Guns Not Leading Cause Of Child Death — Establishment propagandists and power-mad politicians have been pushing the trope that guns are the leading cause of death among children.
David Harsanyi of The Federalist fact-checked it.
“According to the CDC, the number one killer of children between 1-14 are accidents — vehicular, suffocation, and drowning,” he writes. “Twice as many kids under 12 died in cars than from guns. Also, if these studies began at birth rather than starting at one, the leading killer of all children would be diseases and genetic abnormalities.”
Harsanyi further notes that the studies cited by America’s answer to TASS count 18 and 19-year-olds as “children.”
This further inflates an already inflated count.
“When you take 18- and 19-year-old adults out of the equation, the number of gun-related deaths among kids plummets considerably,” he says.
He also points out that if one starts counting at fetal viability late-term abortion is by far the leading cause of death among the young. He says that — more than 8,000 viable unborn are killed annually with and probably more than 50,000 after 15 weeks.
Hey soccer moms, ask yourselves why so many traditional media sources would so unashamedly distort the data.