If I Were An Evil Government Official

If I Were An Evil Government Official — Highly viewed, influential and respected Tucker Carlson is doubling down on his claim that the US government is hiding wreckage of extraterrestrial space ships and the bodies of their pilots.

He cites testimony from “high level” whistleblowers as proof.

He accuses Congressman Mike Rogers (R-Ala3) and Congressman Mike Turner (R-Oh10) of preventing the Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Disclosure Act of 2023 passed in July from being implemented.

Just sayin, but if I was an evil government official, I’d drop strong hints that ET was real and that we had his tech.

Then, at an appropriate moment, I’d have some lizardly AI-created thing appear simultaneously on broadcast and the web, say Klaatu Barada Necktie or whatever, then declare that we all had to get chipped and eat bugs.

Oh, and that he had tasked certain people such as evil government officials as the overseers to make sure this happens.

Question for Tucker: Was the fate of these UFO whistleblowers the same as the FBI whistleblowers or are they landing on their feet?

Here is his X-cast from Nov. 28:

If I Were An Evil Government Official

Mark Houck Cited By CatholicVote

Mark Houck Cited By CatholicVote — Mark Houck, the civil rights activist who is challenging incumbent Pennsylvania Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick in the state’s 2024 Republican primary election, is among November’s “heroes” in CatholicVote.org’s monthly Heroes & Zeros feature.

The snippet reads:

Mark Houck, the Pennsylvania father and pro-life activist who was acquitted of violating the FACE Act in January, announced this month that he is suing the Biden administration’s Department of Justice. His goal? To “put an end” to the Biden administration’s “unjust persecutions” of pro-lifers.

“I think if the DOJ gets hit hard enough and there’s a big enough black eye against them, then they’re going to cease and desist from coming after pro-life people and people of faith,” he said.

Prior to his acquittal, Houck faced a possible sentence of up to 11 years in federal prison. A jury found him not guilty after only an hour of deliberation.

Fitzpatrick represents the 1st District which consists of Bucks County along with parts of Montgomery County and Philadelphia.

 The primary is April 23.

Mark Houck Cited By CatholicVote
Mark Houck and family

Mark Houck Cited By CatholicVote

Dean Phillips, Our First Jewish President?

Dean Phillips, Our First Jewish President?

By Bob Small

Congressman Dean Phillips (D-MN3) , is seeking to be America’s first Jewish president.

Joe Biden is only the second Catholic president. 

Phillips says he is primarying the incumbent because Democrat voters need an alternative.

“If President Biden is the Democratic nominee, we face an unacceptable risk of Trump being back in the White House,” he wrote on X.

His backstory is fascinating.  He started  as the president of Phillips Distillery, a family business. He was also the co-founder of Penny’s Coffee, a twin cities coffee chain, and was a co-manager of Talanti Gelato, a luxury producer of gelato and sorbet.

Phillips grew up in Minnesota in a Gold Star family; his father died during the Vietnam War. His mother remarried Edward Phillips.

His grandmother was Abigail Van Buren aka “Dear Abby”.

He is currently married to Annalise Glick, with two daughters from his first marriage.

He has a net worth of $65 million, according to Open Secrets.

According to his campaign website  he is the “the only member of Congress who refuses to take any money from PACs, federal lobbyists, or other members of Congress.”

“I live with gratitude for my blessings and was taught that success is not to be measured by how much one collects, rather by how much one shares,” he says.

Unlike many Democratic Candidates , he describes himself as “a responsible gun owner.”

Under Higher Education and Job Training he states “We must treat the underlying problem of college, affordability.”

He also supported the passage of the 2022 Relief for Restaurants and hard-hit small Businesses Act.

“This is the time to meet the moment. This is now and it’s time for a new generation. It’s that simple.”

He also said California Governor Gavin Newson is running a “shadow campaign”

He has been criticized for recruiting defund-the-police activists Alondra Cano into his campaign albeit he has been endorsed by the Minnesota Police and Peace officers Association, Minnesota’s largest Officer organization.

