Problem Is Worse Than Vote Fraud

Problem Is Worse Than Vote Fraud — I have friends who are taking issue with my claim that the results of the Nov. 7 should not be attributed to vote fraud.

I get it. Our elections are not trustworthy and neither are those in charge.

Especially damning, is that those running things do not care that we think this. They laugh at long-followed mores regarding good government. In Delaware County, Pa., they are fighting right-to-know requests that the state agency in charge of such things ordered be accepted. They are trying to end minority oversight on the election board.

Once upon a time these things would have caused bipartisan outrage. Now, most voters either are unaware they are happening or, far more frightening, indifferent to their consequences.

I think the former was the reason last week. Democrat turnout in my precinct was huge and Republican average. In-person voting was neck and neck, and assuming the 37 mail-in ballots went as expected it would mean the Ds probably won.

These Democrats, many of whom I know, are not bad people.

So, why would they vote so brazenly against their interests?

Why would they vote for people who say they are going to make your sons eunuchs and sterilize your daughters so you will never have grandkids, and you can’t stop us?

Why would they vote for dangerous streets and gigantic tax hikes?

My friends can’t believe they would, hence instinctively assume vote fraud.

That’s a mistake. It was messaging. These Democrats had been lied to or left uninformed about what was at stake, and they were lied to about the Republican positions.

Election integrity is a real issue but the priority better be messaging.

A strong and knowledgable people can force government change no matter how rigged an election.

A weak and ignorant people, however, will willingly and submissively vote for their sons to be eunuchs and daughters to be sterile.

They will willingly vote for their destruction.

I’d like to point out that 70-percent of the students at Sun Valley High School apparently believe the reality of biological sex should no longer be recognized.

Those who care about the future better do what they can to change minds and rile up the indifferent.

This means getting them to vote and explaining what’s at stake.

In other news popular, long-used, effective and inexpensive over-the-counter drugs like NyQuil and Benadryl are being removed from pharmacies.

Problem Is Worse Than Vote Fraud

Problem Is Worse Than Vote Fraud

Speaker Johnson’s Moment Of Truth

Speaker Johnson’s Moment Of Truth

By Joe Guzzardi

With a Nov. 17 deadline looming to pass a new budget, and with lingering GOP divisions over former Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s ousting, House Speaker Mike Johnson faces a tall challenge. But, in the short time that he’s has been Speaker, Johnson has built significant good will among his peers and generated excitement among the GOP voting base.

One thing Johnson can’t afford to do in the budget discussions is come away empty-handed. With the border wide-open, and terrorism suspects easily infiltrating the interior, the budget squabble is the ideal time to insist that the strong border enforcement HR-2 bill be included in any legislation that provides funding for the Ukraine-Russia conflict.

House Republicans have slowed their Ukraine enthusiasm, understandably so. Reports from the U.S. State Department Office of Inspector General and the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget showed that, to date, the U.S. has approved about $113 billion in aid to Ukraine. Biden vowed in his September speech to the UN that the U.S. will “continue to stand with Ukraine” indefinitely. Many House Republicans reasonably question where, with a $33 trillion deficit, the money will come from.

The open-borders’ negative effect on Americans is ongoing and continuous with a dramatic, adverse impact on schools, hospitals, communities and crime. Countless millions of illegal aliens, literally, have been processed at the border, with some flown during the middle of the night into major airports, compliments of an unlawful Biden program, the CBP-One app. Others have snuck in. These gotaways have alluded the otherwise occupied Customs and Border Patrol officers. CPB agents are processing, not arresting, removable aliens.

HR-2 would 1) prevent the Biden administration from continuing its policy of catch-and-release, thereby discouraging future illegal immigrant waves, 2) stop the surges of family units and unaccompanied alien children which would protect them from cartel and traffickers’ criminal exploitation, 3) enforce expiration dates on visas and ensure that nonimmigrants depart on a timely basis, actions that would deter overstays and 4) end parole abuse in which the administration has illegally rewarded aliens with work permission and other affirmative benefits. Crimes related to parole have all been committed in violation of the Immigration and Nationality Act.

Speaker Johnson's Moment Of Truth
Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La4)

Biden and his aide-de-camp, Department of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas, have been, since Inauguration Day 2021, negligent, incompetent and criminal in their disregard for national security, with tragic consequences inevitable. The spotlight now falls on Johnson whose impressive voting record promotes a pro-America agenda. Johnson has consistently voted for stronger border and interior security, tighter asylum laws and eliminating amnesty enticements.

Within the GOP conference, stopping Biden’s border invasion has near-unanimous support, great news for Johnson. Even immigration apologists want immediate action to end the invasion. Johnson’s moment of truth will arrive soon. If Johnson doesn’t make good on his agenda, to quote verbatim an Arizona CBP border officer when Biden ended Title 42, America is “screwed.”

Joe Guzzardi is an Institute for Sound Public Policy analyst who has written about immigration for more than 30 years. Contact him at

Speaker Johnson’s Moment Of Truth

Physicists have been led into realms William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 11-15-23

Physicists have been led into realms William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 11-15-23

Tf mpyza dpzo pz av zll aopz wshnbl vm thurpuk, dhy, ihupzolk myvt aol lhyao.
Nlvynl Dhzopunavu

By having simplified what is known, physicists have been led into realms which as yet are anything but simple. That at some time, they, too, will appear as simple consequences of a theory of which no one has yet dreamed is not a statement of fact. It is a statement of faith. Edward Teller Sing ye to the Lord a new canticle: sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing ye to the Lord and bless his name: shew forth his salvation from day to day. PsalmsAnswer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: By having simplified what is known, physicists have been led into realms which as yet are anything but simple. That at some time, they, too, will appear as simple consequences of a theory of which no one has yet dreamed is not a statement of fact.
It is a statement of faith.
Edward Teller

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