Elaine Fydrych, Honor Her Last Wish

Elaine Fydrych, Honor Her Last Wish
Elaine Fydrych, Honor Her Last Wish

Elaine Fydrych, of Runnemede, N. J., who died, Aug. 13, at the too-young-age of 63, asked that her death notice read “In lieu of flowers please do not vote for Hillary Clinton.”

Hence it did.

Except in The Philadelphia Inquirer which cut that part out. Death notices, of course, are paid advertisements so they are getting appropriate grief for it.

The Inky neglected to mention it in the obituary as well. Was it just not interesting? Well, it’s what people around the nation are talking about  concerning her passing.

Rather than throw stones, though, at the smarmy “smarter-than-thou” types who populate the old media, we merely ask that you honor this great woman’s last wish.

Elaine Fydrych, Honor Her Last Wish

Clinton Wealth Can’t Be Disputed

The below off the internet is courtesy of Judy McGrane.  Various “fact checkers” have taken issue with this pointing out that Mrs. Clinton will not receive her full Senate salary,  about $160,000, but  just 13.6 percent of it, and that if she should die her husband would only be entitled to half of that. Clinton Wealth Can't Be Disputed

Further, while they are entitled to $1,100 monthly rent payments — not $10,000 — for their Secret Service contingent, they have said that they are waiving the fee.

And it should be noted the $11 million mansion referred to was here is in Bedford Hills, which they never ended up buying.

They remain in their old $1.7 million  home  Chappaqua.

But despite the  inaccuracies we just can’t bring ourselves to feel the Clinton’s pain, lying hypocritical phonies that they are, especially since they sold the rest of us out to be able to afford that $11 million mansion.

Hillary Rodham Clinton, as a New York State Senator now comes under this fancy “congressional retirement staffing plan” which means that if she never gets re-elected, she STILL receives her Congressional salary until she dies.

If Bill out-lives her, he then inherits HER salary until he dies. He is already getting his Presidential salary ($20,000 a month) until he dies.  If Hillary out-lives Bill, she also gets HIS salary until she dies!  Guess who pays for that?  WE DO!

Clinton’s 20 Acre – $11 million mansion is common knowledge.  For her to establish NY residency, they purchased this mansion in upscale Chappaqua, New York.  Makes sense.  They are entitled to Secret Service protection for life.  Still makes sense.

Here is where it becomes interesting.  Their mortgage payments are around $10,000/month. But an extra residence had to be built by the government on the acreage to house the Secret Service Agents. Any improvement to the property is owned by the property owners… the Clinton’s. So… the Clinton’s charge the federal government $10,000 monthly rent for the use of the extra residence to house the Secret Service staff which is just about equal to their mortgage payment. He is the ONLY ex-president to use this loophole, thus earning the name ‘Slick Willie’.

This means that we, the taxpayers, pay the Clinton’s, salary, mortgage, transportation, safety and security as well as the salaries for their 12 man staff, and it is all perfectly legal.

When she runs for President, will you vote for her?

Clinton Wealth Can’t Be Disputed

Larry Flynt Chester Molester Hillary

Bill Clinton Larry Flynt Chester Molester Hillary Acclaimed pornographer Larry Flynt, the man who in his Hustler magazine gave the world Chester the Molester, has made a rousing endorsement for Hillary Clinton to be our next president. Why not? She's the perfect Hustler wife.
Shazam! Larry got a private plane too!!!

Hillary Clinton Larry Flynt Chester Molester Hillary Acclaimed pornographer Larry Flynt, the man who in his Hustler magazine gave the world Chester the Molester, has made a rousing endorsement for Hillary Clinton to be our next president. Why not? She's the perfect Hustler wife.Acclaimed pornographer Larry Flynt, the man who in his Hustler magazine gave the world Chester the Molester, has made a rousing endorsement for Hillary Clinton to be our next president. Why not? She’s the perfect strong, independent Hustler-kind-of-guy wife.

Larry Flynt Chester Molester Hillary


None Dare Call Clinton Cash What?