Now, at last, the Democrats have two major candidates.  They can start to think about a debate.

Guess the Vegas odds on that ever happening.

Dean Phillips, Our First Jewish President?

Ox suffers William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 11-30-23

Ox suffers William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 11-30-23

Eb pdana eo wjupdejc pdwp w iwj ywj zk sahh, E owu hap dei zk ep. Cera dei w ydwjya.
Wxnwdwi Hejykhj

 ox suffers, the cart complains. Victor Hugo Sing ye to the Lord a new canticle: sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing ye to the Lord and bless his name: shew forth his salvation from day to day. PsalmsAnswer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: The ox suffers, the cart complains.
Victor Hugo

Judge Orders Feds To Provide Index Of Seth Rich Laptop

Judge Orders Feds To Provide Index Of Seth Rich Laptop — Judge Amos L. Mazzant of the U.S. District Court of the Eastern District of Texas, yesterday, Nov. 28, ordered the FBI to produce a Vaughn index relating to Seth Rich’s laptop and other items sought in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request by Brian Huddleston of Texas.

A Vaughn Index is a document prepared by agencies that are opposing the disclosure of information under FOIA. The index must describe what has been withheld and provide a detailed justification the for non-disclosure. The term originates from the case of Vaughn v. Rosen.

Mazzant, an Obama appointee, ordered the FBI, Sept. 29, 2022, to produce the contents of Rich’s personal laptop. The Feds dithered, though, and asked for clarification.

So yesterday, the clarification came.

Rich was shot about 4:30 a.m., July 10,2016 in the gentrified Bloomingdale neighborhood of Washington D.C. He was taken alive to Medstar Hospital where he died.

Robbery was said to have been the motive but nothing had been stolen

The feds confiscated his laptop and other devices, though. They have refused to divulge their contents despite rampant conspiracy theories that have developed surrounding them, which they could have easily ended.

Rich, 27, was techie who worked for the Democrat National Committee. He is considered by some as the source of the emails from prominent Democrats such as Hillary Clinton and John Podesta published Wikileaks shortly before the national convention in which Mrs. Clinton was nominated for president.

The emails embarrassed Mrs. Clinton also spawned the “Pizzagate” scandal as Podesta used “pizza” in several emails in ways peculiar to the context of the messages.

Pizza is used as a code word by pedophiles.

Judge Orders Feds To Provide Index Of Seth Rich Laptop

Judge Orders Feds To Provide Index Of Seth Rich Laptop

People demand freedom of speech as a compensation William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 11-29-23

People demand freedom of speech as a compensation William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 11-29-23

Ocz js npaazmn, ocz xvmo xjhkgvdin.
Qdxojm Cpbj

People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use. Soren Kierkegaard Sing ye to the Lord a new canticle: sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing ye to the Lord and bless his name: shew forth his salvation from day to day. PsalmsAnswer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use.
Soren Kierkegaard

Check out the Dom Giordano Show on WPHT 1210 AM

Vanity is a sixth sense William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 11-28-23

Vanity is a sixth sense William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 11-28-23

Jyijfy xyguhx zlyyxig iz mjyywb um u wigjyhmuncih zil nby zlyyxig iz nbioabn qbcwb nbys myfxig omy.
Milyh Ecyleyauulx

Vanity is a sixth sense. John Quigg Sing ye to the Lord a new canticle: sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing ye to the Lord and bless his name: shew forth his salvation from day to day. PsalmsAnswer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: Vanity is a sixth sense.
John Quigg

Dimmock, Pa. Was Concern At Georgia Conference

Dimmock, Pa. Was Concern At Georgia Conference

By Bob Small

Reviewing some of the 50-plus materials gathered at the 2023 CHD (Children’s Health Defense) Conference in Savannah, GA. I decided to start with materials from Pennsylvania. 

As a formerly practicing Green, I was familiar with Dimmock Environmental Research Center.

Dimmock is in Susquehanna County and is infamous for fracking gone wrong. 

Dimmock Environmental quotes Section 127 of the Pa. Constitution which says “The People have a right to clean air, pure water.”.

