Michigan Trucker Anthony Hudson Seeks GOP Presidential Nomination

Michigan Trucker Anthony Hudson Seeks GOP Presidential Nomination

By Bob Small

Anthony Hudson owns a Michigan trucking company and wants to be the GOP nominee for president in 20204

On issues of social policy, Hudson supports everyone’s freedom, including the right to choose who to love. “If you find love, you find love,” Hudson says. “You deserve that. We all deserve that.” He also feels that transgender issues should be addressed at home, not in our schools.

He has a fiancee and two sons from a previous marriage.

On his campaign site, under the heading “Veterans and Homeless”, he states: “There are over 500 military bases in this country that are closed! We would like to reopen those bases and use the housing facilities for our homeless vets and other homeless Americans.”

Another innovative proposal appears under the heading “Immigration”. “Immigrants would take out a citizens’ bond and would be responsible for paying $150 a month to the federal government in exchange for working visas and the right to be here and get established, until they have completed the immigration process. “ Again, see the site for the full proposal.

He also propose innovative solutions for the following topics:

  • Parents and rights
  • Small business support
  • Securing our schools

So why haven’t we heard of this candidate?

How does a candidate enter the GOP debate? To make the stage, candidates must garner at least 6 percent in two approved national polls, or 6 percent in one poll from two separate early-voting states: Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina.

Participants also need to amass at least 80,000 unique donors, with at least 200 unique donors per state or territory, in at least 20 states.

Maybe we need some other format, like podcasts, radio, or TV, that will find a way to include some of these lesser-known candidates, so that a wider audience can hear them.

This Michigander, for instance, deserves to be heard in a wider context than the one he has now.

As for a candidate not having held prior political office, neither did Dwight Eisenhower, Ulysses S. Grant, Herbert Hoover, William Howard Taft, and one Donald Trump.

Michigan Trucker Seeks GOP Presidential Nomination

Michigan Trucker Anthony Hudson Seeks GOP Presidential Nomination

Policy Cutting Parents Out Of Sex Identity Conversations Passes In Penn Delco

Policy Cutting Parents Out Of Sex Identity Conversations Passes In Penn Delco –The Penn Delco School Board, last night, Nov. 20, passed policy that will let parents be cut from conversations regarding sexual confusion their child might be having.

The policy also gives boys access to girls’ private spaces.

A standing-room crowd of 50 saw the policy pass by consent in the district’s Service Center on Dutton Mill Road. This means they don’t have to say their ayes or nays before the crowd.

In public comments prior to passing, Lisa Esler of Aston, a former school director, asked that it be tabled.

Kathi Culp noted the issue was ripping apart the community and asked why the board was so eager to pass it. She noted that there is no student in the district to whom it would apply

“Why are we rushing it?” she asked.

Jaci Farra noted the policy violates numerous aspects of the state and federal constitutions including the U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment and the Equal Protection Clause. She also said the policy violates several laws which are written based on objective biological definitions of sex, rather than arbitrary feelings.

She noted what the board did renders Title IX meaningless.

Ms. Farra further noted that the board in their haste rejected a meeting with a lawyer versed in educational policy development despite the lawyer having guided the Pennridge School District‘s successful and community-accepted sex-based bathroom policy.

All the women received loud applause.

After it passed, Joe Dychala of Aston took the podium and ripped the board for what it did. He ended up in a heated shouting match with school board President Leon Armour who ordered him away from the mike well before Dychala’s allotted time. Dychala finished saying his piece, however, and then some.

Mrs. Esler returned and said the board should be ashamed of itself for the rather cowardly way it instituted the controversial policy. She noted that the district’s cost per pupil is $20,000 per year and asked that the board give parents wishing to find an alternative school $10,000, which resulted in condescending sneers from the board.

Ms. Farra returned and said the new policy gives the Superintendent a dangerous degree of authority.

“Giving the administration this much power gives the board members the chance to wash their hands (of unpopular decisions),” she noted.

Brian Devane (sp) noted that he graduated from Sun Valley not that long ago. He said that school boards’ histories of adopting fads has led to tragic ends, some of which he personally witnessed. Devane said that in his school days ADHD was the fashion. Many of his friends were diagnosed with it and prescribed Adderall.

He said that he has attended many funerals for these friends.

Joe DiPietro of Aston said that he joined the Marines after high school rather than attend college. He expressed concern — which is not unwarranted — for the dangers the females students will face under this new policy.

“If something happens to my daughter you are going to see this face again and it’s not going to be cool, calm and collected,” he said.

Phil Falcone (sp) said he might be the oldest person in the room

“If what you guys did, you did 40 or 50 years ago, there would have been people outside with straitjackets,” he said.

Not one person spoke in defense of the policy.

The board, all Republicans, ran uncontested two weeks ago as they won on the Democrat ticket in the primary. Cross-filing is allowed in school board races.

We suspect most Penn Delco residents were rather surprised they would vote for such a policy. Here, for instance, is a story concerning Armour we carried three years ago.

The meeting started with Superintendent George Steinhoff saying district kindergartners will now be bussed and that Democrat State Sen. John Kane (9th District) is completely on board with his dream of cutting funds for cyber charter schools.

Well, that would end one escape for parents fearing for their daughter’s safety.

Starting a charter school is very doable in Pennsylvania and, yes, the school district has to fund it but this actually works out well for taxpayers.

Policy Cutting Parents Out Of Sex Identity Conversations Passes In Penn Delco
A standing room only crowd at the Penn Delco Service Center on Dutton Mill Road. Their opposition was unanimous to the transgender policy that was passed.

Policy Cutting Parents Out Of Sex Identity Conversations Passes In Penn Delco

Plain words make the most ornamental sentences William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 11-21-23

Plain words make the most ornamental sentences William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 11-21-23

Fpvrapr vairfgvtngrf; eryvtvba vagrecergf. Fpvrapr tvirf zna xabjyrqtr juvpu vf cbjre; eryvtvba tvirf zna jvfqbz juvpu vf pbageby.
Znegva Yhgure Xvat, We.

Plain words make the most ornamental sentences. John Quigg Sing ye to the Lord a new canticle: sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing ye to the Lord and bless his name: shew forth his salvation from day to day. PsalmsAnswer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: Plain words make the most ornamental sentences.
John Quigg