None Dare Call Clinton Cash What?
Treason doth never prosper: what ’s the reason?

None Dare Call Clinton Cash What? — Since 2001, Bill and Hillary Clinton have earned at least $136.5 million with the money spiking for Bill’s speaking fees after Hillary became Obama’s Secretary of State.

The money came from foreign governments and business interests. This includes $2.35 million from Uranium One of which the state-owned Russian atomic agency, Rosatom now owns in its entirety.

Uranium One’s mines account for 20 percent of the uranium mined in the U.S.

The sale of Uranium One to the Russians was something that raised concerns among many. It went, through, anyway, apparently at Mrs. Clinton’s behest.

Revelations such as this are detailed in the book Clinton Cash by Peter Schweizer scheduled to hit the shelves May 5 but is already being discussed by media outlets that have obtained advanced copies.

The Clintons character didn’t magically change when Bill left office. One wonders how much safer and how much freer the world would have been if he had never entered.

Treason doth never prosper: what ’s the reason?
Why, if it prosper, none dare call it treason.

Sir John Harrington


None Dare Call Clinton Cash What?

Baby Killing OK With Democrats

Baby Killing OK With Democrats
Debbie Wasserman Schultz (right) with former Congresswoman and abortion clinic director Allyson Schwartz at an Obama rally in 2012

Playing the “war on women” card, that worked so well in 2012 for the divisive win-at-all-cost power seekers that run the Democrat Party, GOP candidate Sen. Rand Paul was queried about abortion by the party minions that work in its AP  propaganda division.

Wrote AP’s Phillip Elliot: Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, a newly declared Republican presidential candidate, is dodging a central question about abortion: What exceptions, if any, should be made if the procedure were to be banned?

He was then asked again about abortion and gave this answer:

“Why don’t we ask the DNC: Is it OK to kill a 7-pound baby in the uterus? You go back and go ask (DNC head) Debbie Wasserman Schultz if she’s OK with killing a 7-pound baby that’s just not born yet. Ask her when life begins, and ask Debbie when she’s willing to protect life. When you get an answer from Debbie, come back to me.”

So Ms. Wasserman Schultz then responded saying “Here’s an answer. I support letting women and their doctors make this decision without government getting involved. Period. End of story.”

So Paul then, correctly, noted: “it sounds like her answer is yes, that she’s okay with killing a seven pound baby.”

There is an obligation to protect the weak and helpless and obviously life starts somewhere. Ms. Wasserman Schultz has revealed in a rather definitive way that monsters now run the Democrat Party.

Baby Killing OK With Democrats

James May Unemployment Channel

James May is unemployed. It has driven him to this.

Yes, he is recording himself playing flute music — British Grenadiers in this case —   and uploading the videos to YouTube. Curse you Barack Obama and all Democrats.

Hat tip Digg.com

James May Unemployment Channel
Don’t let this man be senator even if it does mean he eats that helpless dog.




James May Unemployment Channel

Delco Disenfranchised Dems Removed

Delco Disenfranchised Dems Removed
Bob Guzzardi, whose case was cited by Delaware County Common Pleas Court Judge James Proud in removing three Democrats from the Delaware County Council Primary ballot.

Jack Evans of Norwood, Richard Womack of Darby Township, and Christine Reuther of Wallingford were removed from the Delaware County Council (Pa) Democrat primary ballot for failing to file the proper report with the proper bureaucrat.

The three filed statements of financial disclosure with the Board of Elections but failed to provide a copy to the County Clerk.

Common Pleas Court Judge James Proud said because of that “no ballot for you”.

Proud cited the infamous Bob Guzzardi ruling handed down May 20 in which the state Supreme Court ruled that Guzzardi  could not appear on last spring’s Republican gubernatorial primary ballot because his paperwork was not perfect.

What the Democrats did was a technical mistake. As they are accused of neither acquiring enough signatures nor presenting false ones, it is obvious that enough people want them on the ballot for there to be an election.

