Upbeat Delco Ticket Takes 2 Hours Of Questions In Havertown

Upbeat Delco Ticket Takes 2 Hours Of Questions In Havertown — Republican candidates had a two-hour conversation, tonight, Nov. 1, with Delaware County residents at the Nunan – Slook American Legion Post in Havertown, Pa.

They were upbeat and united. They happily noted how their opponents were dumping beaucoup dollars into advertising filled with over-the-top smears.

Jeff Jones

Jeff Jones, who is seeking a seat on County Council, said they were going to do to the incompetent incumbents what Buster Douglas did to Mike Tyson.

Granted, Tyson was never considered incompetent.

Jones grew up in Camden, N.J. but ended up in Delco after falling in love with a girl moving to Drexel Hill. He married her and that’s where he ended up raising his family.

He said those running for office either “seek power or seek principle” and all the county Republican candidates are in it for the principle.

“We are not doing this to be attorney general,” he said, giving a dig at incumbent District Attorney Jack Stollsteimer’s already begun campaign to be Pennsylvania’s next attorney general.

Jones talked about how Upper Darby schools are in decline and truancy has exploded. He said this happened when the district raised the start of the school day to 9:45 a.m.

Parents have to be at work hence not around to make sure their kids get to class, he pointed out.

He said former Democrat opponents are helping him in his council race.

Upbeat Delco Ticket Takes 2 Hours Of Questions In Havertown

Beth Stefanide-Miscichowski, who is running for district attorney, with county council candidates Joy Schwartz, Bill Dennon and Jeff Jones

Bill Dennon

Jones’ running mates for council are Upland mayor Bill Dennon and retired school teacher Joy Schwartz.

Dennon, whose full-time job is as a maintenance mechanic, grew up in the trades. He said his father, a truck driver, made him help him fix his cars as a boy before freeing him to play.

He said crime is out of control is his community which borders Chester due to the county Democrats’ woke policing policies.

Dennon said the D.A. is putting serious offenders on ankle bracelet monitoring due to closure of Delco’s juvenile facility. He said the youths are cutting the bracelets off without repercussions. The bracelets cost over $1,000 apiece.

Joy Schwartz

Mrs. Schwartz noted she is the daughter of immigrant parents who lived in tyrannies. Her father grew up in the Soviet Union and her mother in Franco’s Spain. She said her paternal grandmother spent nine years in a gulag and her maternal grandfather spent a year in a concentration camp on the Canary Islands as one of Franco’s political prisoners.

Mrs. Schwartz taught history in the William Penn School District for 20 years before retiring just before Covid. She took the school’s the mock trial team to state competitions.

The school district, which consists of the boroughs of AldanColwynDarbyEast LansdowneLansdowne and Yeadon, is not considered among the county’s elites.

The Democrats are attempting to frame Mrs. Schwartz as an “election denier” because she has been questioning the actions by Democrat-controlled council that do the opposite of creating confidence in voting.

Why just this morning we wrote about one of them.

Mrs. Schwartz said she prefers the term election verifier and has noted during her campaign that the council’s new spending will increase the tax bills of residents by 35 percent next year and the increases won’t stop if they keep power.

Beth Stefanide-Miscichowski

Beth Stefanide-Miscichowski, who is running for district attorney, said her long legal career has included being a Delco prosecutor where she convicted rapists and murders and ended up running the DA’s juvenile division; being a public defender; and having a well-established private practice specializing in elder law and estate planning.

She said crime is up 25-percent in Delaware County; murders are going unsolved, and that a murder in Upper Darby last week has caused the township to literally double its five-year annual average with two months remaining in the year.

She said Upper Darby has but eight police officers on the street at any given time when not so long ago the number was 20.

And Stollsteimer is refusing to prosecute petty theft cases, a point reinforced by Bill Dennon, who described his personal experience with an incorrigible local thief, and audience members who said Stollsteimer has directed police chiefs to not prosecute shoplifters.

She brought up the incident where the unstable Stollsteimer berated her at a public event for daring to contest the re-coronation to which he feels entitled.

She said the county legal bills were four times higher than under the Republicans due to its reliance on expensive outside law firms.

The only county-wide candidate missing was Dawn Getty Sutphin who had a prior commitment. She’s running for Common Pleas Court judge. She is far more qualified than her opponent.

Upbeat Delco Ticket Takes 2 Hours Of Questions In Havertown
With regard to lack of concern about election concerns, why was this election cart in the Nunan – Slook American Legion Post, Nov. 1, almost a week before the election?

Gary Heasley To Speak At United4Delco

Gary Heasley To Speak At United4Delco –Gary Heasley of ChescoUnited is speaker at tomorrow’s (Nov. 2) meeting of United4Delco at Gatsby’s Bar and Grill, 4936 Pennell Road, Aston, Pa. 19014.

Topics will include elections, school boards and the new Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (R-La4).

In attendance will be local and county candidates.

The event is free but attendees are asked to order a drink or one of Gatsby’s delicious meals.

This year’s election is Nov. 7 which is Tuesday.

