Delco Prepares To Stop Use Of Covanta; Expect Trash Costs To Hike

Delco Prepares To Stop Use Of Covanta; Expect Trash Costs To Hike — Delaware County (Pa) Council, yesterday, May 15, approved two ordinances. One extends the existence of the Delaware County Sold Waste Authority to Jan. 1, 2074. The other incurs $35 million in debt for it.

The money will allow the authority to rip down its existing trash transfer stations and replace them with neato, shiny new ones.

More significantly it will allow it to expand its use of the Rolling Hills Landfill in Berks County with the goal of ending all use of the Covanta trash-to-steam plant in Chester.

Right now Covanta takes about 85 percent of Delco’s trash with the rest going to Rolling Hills.

Delco is not the only municipality that uses Covanta so it will not necessarily close when it stops getting Delco’s trash.

Covanta brings in about $8 million a year in revenue to Chester and provides electricity to power 48,000 homes.

Chester residents seem to want Covanta gone.

We sort of sympathize.

If we lived in Tinicum would we want Philadelphia International Airport gone?

If we lived in Marcus Hook, would we want the refineries gone?


On the other hand, if the closing of industry means wealthy Haverford Prep alumni get hip neighborhoods that produce nothing but hipness, and the not-so-wealthy are priced out of their homes, maybe not.

And if it means no air transport or gasoline, and the cost of garbage disposal doubles, definitely not.

The ones running Delaware County are not deep thinkers.

Delco Prepares To Stop Use Of Covanta; Expect Trash Costs To Hike

Black Mold And Shanks At Delco Prison, Council Told

Black Mold And Shanks At Delco Prison, Council Told –Delaware County (Pa) Council was told last night, May 15, that problems continue to plague the county’s George Hill Prison.

Kimberly Brown of Colwyn told Council in the first round of public comments that they should fix the existing program at Hill before applying for a $833,000 Department of Justice reentry grant. She said the way the the program is now set allows eligible inmates to barter prescription drugs with other inmates.

In the second round of comments, Ms. Brown blasted Councilman Kevin M. Madden who is the board’s prison liaison for “bias”. She also said correctional officers were being beaten by inmates and said the chief deputy warden is never around, among other things.

Ken from Chester, identified himself as a correctional officer at Hill, thanked Richard R. Womack, for visiting the prison to investigate the concerns being raised at council meetings.

Ken said, however, that once he left the officers were targeted for retaliation by the prison administration.

He said shanks (homemade knives) are found all over the facility. Ken says the cells are filled with black mold, and the cell doors don’t work.

He said there are 250 inmates for every officer, and the officers are overworked and demoralized.

He said the general public must be told of what’s going on.

In Council remarks, Womack said he hasn’t forgotten the officers and praised them for coming to the meetings. He said they are making a difference.

He said that he can’t speak on some things that he has observed because they are under investigation.

Black Mold And Shanks At Delco Prison
Black mold and shanks and demoralized staff

Black Mold And Shanks At Delco Prison

Delco Election Issue Denials Haunting Council

Delco Election Issue Denials Haunting Council — Delaware County (Pa) Council, was told last night, May 15, that a mountain of evidence regarding vote fraud from 2020 is now in the public record and council should prepare itself.

Giving the news was nationally known election-integrity activist Greg Stenstrom of Edgmont.

The evidence was submitted during the successful defense by Stenstrom and Leah Hoopes of Bethel against a defamation suit filed by former Delaware County, Pa. Voting Machine Warehouse supervisor James Savage in Philadelphia Common Pleas Court.

Why Philadelphia?

Pennsylvania law gives flexibility to plaintiffs in filing suits.

It’s great for waging lawfare.

Stenstrom’s and Ms. Hoopes’ co-defendants included Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani but everything happened in and the plaintiff was from Delaware County.

The lawfare backfired this time because of an honest judge.

The lawsuit was based on The Parallel Election which says Savage helped rig the 2020 election for Joe Biden.

Stenstrom and Ms. Hoopes relied entirely on a truth defense, Stenstrom told Council.

They decline an opportunity to be released from the case in January because it meant abandoning The Donald and Rudy.

The result was complete, unambiguous victory.

Stenstrom told Council to start expecting legal action.

Council, on May 18, 2022, read into the record a letter from District Attorney Jack Stollsteimer. Stollsteimer said that he dismissed an election complaint from Stenstrom and Ms. Hoopes because their evidence was just three doctored videos downloaded from the internet.

What was submitted, however, were 37 videos and several audio files obtained directly from a whistleblower.

Robert Mancini of Media also spoke regarding Delco’s election system. He said the county failed to perform a required hash test and falsified public records.

Kathy Buckley of Edgmont, who is the Republican nominee for the 168th District State House seat, asked Council why she still has not received an election report she sought from two years ago.

Good question, Kathy. Why all the secrets, Delco?

Delco Election Issue Denials Haunting Council

Diminution of civilization William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 5-16-24

Diminution of civilization William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 5-16-24

Mx mw mr syv pmziw erh rsx syv asvhw xlex syv vipmkmsr qywx fi vieh.
Xlsqew Nijjivwsr 

Diminution of civilization William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 5-16-19 Sing ye to the Lord a new canticle: sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing ye to the Lord and bless his name: shew forth his salvation from day to day. Psalms

Answer to yesterday‘s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: Every diminution of the liberty of the press is followed by a diminution of civilization. Wherever we see the freedom of the press interfered with, there we see the nutrition of the human family interrupted.
Victor Hugo

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