As they filed statements of financial interest publicly, they obviously were not trying to avoid scrutiny.

The proper recourse would have been for Proud to tell Evans et al to file the documents correctly and in the case of Evans to sign it and get it notarized. The only deadline that should be immutable is the presentation of signatures. Technical stuff should always take a backseat to democracy.

Delaware County Daily Times editor Phil Heron, however, notes that only 250 write-in signatures are needed for them to get on the ballot. You don’t think there are 250 Democrats in this county willing to do that? You don’t think this is going to make the Democrats more motivated and not less, and  nominal Republicans more suspicious of those now holding power hence sympathetic to the Dems.

Don’t assume party loyalty is the force it once was. See Scott Wagner.

The people really are getting sick of sneakiness.

Bob Guzzardi did not have a prayer of beating Tom Corbett last spring. Because Corbett played dirty, though, he burned all his bridges with the anti-corruption activists supporting Guzzardi and went from having a tiny, smidgen of a chance to win the general to none.

Vote fraud is bad and must be punished severely. Technical errors are not vote fraud. It’s sickly ironic that the Pennsylvania Supreme Court which shot down a sensible photo voter ID law upholds these banana republic  games.

For the record, County Democratic Party Chairman David Landau has vowed to appeal to the higher courts.

The Democrats were represented by J. Manly Parks, of Duane & Morris

 Delco Disenfranchised Dems Removed


Obama Loves America

Obama Loves America as much as Bill Ayers
Obama loves America every bit as much as does Bill Ayers (above) and Rev. Jeremiah Wright. This image of Ayers standing on the Stars and Stripes was used to illustrate a flattering New York Times Magazine article about how he didn’t regret setting bombs in his Weatherman days..

Former New York Mayor and 9/11  hero Rudy Guiliani told a crowd of  business leaders, Feb. 18, at the 21 Club in New York City that he doesn’t believe Obama loves America.

Oh, did heads spin. The bile boiled over on leftist blogs as progs came out in defense of their god. Rudy, himself, got death threats.

The Mayor didn’t back down, though, repeating his claim on cable news shows.

Mayor, the best response would have been merely to concede that the President does love America — every bit as much as Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers. He willingly subjected himself to Wright’s sermons   for two decades, after all; and  Ayers, a man who once helped plan the bombing of the Pentagon, hired him to chair his Chicago Annenberg Challenge.

Here is the link to a flattering article concerning Ayers in which he expresses pride for his role in the bombings of  New York City Police Headquarters in 1970, of the Capitol building in 1971,  and the Pentagon in 1972. If you want to feel a bit of extreme cosmic irony note the date the article was published.

Below is Rev. Wright showing how much he loves America.

 Obama Loves America

Kitzhaber Reportedly Quitting

John Kitzhaber, the Democrat governor of Oregon, is reportedly preparing his resignation over a graft scandal involving billionaire Democrat donor Tom Steyer.  Kitzhaber Reportedly Quitting

The nonprofit environmental group, Clean Energy Development Center, which is financed by Steyer had shoveled $118,000 to Kitzhaber’s fiancee Cylvia Hayes to advocate for policies supported by the group. She never disclosed the money despite advising the governor.

One-percenter Steyer was a major donor to one-percenter Tom Wolf in his successful run to be Pennsylvania’s governor last year.

And here’s a question to ponder: Why do people who care so much about nature need $118,000 to lobby for it? Maybe it’s not nature that they care about but nice gig that pretending to gets them.

Bob Guzzardi informed  us at 7:21 p.m. that Kitzhaber’s resignation is  official.

 Kitzhaber Reportedly Quitting

Dems Pick Philadelphia

The Democratic National Committee has picked Philadelphia to be the site of its 2016 national convention to pick a presidential candidate. Dems Pick Philadelphia

It will be held the week of July 25.

Expect to see traffic snarled and homelessness to increase.

And a whole lot of  free advertising from  Comcast.

It will be held the week after the Republican Convention in Cleveland.

Dems Pick Philadelphia