Gary Heasley To Speak At United4Delco

Experience Is Question In Delco Judge Race

Experience Is Question In Delco Judge Race

By Bob Small

The women fighting for the Delaware County Common Pleas Court seat open this Nov. 7 are Democrat Rachel Ezzell Berry and Republican Dawn Getty Sutpin. 

Experience Is Question In Delco Judge Race

Rachel Berry is Delaware County’s register of wills having won the post in 2021. She graduated magna cum laude, Order of the Coif, from the University  of Michigan Law School, where she was the book review editor of the Michigan Law Review. she served as law clerk to Delaware County Common Pleas Court Judge Stephanie Klein of the Delco Court of Common Pleas. and also worked at Dechert LLP law firm 

She started at Delaware County Community College while working evenings as a waitress and coffee barista in Media.  She now lives in Middletown with her husband and children.

Experience Is Question In Delco Judge Race

Dawn Getty Sutphin received her J.D. from Widener University School of Law and her L.L.M. from Villanova University School of Law.  Her resume includes practicing at Ballard Spahr Andrews and Ingersoll, handling environmental compliance and litigation matters for PECO. She has served in the public defenders office representing indigent juveniles in the Court of Common Pleas.  Besides her practice, she is an adjunct professor at Lancaster Bible College.

She has worked for Bob Edgar’s campaign for the US House and, while at Penn State, interned with the Penn State Police Department, among other stops on her journey.

For a detailed look at her resume, see Dawn Getty Sutphin for Judge Court of Common Pleas 

For information about her practice visit Dawn Getty Sutphin, Attorney at Law – Prospect Park, PA – FindLaw 

“My judicial philosophy is common sense application of judicial restraint without personal or political preference,” she said.

The other judicial elections involve one judge running unopposed and five Judicial Retention Questions.

Experience Is Question In Delco Judge Race

Delco Concedes Election Code Change Is Ambiguous In Hearing Before Judge Bradley

Delco Concedes Election Code Change Is Ambiguous In Hearing Before Judge Bradley — Judge James P. Bradley heard arguments this morning, Nov. 1, for a preliminary injunction to prevent the enforcement of changes to the election code passed by Delaware County Council, Jan. 18.

The Pennsylvania Election Code requires all county election boards to have a minority party member.

The law passed by the Democrat-controlled council requires the minority party to submit a list of three and allows them reject it if not satisfied with the choices restarting the process.

Attorney Wally Zimolong representing Delaware County GOP and GOP Chairman Frank Agovino, said that the state code says the county legislative body “shall” fill vacancies from a list provided by the chairman of the minority party leaving no ambiguity that the choice is the minority chairman’s.

The attorney representing the county argued that the request should be rejected as Agovino would no longer have standing if the Republicans should take control, Nov. 7.

Zimolong notes that Agovino has standing now which is all that matters and that the legality of the ordinance means it would be required to be addressed even if Agovino should become leader of the majority party.

Bradley asked the defense what would stop council from rejecting the minority lists in perpetuity or until they got someone who would be a true minority watchdog

The defense conceded that the law was ambiguous and maybe didn’t prevent that but council would never do that, well, because.

Judge Bradley did not promise a fast decision.

Democrat politicians and candidates have taken to smearing those concerned about election integrity as “election deniers” but the reason why so many have developed election skepticism is because of stunts like this.

Why change the election code to weaken minority oversight? Really, help us out. Give us an answer as to how that instill trust in government.

Monday, we attended a hearing before Judge John Capuzzi involving a suit by Robert Mancini of Media against Delco.

Mancini says the county is in violation of the state code because it fails to perform hash validation before each election.

The county argued that while it may be best practice to do so the county is only obliged to do so when installing new software.

If the county is right regarding the law, we expect the judge to rule in its favor.

But why isn’t it using best practices?

Mancini filed several right to know requests last year that the county rejected but that Mancini won on appeals to the Pennsylvania Office of Open Records.

Did the county concede things to put the issue to rest?

No, it appealed the appeal to Common Pleas Court.

Among the things that Mancini wants are the correspondence with Fort Orange Press of Albany, N.Y., which prints the county’s mail-in ballots.

Why the secrets?

Why isn’t Delaware County, Pa. making its elections as transparent as possible and doing everything it can to assuage all fears of fraud?

Delco Concedes Election Code Change Is Ambiguous

Delco Concedes Election Code Change Is Ambiguous

Silly of all the humbugs William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 11-1-23

Silly of all the humbugs William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 11-1-23

Bpgbore rkgvathvfurq vgfrys va n ehfu bs ubjyvat jvaqf naq qevivat enva naq Abirzore neevirq, pbyq nf sebmra veba, jvgu uneq sebfgf rirel zbeavat naq vpl qensgf gung ovg ng rkcbfrq unaqf naq snprf.
W.X. Ebjyvat

Sing ye to the Lord a new canticle: sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing ye to the Lord and bless his name: shew forth his salvation from day to day. PsalmsAnswer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: Witchcraft is one of the most baseless, absurd, disgusting and silly of all the humbugs.
P. T. Barnum