Veteran’s Infant On Terror List While Border Wide Open

Veteran’s Infant On Terror List While Border Wide Open — America’s borders are wide open and we have no idea who is crossing them other than they are mostly young men.

Never fear though. The ones in charge of security have an eagle-eye on things.

They put an 8-week old infant and his mother on the Quiet Skies terror list, just last month.

Why? Because the baby’s father, AJ Fischer, an Air Force veteran, was a participant in the J-6 protests and is facing trial because that.

The woman is Fischer’s fiancee. She was no where near Washington that day.

Only a fool would sincerely believe that either she or the child pose any danger.

Their boarding passes, though carry the SSSS mark to make sure they get extra attention from the TSA and air marshals.

The first two S’s apparently stand for stupidity and sadism.

Those so labeled get enhanced screening which includes strip searches and swabbing ever zipper and hem. It can take hours to complete.

Veteran's Infant On Terror List While Border Wide Open
A. J. Fischer while serving in the Air Force

Which also means that security people have to spend hours dealing with people obviously not any kind of threat.

That’s where the stupidity comes in.

Very bad — and stupid — people are running things.

Those of you who have not been in the habit of speaking out must learn to do so.

It’s for the sake of your children.

Veteran's Infant On Terror List While Border Wide Open
The boarding passes with the terror markings

And you will be surprised at how many you find that agree with you.

Hey, did you see where communist Venezuela is preparing to invade its smaller neighbor Guyana to steal its oil?

And freighters and a U.S. warship were just attacked in the Red Sea, and not by moms with infants?

And the Ukrainians are about to lose a war that should have ended with a negotiated peace a year and a half ago?

Or that the  House Select Committee on the January 6 protests lost all the tapes of witness interview statements.

All. The. Tapes.

How many people still believe the garbage they spewed?

Let’s Go Brandon!!

Hat tips Gateway Pundit and Dawn Bancroft

Veteran’s Infant On Terror List While Border Wide Open

Lord’s day will come like a thief  William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 12-4-23

Lord’s day will come like a thief  William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 12-4-23

Zhhgv qhhg qr vrzlqj.
Mrkq Txljj

But the Lord’s day will come like a thief. On that day the heavens will pass away with a great rushing sound, the elements will be dissolved in fire, and the earth and all the works on it will be disclosed. Since everything is going to dissolve in this way, what sort of people should you be? You should live lives that are holy and godly. Peter Sing ye to the Lord a new canticle: sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing ye to the Lord and bless his name: shew forth his salvation from day to day. PsalmsAnswer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: But the Lord’s day will come like a thief. On that day the heavens will pass away with a great rushing sound, the elements will be dissolved in fire, and the earth and all the works on it will be disclosed. Since everything is going to dissolve in this way, what sort of people should you be? You should live lives that are holy and godly.
2 Peter 3:10

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