Supremes Kill Guzzardi Campaign

Supremes Kill Guzzardi CampaignSupremes Kill Guzzardi Campaign


The insurgent primary challenged that terrified Pennsylvania’s feckless incumbent governor is over.

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has thrown Bob Guzzardi off the ballot for May 20, Guzzardi just announced .

The Pennsylvania Republican leadership challenged the 68-year-old retired businessman’s petitions scant minutes before the deadline forcing the self-funded campaign to hire a lawyer to show that those who signed had been eligible to do so and to defend a bizarre claim that the phrase “semi-retired businessman and lawyer” as his job description was somehow fraudulent as he was no longer practicing law.

Oh, and that he violated a technicality as to which paper-please bureaucracy he was supposed to file his stuff.

His lawyer, Gretchen Sterns, did a fantastic job at the hearing before Commonwealth Court Judge Mary Hannah Leavitt who found rather conclusively in Guzzardi’s favor on April 15.

But apparently the fix was in. An appeal was filed and the decision desired by the party powers came though.

Expect a Democrat to be in the Governor’s Mansion next January. Power-hungry fools whose arrogant stupidity leads to shooting fleas with cannons deserve to lose.

What did they have to fear from a retiree who was pointedly refusing campaign donations?

By the way, did you see where the same bunch is trying to take out man-of-the-people Republican State Rep. Daryl Metcalfe?







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