Horrific Tragedy Of The Transgender Movement — This was found on Twitter. Everybody should be aware of the lies being jammed down our throats by our media and educational institutions.
Those who have transitioned should know that they are still valuable and that God sill loves them.
When I was in my early 20’s, I went to NYC to get castrated. Then was going to go to Mexico & then Thailand to get more surgery done; maybe even the “final snip”. Two weeks before castration I was on a beach on Coney Island with 2 post-operative transgender “women”. We were having a good time til it got serious, they looked at me and said, “Don’t Do It!” One said “All my life I thought IF I could just become a woman I’d be happy & I’d find peace & purpose. Now I’m legally & medically a woman but am more miserable now than ever before. I think of taking my life everyday. Please don’t do it to yourself! I just want to die & not exist!” The other looked at me & said, “I think of taking my life several times a day. Please don’t put yourself in my place. I hate myself for what I’ve done to my body. You don’t want to live like this, feel like this or be like this every single day of your life. Don’t do it!” I never went to my appointment for castration & I never furthered the process. Major turning point in my life. If not for them, I may have made some more bad choices and mutilated my body. The wrong-sex hormones for 20+ years was enough, but I also had some free-floating silicone injected into my face & body, but I never went further. The hormones wreaked havoc on my mind & body for many years; the battle with #depression, #anxiety & #PTSD was the least of it. This is not just #physical or #medical, it is #mentally #crippling and a #Spiritual attack as well! Suicide attempts & all! This Is What I Call My “Spiritual Intervention”… if not for those two post-op transgenders speaking the hard truth to me, then I would not have survived that cult. I Am Blessed To Be Free!