mathewson performed the remarkable feat. And Nitro Lew went about his Yankee domination quickly. The times of Burdette’s Game one, Game five and Game seven starts were, respectively, 2:26, 2:00 and 2:34, and included his 24 consecutive goose egg innings. Like the Yankees, the 1957 Braves players’ roster included four future Hall of Famers: Hank Aaron, Eddie Mathews, Red Schoendienst and Spahn; for the Bronx Bombers, Yogi Berra, Mickey Mantle, Enos Slaughter and Whitey Ford.
Society for American Baseball Research historian Alex Kupfer remembers Burdette as a fidgety moundsman whose constant hat and jersey adjustment, forehead-wiping, lip-touching and muttering to himself distracted batters who were convinced that the hurler was throwing a spit ball. Once asked to identify his best pitch, Burdette replied that it’s “the one I do not throw,” a subtle denial that he moistened the bulb. Originally drafted by the Yankees, Burdette had a golden opportunity to learn how to throw the spitball. During early days in the Yankees system, Burdette occasionally worked with roving pitching coach Burleigh Grimes, one of the game’s great spitballers. But, he was concerned that if he showed Burdette how to throw a spitter, the promising young right-hander would be thrown out of professional baseball.
Two years after his World Series Most Valuable Player performance, Burdette was a key protagonist in one of baseball’s most extraordinary games. On a rainy May 26, 1959, Milwaukee night, Burdette faced off against the Pittsburgh Pirates’ crafty Harvey Haddix. For 12 innings, Haddix retired 36 consecutive Braves, while Burdette also tossed scoreless, but not perfect ball. Then, in the 13th inning Braves slugger Joe Adcock drove in Felix Mantilla, the winning run.
Mantilla had reached first on Pirates’ third baseman Don Hoak’s error. The imperfect Burdette nevertheless turned in an excellent performance; he threw 13 scoreless innings, allowed 12 hits and walked none. After the game Burdette phoned Haddix to sympathetically tell him, “You deserved to win, but I scattered all my hits, and you bunched your one.” Not appreciative of either Burdette’s sense of humor or his timing, the still-smarting Haddix hung up.
Before his 18-year career ended in 1967, Burdette had short, occasionally effective stints with the St. Louis Cardinals, the Philadelphia Phillies, the Chicago Cubs and the California Angels. When his active career ended, Burdette scouted, rejoined the Braves as Atlanta’s pitching coach, worked in public relations for a Milwaukee brewery and broadcast on Florida cable television. Although Burdette appeared on the Hall of Fame ballot for 15 consecutive years beginning in 1973, he always came up short.
In 2007, Burdette, a lung cancer victim, died at age 80 in Winter Garden, Fla., where he had taken up residency during his post-baseball career. At Burdette’s funeral, his World Series teammate, shortstop Johnny Logan, didn’t shed light on the decades-long unsolved mystery about crafty righty’s spitball. Logan, however, admitted in his eulogy that he couldn’t tell if Burdette threw a wet one, but he knew that his teammate “was a hell of a competitor.”
Joe Guzzardi is a Society for American Baseball Research and Internet Baseball Writers Association member. Contact him at