The documentary Gaslands provides one introduction to the problems and can be watched free online.

Gasland (2010) | Watch Free Documentaries Online 

Cabot Oil and Gas, now Coterra, pleaded no contest to 15 criminal charges in June 2020 and agreed to pay millions for new water system in Dimock

“There were failures at every level,” then attorney General Josh Shapiro  said. “The local elected officials where someone would normally go, ignored them. The regulators whose job it is to set the boundaries for industry to operate in, failed.” 

Ray Kemble, a resident of Dimmock, said “The higher-ups of these companies, they should be going to jail.”

Environmental Attorney Rich Raiders, who is also a petroleum engineer, said “industry workers from Texas and Oklahoma came to Pennsylvania without any knowledge of the state’s unique geology and didn’t bother to find out. “

For a full recap of the 2010 settlement see  Dimock, Pennsylvania Residents to Share $4.1 Million, Receive Gas

However, former Gov. Wolf decided to again allow fracking in Dimmock last year. See Pennsylvania lifts ban on gas production in polluted village

One reason may be that  “Pennsylvania is the nation’s No. 2 gas-producing state after Texas, and Susquehanna County, where Dimock is located, produces more natural gas than any other county in the state. “

Not everyone agrees with this decision, as the Pennsylvania Green Party informed me, as they are part of the Better Path Coalition.   Better Path Coalition

However, the whole promise of clean energy may not be as economically feasible as promised.

Or it may be;  Go Green Without Going Broke: Affordable Tips for …

The internet has at least five articles on each opinion.  

https://www.gpofpa.org › an_essay_against_fossil_fuel_pipelines 

An essay against fossil fuel pipelines – Green Party of Pennsylvania

Dimmock, Pa. Was Concern At Georgia Conference

Rejoice in them all William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 11-27-23

Rejoice in them all William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 11-27-23

Otgbmr bl t lbqma lxglx.
Chag Jnbzz

Even those who live many years should rejoice in them all; yet let them remember that the days of darkness will be many. All that comes is vanity. Ecclesiastes Sing ye to the Lord a new canticle: sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing ye to the Lord and bless his name: shew forth his salvation from day to day. PsalmsAnswer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: Even those who live many years should rejoice in them all; yet let them remember that the days of darkness will be many. All that comes is vanity.
Ecclesiastes 11:8

Check out the Dom Giordano Show on WPHT 1210 AM

The 7 Calls Of Saint Andrew

The 7 Calls Of Saint Andrew — The first call that shaped Saint Andrew’s life was the very timing and place of his birth. The second call came through John the Baptist. Andrew must have been an alert young man longing for the coming of the Messiah when he first heard the preaching of John.

Andrew’s third call came from Jesus himself. The fourth call was to follow Jesus, to be his disciple in daily contact, walking and talking, listening and learning from the Master as from a rabbi.

The fifth call was his selection by Jesus as one of the 12 apostles, to give witness and to bring others to Christ.

His sixth call came through pious Greeks at the Passover in Jerusalem. They wanted to see Jesus, to be introduced to Him. The boy from Bethsaida began using his language skills and his understanding fo Greek and Roman culture to bring Gentiles to Jesus.

Saint Jerome and Saint Paulinus tell us that after Pentecost, Andrew became an apostle to Greece, its bordering lands, and, as tradition tell us, ultimately to Byzantium.

The final call in Andrew’s life was to martyrdom by crucifixion on an X shaped cross at Patras in Achaia.

Saint Andrew’s vocation, and ours as well, wasn’t given all at once. Seven calls from the Lord built one upon the othe. Andrew’s response to each gave new shape to his life and prepared him for the next gift of God.

This courageous young man by purity of heart and docile obedience to God’s will became in Saint Bede’s words, “The Introducer to Christ.”

The 7 Calls Of Saint Andrew

Courtesy of Holy Myrrh Bearers Church, 900 Fairview Road, Swarthmore, Pa. 19081. Services are 5 p.m. Saturdays and 10 a.m., Sundays.